Thursday 12 May 2016


                                                KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA,CECRI CAMPUS,KARAIKUDI

                                      CLASS:VI        SUBJECT : ENGLISH        WORKSHEETS – FIRST TERM


                                                                    SECTION –A (READING)

1.       Read the passage given properly and answer the questions that follow: (7 marks)

The old man and the king

An old man once busy ploughing his field, when the king of the country, who was an idler,happened to ride that way.Attracted by the bent figure of the old man, he stopped and called out to him. The old man quickly ran to the king and bowing before him, begged to know what his Majesty demanded to him. Curious to know his age, the king asked him if he had known his father, the late king.”Yes”, said he, “I knew him and his father – your Majesty’s grandfather and … .”Then you are over seventy five years of age”, interrupted the king. “May be” quickly replied the old man, “but my Lord will permit me to say that I am but seven years now.” “Ah! Ah! What is it you say? Seven years,only seven years!” cried the king in surprise. “So it is my lord, replied the old man, “counting only the number of the years I have lived for the good  of others. Of what benefit is to other to live a life of idleness and ease?”

The king was deeply touched by the wise words of the old man and thanking him,rode off. From that day onwards the king was a different man altogether.

1.       What was the old man doing in his field?

2.       Why did the king stop?

3.       How did the old man show respect to his king?

4.       How did theking make out that the old man was more than seventy five years of age?

5.       Why did the old man feel that he was just seventy years of age?

6.       Pick out words from the passage which  mean  the same as:

i)                    A lazy person         -                     …………………. .

ii)                   Interested,wanting to know         -          …………………… .

2.       Read the given poem and answer  the questions below it :(8 marks)

           The Beautiful Rainbow

How beautiful you look in the sky!

You have seven letters and seven colours

You come after the rain, and

You go within a few seconds

I like to see this beautiful day

In which you have your  seven  rays,

You spread your rays and make the sky

Look beautiful everywhere

How beautiful  you look in the sky

When you come here with your

Beautiful  ray.

I like to give you

Another ray.

Based on the poem complete the summary using one word in each blank:

The rainbow with its seven(a) ……………………… is (b)…………….. . It is a seven (c)……………….. word. It is seen after the(d) …………………….. and goes within(e) ………………. . The poet likes to see this beautiful (f)…………… on which the(g) …………………… spreads its seven rays across the(h) …………………… . The poet wishes to give the rainbow another ray.

3. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:(5)
Someone is knocking on Amanda’s door. Amanda is home, but she does not answer. It is the man who owns the house where she lives. His name is Mr. Campbell. Amanda calls him the Rent Man. He has come by to get the rent money Amanda owes. Amanda does not have the money to pay him. Amanda lost her job at the auto factory three and a half weeks ago. “I worked there for 15 years,” Amanda thinks to herself. She is bitter. “But it took them just one day to take my job away.” Amanda has no idea when she will find another job. Lots of other people from her factory lost their jobs three weeks ago, too. She looks for work every day. She looks for work at a restaurant. “You have never worked at a restaurant,” the owner tells her. “This job is not for you.” She looks for work at the bookstore. “We don’t have any jobs right now,” the clerk tells Amanda. She looks for work at the grocery store. “I will call you to let you know,” the manager says. Amanda is worried. She is running out of money quickly. There is another loud knock at the door. Amanda sits quietly in her kitchen. She hopes the Rent Man will go away soon.
1)) Who is knocking at Amanda's door?
2) Why doesn't Amanda answer the door?
3) When did Amanda lose her job?
4) What seems to be the reason Amanda lost her job at the factory?
5) Where does Amanda look for a new job?

                                                            SECTION-B (WRITING)
3.Paragraph writing:
(a) Myself           (b)My school          (c)My best friend        (d) My aim in life 
4. Letter Writing:
(a) Write a letter to your class teacher requesting him/her to grant you two days leave as you are ill.
(b) Write a letter to the Principal  requesting him/her to grant you leave for one week as you have to attend your sister’s marriage.
5. You are Anju/Amit of class VI,studying in Little Flower school, Chennai. You have lost  your  library book in the school campus. Write a notice for the school  notice board giving  the necessary  information in not more than 50 words. Put the notice in a box.
6.You are Sonam/Vishal of class VI, studying in Dolphin School, Madurai. You have found  a wrist watch in the school playground. Write a notice for the school notice-board giving the necessary details in not more than 50 words. Put the notice in a box.
                                                     SECTION –C (GRAMMAR)
7. The following passage has not been edited. There is one mistake in each line. It has been underlined. Write the correction against the correct blank number.
(A)                                                                                         Error                      Correction
  Ashoka was the more dynamic                                   eg. more   ……………     most
  leader that history has ever see.                                  (a)
  His subjects was happy people                                      (b)
  With all their needs fulfill.                                              (c)
  The greatest moment on Ashoka’s                               (d)
  life was when he realise                                                  (e)
  the essence on Buddhism,                                              (f)
  the religion founded  for  Gauthama Buddha,             (g)
  which renounced every worldly                                     (h)
  possession of his land and embraced
  the purest but holiest life.

In every country of the world, one find                      eg. find …………. Finds
that there are old sayings who  give good                  (a)
advice. These sayings are said proverbs.                     (b)
Much proverbs are so old that                                       (c)
no one knew  when they were first used.                    (d)
Some proverbs suggest the better way                       (e)
of do something. Others tell us how                            (f)
to get away with people. And some tell                       (g)
people how we should behave.                                     (h)


Once there was a dog. He wander from                 a) wander ………… wandered
door to door.  One day he stole the piece               b)
of meat of a butcher’s shop. He ran away with it.  c)
He ran out of the town. Here was a stream            d)
close by. It was good place for her to enjoy            e)
the piece of meat. When he is passing over the       f)
plank, he saw his reflection on the water.               g)
He thought it was another dog to a larger piece      h)
of meat. He wanted to got that piece also.              i)
He bark at the dog in the water. When he               j)
opened his mouth,the  piece of meat fall                 k)
into the water. He was so sad. He repented             l)
over his folly. But it was too late.  

8.Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences:
(i) The falcon /worshipped/ the Egyptians
(ii) Hawks,eagles/of/belongs/the falcon/family/to/the/and vultures
(iii) in open/are/falcons/superb/ country/fliers
(iv) dusk/ between/it/and/dawn/hunts
(v) is/the/of/greenest states/Arunachal Pradesh/one
(vi) it/forests/with/covered/ a large part/of/is
(vii) 80 percent/is/of the/engaged/nearly/population/in agriculture
(viii) of wheat/a large quantity/by the trader/was purchased
ix) hundred years / a few/only/live to be /persons
x) jam/was/there /lot/a/the/in/of/jar

9.Do as directed:
(i) Add ‘un’ or ‘im’ or ‘ir’ or ‘less’to the words in the box either as a suffix or prefix and fill in the blanks in the sentences given below:
a.Don’t be ………………………, your turn will come.
b.His argument was …………………. .
c. The news seems to be ……………………. .
d. He is …………………. in coming  to school.
(ii) Complete the following using a proper degree of the adjective given in the brackets against each sentence:
a.Sunil is …………………. than Satish. (clever)
b.Himalayas are the …………………. mountains  in the world. (large)
(iii) Fill in the blanks with  a/an/the:
Joel bought …… mirror and ………umbrella  from the fair.

10.Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
A. “Oh! Well.then  I’ll say goodbye to you lion. I want a master who is stronger than anyone on earth.”
(i) Who is speaking to the lion?
(ii) Why does the speaker decide to say goodbye to the lion?
(iii) Did the speaker find a master he wished? Who was it?

B.Patrick got his A’s; his classmates were amazed;his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents? They wondered what had happened to Patrick. He was now the model kid.
(i) The teachers were happy and full of praise because …………….. .
(ii) Patrick became a model kid because of ………… .
(iii) The word which means the opposite of ‘flawed’ is ………… .

C.This made Taro sadder than ever,for the heart-war ming drink called Sake was very expensive. ‘How do I earn more money?’ he asked himself. ‘How do I get a little Sake for my poor old father?’ He decided to work  harder than before.
(i) Taro was a ……………………… .
(ii) Taro decided to work harder. This shows that he…………………………. .
(iii) The antonym of the word ‘cheap’ is ………………………. .

D. “The path from dreams to success does exist.”
(i) Who said these words to whom?
(ii) She became an inspiration to ……………………… .
(iii) Name the lesson.

E.”This is a very important part of our system. To make our children appreciate and understand misfortune,we make them share in misfortune too. Each term every child has one blind day,one lame day,one deaf day, one injured day and one dumb day.
(i) The speaker in this passage is ……………….. .
(ii) The important part of this system is that children ………………….. .
(iii) The word ‘appreciate’ means ………………………….. .
A.It’s loving and family
And doing for others.
It’s brothers and sisters
And fathers and mothers
It’s unselfish acts
And kindly sharing
And showing your loved ones
You’re always caring.

(i)                 ‘It’ in the extract refers to ………………….. .
(ii)               A family is made of the people who ……………. .
(iii)             The word ‘caring’ in the stanza means …………………. . .

B.I quarreled with my brother
    I don’t know what about,
   One thing led to another
   And somehow we fell out.
(i)                 Name the poet.
(ii)               It seems that the brothers quarreled on ………………. .
(iii)             The phrase ‘fell out’ means that the brothers…………… .

C. Beauty is in  yourself.
     Good deeds,happy thoughts
     That repeat themselves
     In your dreams
     And even in your rest.
(i)                 Name the poem and the poet.
(ii)               How do you find beauty  in yourself?
(iii)             When do goods and happy thoughts repeat themselves?

D. “Did they ever lose their hymn books
       Did they ever leave their greens?
      Did they scribble on their desks.”
(i)                 Name the poem and the poet.
(ii)               The speaker is talking of the things for which the children are often ………… .
(iii)             The extract shows that the students have a habit of writing on ……………….. .

E.How bright on the blue
    Is a kite when it’s new!
    But a raggeder thing
    You never will see
    When it flaps on a string
     In the top of a tree.
(i)                 The ‘blue’ in the extract means ……………………… .
(ii)               A kite becomes a rag when …………………………… .
(iii)             The word ‘flutters’means the same as ……………………. .

11.Answer the following questions :
(i) Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian- American?
(ii) ‘The watch was nothing special and yet had great powers’?In what sense did it have ‘great powers’?
(iii)What was the purpose of the special days in Miss Beam’s school?
(iv)             Why did the waterfall give Taro Sake’ and others water?
(v)               Who did the dog finally choose as his master and why?
(vi)             What are the advantages of sleep?
(vii)           Why did the shepherd always carry the iron chest with him?
(viii)         How did the second bird learn good behavior?
(ix)             What did Patrick think his cat was playing with?What was it really?
(x)               What abilities must an astronaut have,according to the journalist?
(xi)             How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking the Sake’?
(xii)           When and why did Kalpana  Chawla go to the  U.S.?
(xiii)         What did the monkey and the crocodile generally talk about?
(xiv)         Why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court?
(xv)           How did the rishi explain the different  ways in which the birds behaved?

1. Describe Kalpana Chawla’s  first mission in space.
2.Miss Beam’s school was different from the other schools. What did the writer notice about the school?
3. The story ‘Taro’s Reward’ shows that Taro is thoughtful,hardworking and also wise and he was  duly  rewarded for his good qualities. Explain.
4.Write a paragraph about beauty using your own ideas along with the ideas in the poem.


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