Monday 18 November 2019

CLASS X (2019-20) - SAMPLE PAPER-5

English X Sample Paper 5 Solved                                                                                                                                  

CLASS X (2019-20)



Time Allowed : 3 Hours                                                                                                                                       Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions :

(i)       This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All questions are compulsory.

(ii)     Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.

(iii)    Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions


1.       Read the passage given below and answer the questions

that follow:                                                               (8 Marks)

1.       Maybe you’re bored of bananas, apples and grapes and need a fresh produce pick? A nutrient-rich serving of kiwi fruit may be just what you need. A serving of kiwi fruit (2 kiwis) has twice the vitamin C of an orange, as much potassium as a banana and the fiber of a bowl of whole grain cereal—all for less than 100 calories!

2.       The fuzzy fruit is sky-high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are essential for promoting heart health, regulating digestion, and lowering cholesterol levels—that’s a winning trifecta. Kiwi fruit has also been considered a “nutritional all-star,” as Rutgers University researchers found that kiwi fruit has the best nutrient density of 21 commonly consumed fruits.

3.       Along with vitamin C, kiwi fruits are rich in many bioactive compounds that have antioxidant capacity to help to protect against free radicals, harmful by-products produced in the body. If you want clean energy, think of kiwi fruit because they’re rich in magnesium, a nutrient essential to convert food into energy.

4.       A kiwi fruit also doubles as a peeper-keeper by supplying your eyes with protective lutein, a carotenoid that’s concentrated in eye tissues and helps protect against harmful free radicals. Kiwi fruit is also packed with blood pressure-lowering potassium. In fact, a 100-gram serving of kiwi fruit—that’s about one large kiwi—provides 15% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of potassium.

5.       Kiwi fruit has been growing in New Zealand for over 100 years. Once the fruit gained in popularity, other countries started to grow them including Italy, France, Chile, Japan, South Korea and Spain. At first, kiwis were referred to as ‘Yang Tao’ or ‘Chinese Gooseberry,’ but the name was ultimately changed to kiwi fruit so that everyone would know where the fruit came from.

6.       A ripe kiwi fruit will be plump and smooth-skinned, and free of wrinkles, bruise, and punctures. If you find that your kiwi is a little too firm after buying it, simply let it ripen at room temperature for three to five days. The firmer the fruit, the more tart it will taste. To speed up the

ripening process, you can also place kiwis in a paper bag with an apple or banana. If you want to store the fruit longer, you should keep in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions.(1 × 8 = 8)

(a)     What does a serving of kiwi offer?

(i)  vitamin C                                (ii) vitamin E

(iii) vitamin A                               (iv) vitamin K

(b)     Kiwi has been considered as a “nutritional all-star” because it:

(i)       has the best antioxidant capacity

(ii)     has the best nutrient density

(iii)    provides 25% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of potassium

(iv)   is packed with blood pressure-lowering potassium.

(c)     Kiwi fruit is helpful for the eyes as:

(i)       it is packed with potassium

(ii)     it has best antioxidant capacity

(iii)    it supplies eyes with protective lutein (iv) it is rich in magnesium

(d)     To make a kiwi fruit ripen:

(i)       place it in a gunny bag

(ii)     place it in a paper bag

(iii)    place it in a paper bag with an apple or banana

(iv)   none of these

(e)     A kiwi has as much potassium as:

(i)  a banana does                       (ii) two bananas do

(iii) half a banana does              (iv) none of these

(f)      A ripe kiwi fruit has:

(i)  wrinkles                                   (ii) bruise

(iii) punctures                               (iv) smooth skin

(g)     At first, kiwis were referred to as ‘Yang Tao’ or ‘


(h)     Kiwi fruit is also packed with blood pressure-

lowering calcium.                                        (True/False)

Ans :

(a)     (i) vitamin C

(b)     (ii) has the best nutrient density

(c)     (iii) it supplies eyes with protective lutein

(d)     (iii) place it in a paper bag with an apple or banana

(e)     (iii) half a banana does

(f)      (iv) smooth skin

(g)     Chinese Gooseberry

(h)     True

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English X Sample Paper 5 Solved

2.       Read the passage given below and answer the questions

that follow:                                                             (12 Marks)

1.       Do children really need such long summer breaks, was a question posed by some experts recently. Apparently, such a long break disrupts their development and comes in the way of their learning process. Let’s get the takes back to their books, is perhaps the expert view, if not in so many words. One would have thought the children are doing too much during their vacations and not too little, given the plethora of course, classes, camps and workshop involving swimming, art, personality development, music, computers and the like that seem to cram their calendar. Even the trips taken in the name of holidays seem laden with exotic destinations and customised experience packed into a short period of time. We can do Europe in 10 days and Australia in a week and come back armed with digital memories and overflowing suitcase. Holidays are in some ways, no longer a break but an intensified search for experience not normally encountered in everyday life.

2.       It is a far cry from summer holidays on experienced growing up. For holidays every year meant one thing and one thing alone—you went back to your native place, logging in with emotional headquarters of your extended family and spent two months with a gaggle of uncles, aunts and first and second cousins. The happiest memories of the childhood of a whole generation seem to be centered around this annual ritual of homecoming and of affirmation. We tendered tacit apologies for the separateness entailed in being individuals even as we scurried back into the cauldron of community and continuity represented by family. Summer vacation was a time sticky with oneness, as who we were and what we owned oozed out from our individual selves into a collective pot.

3.       Summer was not really a break, but a joint. It was the bridge used to re-affirm one’s connectedness with one’s larger community. One did not travel, one returned. It was not an attempt to experience the new and the extraordinary but one that emphatically underlined the power of the old and the ordinary. As times change, what we seek from our summer breaks too has changed in

fundamental ways. Today we are attached much more to the work and summer helps us temporarily detach from this new source of identity. We refuel our individual selves now; and do so with much more material than we did in the past. But for those who grew up in different times, summer was the best time for their lives.

(Source: The Times of India) 2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage,
answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

(2 × 4 = 8)

(a)     Why do experts question about the summer breaks given to children?

(b)     How are students kept busy during summer breaks?

(c)     What is the central point of the writers happiest memories of childhood?

(d)     What goal do the present summer breaks want to achieve?

Ans :

(a)     Because they disrupt their development and come in the way of their learning process.

(b)     They are given the plethora of courses, classes or camps and workshops. These works involve swimming, art, personality development, music and computers.

(c)     The writers happiest memories mainly hings on annual ritual of home coming and of affirmation.

(d)     The present summer breaks want to detach students from new source of identity temporarily.

2.2. On the basis of your reading of the above extract,

answer the following.
(1 × 4 = 4)

(a)     The synonym of ‘excessive’ as given in para 1 is


(i)  plethora                                   (ii) plenty

(iii) varied                                      (iv) bizarre

(b)     The synonym of ‘distinctively’ as given in para 3 is _____ .

(c)     The antonym of ‘decreased’ as given in para 1 is

_____ .

(i)  posed                                       (ii) packed

(iii) intensified                              (iv) encountered

(d)     The antonym of ‘permanently’ as given in para 1 is _____

(i)  underlined                               (ii) emphatically

(iii) temporarily                            (iv) re-affirm

Ans :

(a)     (i) plethora

(b)     (iii) emphatically

(c)     (iii) intensified

(d)     (iii) temporarily


3.       Language is an important aspect of life. To express or communicate with each other we must know the language. Nowadays, English has become a global language. Write an article on “Importance of English

Language” in about 100-150 words.                   (8 Marks)


Your music academy is planning to organise musical shows next month on the occasion of Janmashtmi. You are Minakshi/Pavan, the band leader of Sargam Music Academy, 55, Dwarka, Ahmedabad. You require some musical instruments for the smooth running of the events. Write a letter to the Store Manager, M/s. Sangeet Instruments, Daya Nagar, Ahmedabad placing an order for the specific instruments required by you.

Ans :

Importance of English Language

Today English language is widely spoken in all parts of the world. English has actually become a global language. In India, English is serving as a bridge language and bringing people closer. Everywhere

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English X Sample Paper 5 Solved

the institutes or schools, that are teaching English language, are attracting a big crowd. There are courses for various age-groups and with different suitable time slots. People of all age groups are busy in learning English for their placement in business and other kinds of work in life. Actually there is a kind of rat race. People are spending a lot of money to acquire proficiency in spoken English. People rate English speaking people as comparatively more educated and civilised. Actually language is our primary source of communication. It is the method through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others.


Sargam Music Academy

55, Dwarka


15th August, 2019

The Store Manager

M/s. Sangeet Instruments

Daya Nagar


Sub: Order for musical instruments Sir,

Our music academy is going to organise musical shows on the occasion of Janmashtmi next month. You are one of the biggest wholesale suppliers of handmade musical instruments in Ahmedabad and offer the most competitive prices and prompt services. I wish to place an order for some musical instruments for the smooth running of the events. The order is as follows–

Sr. No.






All     the     instruments      should     be    bubble-wrapped

properly. We expect 15% discount as admissible to

all music academics. In case of any damage in transit

it would be at your cost. Payment would be made by

cheque once the order is received. It will be highly

appreciated if you deliver the items within a week or


Thanking you

Yours faithfully


4.       Write a story in about 150-200 words on the basis of

the start up lines given below. (10 Marks) Once upon a time there was a crocodile and he was a friend of a monkey who lived on the tree


Develop a story with the help of opening line.

Once upon a time there lived a king. Jai Singh....

Ans :

Once upon a time there was a crocodile and he was friend of a monkey who lived on the tree near the river. They used to spend their free time in gossips. The

crocodile used to tell him about the water animals. Most of the time he talked about his family. The monkey was also very talkative. Whenever crocodile visited the monkey he used to bring some gifts for him and the monkey also used to give him sweet fresh fruits from the tree on which he lived. They were very happy. One day it was stormy weather. Both of them were busy in their gossips. They did not know that such weather can be dangerous. The branch on which the monkey was sitting was very weak. He did not realise the danger. All of a sudden the branch broke down and the monkey fell into the river. He did not know how to swim. He was about to drown when the crocodile noticed the danger. The crocodile at once ran towards him and took him on his back to the shore and monkey returned home to his tree safely.


Once upon a time there lived a king called Jai Singh who was famous for his wisdom and generosity. He was also known for justice. One day two women, Janki and Seema, came to palace as they had heard about Jai Singh’s wisdom. Both were arguing about a child that Seema was carrying. Janki claimed that it was her child whereas Seema claimed that it was hers. King Jai Singh kept on watching for a while. Jai Singh ordered them to stop arguing and keep quiet. Jai Singh thought for a few minutes and observed both the women. After some time the king ordered the minister to get that child cut into two pieces and then each woman will have one piece. On listening this, Janki started crying. Tearful Janki refused for such decision, instead she requested the king to hand over the child to Seema. Jai Singh ordered that the child should be given to Janki as a true mother would never let her child be killed.

5.       Fill in the gaps by choosing the most appropriate

words from the options given below.
(1× 4 = 4)

The king of Benares was anxious to marry. Many kings came (a) _____ different corners of the country (b)

_____ offer him their daughters. But he did not

choose any of them. He sat (c) _____ the window

and looked out (d) ______ the market places.

(i) to
(ii) from

(iii) where
(iv) of
(i) from
(ii) to

(iii) one
(iv) by
(i) by
(ii) of

(iii) to
(iv) on
(i) on
(ii) of

(iii) for
(iv) to

Ans : Ans.

(a)     (ii) from

(b)     (ii) to

(c)     (i) by

(d)     (i) on

6.       The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against each line of the passage.

(1×4 = 4)

Incorrect      Correction

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English X Sample Paper 5 Solved

The Nile is a longest
(iii) will end in itself

(iv) will end in ice

river in

the world. Almost all
The poet has tasted the passions and pangs of


a population




cultivated land

(iii) the passions of love


(iv) the passions and pangs of love and desire

flood plains of

The poet stands with those who _____ that

Nile. Cairo,

this world will end in fire.

capital in Egypt


is at the head of the

I checked the map and the compass, switched over to

my second and last fuel tank, and turned the Dakota

Nile Delta.

twelve degrees west towards England. ‘I’ll be in time

Ans :

for breakfast,’ I thought. A good big English breakfast!

Everything was going well–it was an easy flight.



He checked the map and:

the fuel tank
(ii) the height




(iii) the compass
(iv) the engine




He turned the Dakota twelve degrees:




east towards England




south towards England

(iii) north towards England

7.  Rearrange the following groups of words and phrases

(iv) west towards England

to form meaningful sentences:
(1 × 4 = 4)

He thought that he would be in time for _____

the temple/architecture/form an/sculpture and

It appeared to be quite an _____ flight.

painting/of/essential part

Ans :

(b) is/situated in/Konark Temple/north-eastern part

of Puri/the

(i) will end in fire

of a chariot/the temple/in the form/is
(ii) will end in ice

(d) Narasimhadeva/the/king/by/is/that/it/was/
(iii) love and desire


(iv) favour

Ans :


Sculpture and painting form an integral part of
(iii) the compass

(b) (iv) west towards England

the temple architecture.


(b) Konark Temple is situated in the north eastern

(iv) easy

part of Puri.

9.  Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40

The temple is in the form of a chariot.

(d) It is believed that the temple was built by King
words each:
(2 × 5 = 10)

What did Lencho compare the raindrops to?



(b) The pilot was lost in the storm. Who rescued him

and how?

Why did Anil not hand over the thief to the

(30 MARKS)


(d) Why did Max Jump out of the window of Ausable’s

8.  Read  the
extracts  given
below  and
answer  the

room? Why did he scream loudly?

What is the next thought of the poet about the

questions that follow:

(1 × 4 = 4)


Some say the world will end in fire

What did Kisa Gotami
do when her only son

Some say in ice

died? What did her neighbours think about her?

From what I’ve tasted of desire

Ans :

I hold with those who favour fire.

Some people say that this world:

Lencho compared the raindrops to new coins.

is very strange

He called the big drops ‘ten cent pieces’ and the

is full of all sorts of people

smaller ones as ‘five cent pieces’. His field needed

(iii) will come to an end one day

rain badly. The raindrops increased his hopes of a

(iv) will end in fire

good harvest. That is why, he called them so.

The pilot of the black aeroplane, asked the lost

(b) Others think that this world:

pilot to follow him. The black aeroplane was flying

will go on for ever
in front of him, cutting the clouds and showing

will end in wars and conflicts

him the way. Then he flew down and disappeared.

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Following him the pilot came out of the clouds.

(c)     Anil knew everything but he did not hand over the thief to the police because he knew that Hari Singh had returned to him to become a better human being. He wanted to give him another chance to improve. Moreover he thought Hari’s return was the proof of his improvement.

(d)     Max was frightened of police. Besides he was convinced about the balcony outside the window. So to escape from the person, he jumped out of the window as there was no balcony there, he fell down suddenly to the ground. That’s why he screamed loudly.

(e)     The next thought of the poet is that the tiger should be in the open forest because forest is his natural habitat. There he would lurk in the shadow to hunt a deer.

(f)      Kisa Gautami’s only son had died. She was overwhelmed with grief. She carried the dead child to all her neighbours. She asked them for medicine to cure her son. The neighbours thought she had lost her senses. A dead child could never be cured.

10.    10. Answer any one of the following questions in about

100-150 words. (8 Marks) In ‘The Ball Poem’, the boy loses his ball, however one can get new but you can’t bring back the emotions attached to it. Explain. (in 100-150 words)


Peggy’s questions to Wanda embarrasses Maddie, why? How is Maddie different from Wanda?

Ans :

Loss is an essential part of our life. We lose our very precious possessions – especially those precious gifts we received from our old friends or some of the valuable birthday gifts given by our parents. Some of these possessions may not be very expensive but a lot of memories are attached to them. A loss of a single paisa pierces us very much. Money is earned only after hard labour. We must understand its worth. It is no use to waste money over nothing. The poet desires that the boy should understand the nature of the loss. Hence when we lose any of those possessions we become very sad. One important lession we all need to learn is the fact that nothing is permanent in life. All things are subjected to loss, damage and decay. Hence we need to know how to cope with our losses. What is more important than all possessions is the fact that our life has to go on. This understanding will help us to cope with our loss in a better way.


Peggy’s remarks to Wanda in a derogatory manner embarrasses Maddie. The ire of Peggy on Wanda is more due to her wearing faded and unfitting dresses and on top of it is never ironed. Maddie too comes from a humble background but economically a little better than Wanda. Maddie resides at a place better than that of Wanda. Maddie resides at a place better than that of Wanda. As such her feet are not muddy like that of Wanda. Maddie’s outgoing nature helps her to make friends with almost all the girls of her class. Whereas, Wanda’s introvertness keeps her isolated from others.

The difference between them is that Maddie, for fear of being scorned by others, never tells any lies about the dresses she had. But Wanda in order to protect her self respect would not mind telling lies.

11.    Answer any one of the following questions in about

100-150 words.                       (8 Marks) Tricki became very active and hard muscled animal. This was because of the regular exercise he got. Write a paragraph on physical exercise and its advantages. or

How had Horace planned to loot the house at Shotover Grange?

Ans :

Physical exercise has become important these days. It has a great medicinal value in our life. It keeps our body fit and free from various ailments. Exercise can help prevent excess weight. It also helps in losing weight. When we go for physical exercise we burn calories. We can go for regular walk that would burn the calories to a great extent. We can do exercise in the form of doing all our household chores, by using the stairs instead of the elevator and walking short distances. Regular physical activity can help us prevent or manage a wide range of health problem. Physical exercise has a lot of advantages. It also builds our stamina and our muscles become strong. We do not need to set aside large chunks of time for exercise.


Horace Danby never committed a theft in hurry. All his previous operations were completely successful. He robbed a safe every year. This money was enough to last for a year. Like all his previous robberies, he also planned his latest robbery in a house at Shotover Grange in all details. For two weeks, he had been studying the house, its rooms, electric wiring, paths and its garden. He also had a definite information that two servants working there had gone to movies. He saw them go. He came out from behind the garden wall. He had packed his tools carefully in a bag on his back. He had seen the housekeeper hang the key to the kitchen door on a hook outside. He put on a pair of gloves, took the key and opened the house. He always put on a pair of gloves before committing a theft. A magazine article had described the house with all the rooms. It also mentioned that a painting hid a safe. He collected all these details and made all preparations to make his latest theft a complete success like the others.


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