Saturday 27 February 2016



A man is judged by the manners he has.Good manners are not born with the man. They are learnt and acquired from one's surroundings. Good manners develop in a man's mind when he is determined to learn something good. Well-behaved children are appreciated and loved by all. They become quotable in the society.The use of words like'welcome', 'thank you','sorry,sir' etc., makes them more acceptable and lovable in the society.A good mannered boy never cheats or makes fun of other people. He always speaks in a soft and low voice and is neat and tidy in his habits and behaviour.Though there are different standards of good conduct in different countries yet a common code of good manners is universally recognized.Courtesy,sympathy and modesty are the essence of good behaviour.This code  of conduct should form an integral part of the learning process at school. The students of today should understand that if they are wanting in manners,they stand nowhere.

What lies within the scope of good manners We should respect our teachers,parents and elders. We should be courteous to our youngsters and sympathetic towards children. We should speak clearly and distinctly to our friends.The civic sense also lies with the scope of good manners.Our rights come to an end wherefrom the rights of others start.We should know what one owes to this society as a whole.What habits and what outlook of life we may have be of great value to us in the later part of our life.

2.My Best friend

An ideal friend possesses all the qualities of head and heart. It is easy to befriend others,but difficult to choose good friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed. It is rightly said."God gives us relatives;thank God, we can choose our friends". Ajay is my best friend. He is a boy of 12, with a thin body.But he has scholarly looks.He has a religious bent of mind.He has a grace which makes an impression on others.His presence in a company always makes it lively. Straight forward and outspoken as he is,he never feels shy in the company of his seniors.He is always  respectful to his elders and affectionate and kind to the youngsters.There is nothing in his appearance which may give even the slightest feeling of his indifference and carelessness. He has a disciplined way of leading his life. I am proud of my friend.

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