Thursday 12 May 2016

CLASS-VIII - The Best Christmas present in the world

 CLASS-VIII       The Best Christmas present in the world.



1.What did the author find in a junk shop?
Ans. The author found a very old 19th century roll-top desk in a junk shop.It was made of Oak.
2.What did he find in a secret drawer? Who do you think had put it in there?
Ans. The author found a small tin box in the secret drawer. There was a letter  in that box.
The address on the envelope revealed that it was for Mrs. Jim Macpherson of 12, Copper Breeches Bridport,Dorset.”So, Connie , the wife of Jim Macpherson must have put it there.


1.Who had written the letter,to whom and when?
Ans.Jim  Macpherson was a Captain of the British army.He wrote this letter while fighting the German forces. The letter was dated December 26,1914. It was addressed to his wife  Connie.
2.Why was the letter written-what was the wonderful thing that had happened?
Ans.The letter was written to describe a wonderful incident. It occurred on the Christmas day of 1914.The wonderful thing was that the armies fighting against each other celebrated Christmas together. Both the armies ate,drank and played a football match together. Ultimately when they parted, they did so with a heavy heart.
3.What jobs did Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson have  when they were not soldiers?
Ans.Hans Wolf played the cello in the orchestra when he was not a soldier. Jim Macpherson was  a teacher in Dorset when not a soldier.
4.Had Hanswolf ever been to Dorset? Why did he say he knew it?
Ans. No,Hans Wolf had never been to Dorset. He had been reading English books. Hardy was his favourite author. Hardy;s novel,’Far from the Madding Crowd’ was his favourite book. This book describes Dorset. So, Hans Wolf said he knew well about  Dorset.
5.Do you think Jim Macpherson came back from the war? How do you know this?
Ans.Macpherson never came back from the war. His wife Connie knew about his death. That was why she kept the letter in a tin box.She wrote on the top of the box  that it was Jim’s last letter.


1.Why did the author go to Bridport?
Ans.The author went to Bridport in search of Mrs. Jim Macpherson. He wanted to give her back her important letter.
2.How old was Mrs.Macpherson  now? Where was she?
Ans. Mrs.Macpherson was now 101 years old. She was in the conservatory of a nursing home.


1.Who did Connie Macpherson think her visitor was?
Ans. Connie Macpherson thought that the visitor was her husband Jim Macpherson.
2.Which sentence in the text  shows that the visitor did not try to hide  his identity?
Ans.The sentence which shows that the visitor did not try to hide his identity is, 'I explained about the desk, about how I had found it, but I don't think she was listening.'


1. For how long do you think Connie had kept Jim's letter? Give reasons for your answer.
Connie must have kept Jim's letter for a long time. This is because she told the narrator how she read it quite often every day so that she could feel that Jim was near her.

2. Why do you think the desk had been sold, and when?
The desk must have been sold when the house in which Connie Macpherson lived had caught fire. She was taken to a nursing home. All the burnt up things must have been sold after that.

3. Why do Jim and Hans think that games or sports are good ways of resolving conflicts? Do you agree?
Jim and Hans thought that games or sports are good ways of resolving conflicts because nobody dies in matches. No children are orphaned and no wives become widows.
Due to these reasons, games are good ways for resolving conflicts. Wars only lead to death and devastation.

4. Do you think the soldiers of the two armies are like each other, or different from each other? Find evidence form the story to support your answer.
The soldiers of the two armies were like each other. Below are some instances from the story to prove:
→ Both the armies celebrated Christmas
→ Both the armies shared their food and spent time together in smoking, laughing, talking, drinking and eating.
→ They played a football match and agreed that conflicts and disputes may be resolved by football match
→ They agreed about the negative aspects of war and longed peace.
→ They exchanged carols and hoped to unite with the families again.

5. Mention the various ways in which the British and the German soldiers become friends and find things in common at Christmas.
The British and the German troops celebrated Christmas with each other. They enjoyed each other's food. All of them were smoking, laughing, talking, drinking and eating. Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson shared the cake Connie had baked. They talked about Bathsheba, Gabriel Oak, Sergeant Troy and Dorset. They even talked about the books they liked. They agreed about everything. Both the troops played a game of football for which both Hans and Jim cheered, clapped hands and stamped feet. They also exchanged carols at night. In this way, they celebrated Christmas together, finding a lot in common between them.

6. What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it “the best Christmas present in the world?
When the narrator came to see Connie and gave her the box, she mistook him for her husband Jim. She thought that Jim had come home for Christmas. This was Connie's Christmas present. It was the best Christmas present in the world for her because Jim had written in the letter that he would come home on Christmas. She had read that letter several times everyday to feel that he was near her. Now that he was finally there with her, she was extremely happy.

7. Do you think the title of this story is suitable for it? Can you think of any other title(s)?
Yes, the title of the story is suitable for it. The spirit of Christmas is the theme that prevails throughout the story. The message of Christmas peace and good will to all is brought out so clearly through the story. It was on a Christmas day, in the middle of a raging war, that two warring troops made peace. The moment of peace that the soldiers shared with each other was the best Christmas present for them. Again, it was on a Christmas day that the narrator went to see Mrs Macpherson. He went to return her husband’s letters to her. The letter was precious to her, but even more precious was her delusion that the narrator was her husband Jim, who she believed had returned as promised on a Christmas day. This was the best Christmas present in the world for her.

Suitable titles could be “A Christmas wish comes true!”, “Someday at Christmas…””The Christmas Message”.


1.Imagine that you are Jim. You have returned to your town after the war. In your diary record how you feel about the changes you see and the events that occur in your town. You could begin like this ……………… .


25th December 1919

It’s Christmas today but the town looks gloomy. It’s so natural. This town has lost many of its great sons in the war. The hearts of the people who know them,are burdened with sorrow. They cannot feel cheerful. They know that it’s Christmas. They see the beautiful cold weather and the crisp frosty morning associated with it. They see the beauty but they can’t feel it.

The politicians have visited the town. They have praised the bravery of the dead. They have raised their statues.They have honoured their parents. Yet, how can they compensate the loss of a child, a husband or a brother? War is the most dreadful thing I know of. How I wish an end of all wars! The problems are bound to be there. Man should find some peaceful way to resolve these problems. Perhaps one world Government would be a good idea. But how to reach it?

2.Suppose you are the visitor. You are in a dilemma. You don’t know whether to disclose your identity and disappoint the old lady or let her believe that her dear Jim has come back.Write a letter to a friend highlighting your anxiety,fears and feelings.


23 Dorset
20 May 1920

My dear Tom

A recent happening has so much surprised me that I can’t help sharing it with you. You know I always wanted a roll-top desk. At last I got a second hand one from a junk shop.I decided to restore it and in the process I came upon a letter in one of the drawers.
It was a very old letter written in early nineteenth century. The writer was a captain Jim of the British army. It was kept in a box with the words:Jim’s last letter received January 25,1915. To be buried with me when the time comes.” The address on the envelope was “Mrs.Jim Macpherson,12 Copper Beaches,Bridport. I decided to search the lady to whom this letter belonged.

I found her in a conservatory. She was a little confused. She looked at me vacantly. But when I gave her the letter,her eyes lit up. She thought that I was Jim. She made me sit beside her and kissed me. She said that she had got that day the best Christmas present in the world. I tried to tell her who I was and how I had found her letter. But she was not listening.
Now  I was in a dilemma. Shall I force my identity on her and disappoint her? Or shall I let her dear jim had come back? I thought and thought. Then I decided to do the letter. I walked away from her quietly after sometime.


Paragraph writing - class VI,VII.VIII


Global warming is a serious threat to Earth, causing many harmful effect on the environment and the ozone layer (which protect Earth from harmful sun ray's).  The first reason for global warming is deforestation.  Many trees get cut.  They clean the air  This leads to global warming.  To reduce the effect of global warming people that cut trees should replant new trees instead to maintain balanceThe second reason for global warming is garbages. Too much packages around things we buy and too many plastic bags cause global warming.  We must reduce the things we buys, recycle the garbage we make and not use so much thingsThe last reason for global warming is fossil fuelsFossil fuels are burned for energies.  If we did not burn the fossil fuels we will not have the global warming.  Smoke from factories, industries and mainly nuclear plants cause global warming is not from one country but countries all over the world.  Smoke needs to stop and that means no more fossil fuels.  We need to make more fuel-efficient vehicles and find other ways to make power.  If we use everything the proper way, we can reduce global warming and the Earth will be saved.

2. A Visit to Zoo

Last Sunday, I went along with my friends to a zoo. It is located near Purana Quila in Delhi. It is one of the biggest in India. There were many beautiful birds, monkeys, lions, tigers, cheetahs and snakes in the zoo. Apart from big animals, there were different types of colourful birds in the zoo. The wild and dangerous animals like lions, tigers and cheetahs were kept in different cages. We even saw a white tiger and a gorilla in the zoo. Some of the animals were relaxing while some of them were eating their food. We enjoyed seeing the acrobatics of the monkeys. I gave some peanuts and bananas to them. Then, we went for an elephant ride. We enjoyed the ride a lot. It was fun.

3.Mobile Phones- a blessing in disguise

Think of those days when telephone didn’t exist at all! People all over the world were confined to their own small circle with no immediate knowledge of happenings in the outside world. Then came in the big revolutionary discovery of the telegraph which was our earliest mode of communication. But telegrams also took a long time to reach the person to whom it was sent.
The marvelous invention of telephone by Alexander Graham Bell helped in the transmission of voice and therefore made connectivity more interesting and faster. It was followed by the modernized version of bell’s machine, the mobile phones. But the general rule of science is that every new discovery has its positive aspect and some negative effects.
There are some positive effects of this new apparatus which would include faster connectivity which enables people to keep in touch with their near and dear ones very easily. It helps us to track people with the latest technologies that are provided in the mobile phones. People on road would be able to contact others in case of problems for which in the past times they had to run around to find a public telephone booth. Mobile phones have made long distance or international calls faster and easier. With the coming in of the more upgraded technologies and facilities provided in a mobile phone, a phone is no longer just a phone. It has now become a computer in a miniature form which can be carried around anywhere and everywhere. For the gadget freaks, a mobile phone has become a play thing. Another way of looking at the mobile phones is from the point of view of the teenagers for whom it is the best way to keep in touch with friends.
But when we consider the question that is this invention really a blessing, we can actually see that the very presence of a mobile phone in the market has done more disasters than blessings. Terrorists who misuse it have taken all the opportunities available through a mobile phone to spread terror and devastation. The innocent youngsters have started chatting with people they do not even know and just perhaps because their voice sounds nice. Various kinds of immoral messages are delivered through the phone to vitiate the young minds. Using mobile phones while driving or crossing the road have caused a lot of accidents in recent years. And last but not the least it has been proven that talking on mobile phones for long hours have caused biological damage to the ears.
Mobile phones are thus a double-edged sword that can be used to enhance the quality of our life, but at the same time may also be abused by mischief makers. Again, it is up to us as to how we take advantage of this great invention and use it to our advantage.

4.Wonders of Science 
In the past, there were only eight wonders in the world. But today there are hundreds of wonders. Every invention of science has changed this world into a land of wonders. These wonders are not only beautiful but also useful.How wonderful our aeroplane is! We were not born with wings. But we always wished to fly like birds. Science has given us what God has not. Today we can fly to any corner of the world. Rivers and mountains cannot stand in the way. How cheap and how easy it is to travel now! Today we can travel even to the moon. Our jets and rockets will carry us there. What a change from bullock cart to aeroplane!Our radio is even more wonderful. What a useful servant it is! It brings music and news from far and wide. You hear great men and enjoy music in your own room. This wide world now lies in your small pocket. How small your transistor is, but how wonderful its service is! Now you can hold the whole world between your fingers. But our television is more wonderful still. You not only hear but also see the whole world with your own eyes. You see people talk or sing or dance. Thus science has conquered both time and space.

Electricity is not less wonderful. Electricity lights our homes and streets. It gives us fire, too. It moves our trains and trams. It runs our mills and factories. You switch on a button and get everything. What a wonder! Even a magician cannot do what electricity does.So, today we cannot live without science. Science gives us a new life. How easy now is the work of doctors and surgeons! A surgeon does what even a magician cannot. How wonderful is the work of X’-ray! Is this ray less wonderful than the rays of the sun?But Science has produced some fearful things, too. Atom bombs and hydrogen bombs are great wonders, no doubt, but they are also great dangers for man.There is, however, nothing wrong with Science itself. Science has given us atomic energy. It is a very powerful weapon. In fact, this is the greatest wonder of science.But it is for us to use it well. Atomic energy if rightly used can create new heaven upon this earth and it will be more wonderful than the old heaven upon this earth and it will be more wonderful than the old heaven created by God Himself. But if we misuse this energy, the earth will become much worse than hell itself. It is for us to make a hell or heaven of this earth.