Monday 18 November 2019

CLASS X (2019-20) - SAMPLE PAPER-9

English X Sample Paper 9 Solved                                                                                                                                  

CLASS X (2019-20)



Time Allowed : 3 Hours                                                                                                                                       Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions :

(i)       This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All questions are compulsory.

(ii)     Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.

(iii)    Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions


1.       Read the passage given below and answer the questions

that follow:                                                               (8 Marks)

1.       Walter Elias “Walt” Disney was born on December 5, 1901, in Hermosa, Illinois. He lived most of his childhood in Marceline, Missouri, where he began drawing, painting and selling pictures to neighbours and family friends. Disney attended McKinley High School in Chicago, where he took drawing and photography classes and was a contributing cartoonist for the school paper. At night, he took courses at the Chicago Art Institute.

2.       When Disney was 16, he dropped out of school to join the army but was rejected for being underage. Instead, he joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year to drive an ambulance. When Disney returned from France in 1919, he moved back to Kansas City to pursue a career as a newspaper artist. His brother Roy got him a job at the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio, where he met cartoonist Ubbe Eert Iwwerks, better known as Ub Iwerks. From there, Disney worked at the Kansas City Film Ad Company, where he made commercials based on cutout animation. Around this time, Disney began experimenting with a camera, doing hand-drawn cel animation, and decided to open his own animation business. From the ad company, he recruited Fred Harman as his first employee.

3.       Walt and Harman made a deal with a local Kansas City theater to screen their cartoons, which they called Laugh-O-Grams. The cartoons were hugely popular, and Disney was able to acquire his own studio, upon which he bestowed the same name. Laugh-O-Gram hired a number of employees, including Harman’s brother Hugh and Iwerks. They did a series of seven-minute fairy tales that combined both live action and animation, which they called Alice in Cartoonland. By 1923, however, the studio had become burdened with debt, and Disney was forced to declare bankruptcy.

4.       Disney and his brother, Roy, soon pooled their money and moved to Hollywood. Iwerks also relocated to California, and there the three began the Disney Brothers’ Studio. Their first deal was with New York distributor Margaret Winkler, to distribute their Alice cartoons. They also invented a character called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and contracted the shorts at $1,500 each.

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions:(1 × 8 = 8)

(a)     Why was Walt not selected in the army?

(i)       For being overweight

(ii)     For being underage

(iii)    For being colour blind (iv) For being underweight

(b)     The first employee of the Ad Company was:

(i)  Fred Harman                          (ii) Ubbe Eert Iwwerk

(iii) Roy                                         (iv) Hugh

(c)     The studio was burdened by debt in:

(i)  1927
(ii) 1926
(iii) 1923
(iv) None of these

(d)     Walt Disney moved back to Kansas City to pursue a career as a:

(i)  Newspaper                              (ii) Cartoonist

(iii) Studio artist                           (iv) distributor

(e)     Walt and Harman made a deal with a local Kansas City theater to:

(i)       act as their distributor

(ii)     screen their cartoons

(iii)    Self their cartoons

(iv)   become a studio artist

(f)      Walt Disney learnt to _____ in his childhood.

(i)  do woodwork                         (ii) be a mimic

(iii) paint                                        (iv) sing

(g)     Disney worked at the Kansas City Film Ad Company, where he made commercials based on.

(h)     Their first deal was with New York distributor Margaret Winkler, to distribute their Alice cartoons. (True/false)

Ans :

(a)     (ii) For being underage

(b)     (i) Fred Harman

(c)     (iii) 1923

(d)     (i) Newspaper artist

(e)     (ii) screen their cartoons

(f)      (iii) paint

(g)     cutout animation

(h)     True

2.       Read the passage given below and answer the questions

that follow:                                                             (12 Marks)

1.       To make our life a meaningful one, we need to mind our thoughts, for our thoughts are the foundation, the inspiration, and the motivating power of our deeds. We create our entire world by

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English X Sample Paper 9 Solved

the way we think. Thoughts are the causes and the conditions are the effects.

2.       Our circumstances and conditions are not dictated by the world outside; it is the world inside us that creates that outside. Self-awareness comes from the mind, which means soul. Mind is the sum total of the states of consciousness grouped under thought, will and feeling. Besides self-consciousness we have the power to choose and think. Krishna says: “no man resteth a moment inactive”. Even when inactive on the bodily plane we are all the time acting on the thought plane. Therefore if we observe ourselves, we can easily mould our thoughts. If our thoughts are pure and noble, naturally actions follow the same. If our thoughts are filled with jealousy, hatred, and greed, our actions will be the same.

3.       Karmically, however, thought or intent is more responsible and dynamic than an act. One may perform a charitable act, but if he does not think charitably and is doing the act just for the sake of gain and glory, it is his thoughts that will determine the result. Theosophy teaches us that

every thought, no matter how fleeting, leaves a seed in the mind of the thinker. These small seeds together go to make up a large thought seed and determine one’s general character. Our thoughts affect the whole body. Each thought once generated and sent out becomes independent of the brain and mind and will live upon its own energy depending upon its intensity.

4.       Trying to keep a thought from our mind can produce the very state we are trying to avoid. We can alter our environment to create the mood. When, for instance, we are depressed, if we sit by ourselves trying to think cheerful thoughts, we often do not succeed. But if we mix with people who are cheerful we can bring about a change in our mood and thoughts. Every thought we think, every act we perform, creates in us an impression, like everything else, is subject to cyclic law and become repetitive in our mind. So, we alone have the choice to create our thoughts and develop the kind of impressions that make our action more positive.

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
(2 × 4 = 8)

(a)     How can we make our life meaningful?

(b)     Why does Krishna say, “No man resteth a moment inactive”?

(c)     How do our thoughts affect the whole body?

(d)     How can we change our mood when we are depressed?

Ans :

(a)     We need to mind our thoughts which are the foundation, the inspiration, the motivating power of our deeds to make our life meaningful.

(b)     Krishna says this because even when inactive on the physical plane, we are all the time acting on the thought plane. If we observe ourselves we mould our thoughts.

(c)     Our thoughts affect the whole body. Each thought once generated and sent out becomes independent

of the brain and mind and we live upon its energy depending upon its intensity.

(d)     When we are depressed, if we mix with people who are cheerful, we can bring about a change in our mood and thoughts.

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage,

answer the following:
(1 × 4 = 4)

(a)     In para 1, the word which means stimulation is_____

(i)  inspiration                               (ii) effect

(iii) foundation                             (iv) consequence

(b)     In para 4, the word which means ‘ceaselless’ is_____

(c)     In para 1, the word opposite in meaning to ‘discouraging’ is _____

(i)  meaningful                             (ii) inspiration

(iii) motivating                             (iv) foundation

(d)     In para 4, the word opposite in meaning to ‘happy’ is _____

Ans :

(a)     (i) inspiration

(b)     repetitives

(c)     (iii) motivating

(d)     depressed


3.       In almost all big cities in the country there is a mushrooming growth of slums where people are living in inhuman conditions. Write an article in about 100-150 words about this problem suggesting steps to deal

with it. You are Sagar/Seema.                               (8 Marks)


You are Neelam/Rakesh, Store Incharge Diksha Stores, 32/54, Rajeev Nagar, Delhi. Your school requires school bags and accessories in bulk for the commencement of the new session. Write a letter of inquiry to the Sales Manager, Sky Bags Industries Ltd. 15/3, Ravi Nagar, Delhi enquiring about the details of goods manufactured.

Ans :

Growth of Slums in Big Cities (Sagar)

A slum is a heavily populated urban informal settlement characterised by substandard housing and squalor. Slums form and grow in different parts of the world for many different reasons.

The population distribution is uneven with cities like Delhi and Mumbai being more densely populated than the rest of the cities or towns. Slums are usually characterised by urban decay, high rates of poverty, illiteracy and unemployment. They are commonly seen as ‘breeding ground’ for social problems such as crime, drug addiction, alcoholism etc. In many poor countries they exhibit high rates of disease due to unsanitary conditions, malnutrition and lack of basic healthcare. Providing education and creating employment in rural areas can help in the long run to get rid of slums in cities. The fruits of industrialisation and economic growth should reach the rural areas so

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that people do not migrate to the cities.


Diksha Stores

32/54, Rajeev Nagar


28th August, 2019

The Sales Manager

M/s Sky Bags Industries Limited 15/3, Ravi Nagar Delhi

Sub: Inquiry about school bags and accessories Sir,

There has been enormous demand by our customers of the school bags and accessories you manufacture for primary and secondary school students and they are inquiring about quality, price, durability, etc.

We shall feel obliged if you could please send us 100 pieces of school bags for every age group on approval and return basis.

If we find the quality and price satisfactory then we expect to purchase more from you. Before placing a large order of the bags, we would like you to send the above quantity of the desired products on approval basis.

The remaining of the unsold pieces would be returned to you at your expense within a period of one month from receipt of the products.

We hope to hear from you very soon.

Yours faithfully


Store Incharge

4.       Write a story in about 150-200 words with the help of

the following hints.                                                (10 Marks)

Hints: Divya excited/her favourite Honey Singh concert/car ride/tyre burst/mom changes tyre.


Develop a story with the help of the following outline. There was a boy Atul—father and mother gifted cricket set—thought girls cannot play cricket— girls practised—proved.

Ans :

Divya was excited to go to her first Honey Singh concert in Agra. Honey Singh is Divya’s favourite Rapper Player. In fact, Divya told her mother Anne, “Honey Singh is my all time favourite rapper in the world!”

When they were about halfway to Greater Noida, Anne heard a weird noise. ‘Oh no’, she said, realising that they had a flat tyre.

There was no much space on the side of the road, but Anne slowly pulled the car down and climbed out. Sure enough, their right rear tyre was flat.

Anne opened the trunk to get the jack and the spare tyre. Traffic continued to whiz past at 120 km per hour.

‘Mom, are we going to die? Divya asked. She was really scared.

‘Don’t worry Honey, I will be quick’ Anne said as she started to jack up the car.

‘Our, Mom!’ you know how to do this?’ Divya was shocked and impressed to see her mother’s hidden talent.

Anne took off the flat tyre and put the spare tyre.

Divya said, ‘Mom, you are truly a superwoman.’ It took Anne only 10 minutes to change the tyre. They both soon were back on the road again when Anne said ‘I’m so sorry Honey, but we cannot drive all the way to Agra on this spare tyre. We have to stop and get the busted tyre repaired. We might be late for your concert.’ ‘That’s okey Mom, “Divya said ‘you are an amazing person. Mom, you are my favourite person now! Your company is more important than the concert.”


There was a boy called Atul. Once his parents gifted him cricket set on his birthday. Atul called his friends in the playground, they were all excited to see the cricket set.

“Let’s make two teams and play a match,” said Atul. “I’ll be the captain of the other. You can select your team and I’ll select mine.”

They started calling out the names, Gaurav ....... Naman .......

The girls waited but no one called their names. When they asked, the boys said, “girls can’t play cricket.” Ravi suggested that girls could cheer the teams. The girls went angrily. “It’s not fair, we’re friends. We should be playing together!” cried Ruhi.

“We should teach them a lesson!” said Prachi. The girls explained the matter to Ruhi’s mother. Ruhi’s mother said, “Make your own cricket team and challenge the boys to a match.” The girls said that neither they have the cricket set, nor they know how to play cricket. Ruhi’s mother disclosed them that she was the captain of the girls’ cricket team at school. Ruhi’s mother bought a cricket set and for the next two weeks, Ruhi and Prachi practised batting, bowling and fielding. Soon they became good at playing cricket. Ruhi was especially good at bowling. They along with Ruhi’s mother went to the playground and set up bails and the stumps. Soon the boys came and laughed at them. The girls asked, “How about a match?”

“Don’t be silly. Girls can’t play cricket,” said Atul. “Why don’t you play with us and find out what

happens?” said Ruhi’s mother.

“Will you also play, Aunty?” asked Gauray. “If you don’t mind,” said Ruhi’s mother. Otherwise, two girls against four boys would not be fair.”

The boys were a little surprised. The match started. The boys won the toss and decided to bat. Atul was the first to bat. He hit the very first ball for four runs.

“Come on, Ruhi” shouted Prachi. “Bowl your fast ones.” After hitting two more runs Atul was clean bowled. He couldn’t believe it. It was Ravi’s turn next. The balls were fast and Ravi made fifteen runs and then he was run out. Gaurav and Naman made another eight runs and then they two were out. They had scored twenty nine in all.

“Don’t worry. We’ll get the girls out in no time” said Ravi.

Ruhi faced Ravi nervously as he bowled the first ball. “I must not be nervous” thought Ruhi. Soon she had made fifteen runs. The boys were getting worried. But the girls and Ruhi’s mother were determined. They scored thirty runs with Ruhi’s mother not out.

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They had won the game. The girls jumped with joy. The boys clapped for them and agreed that girls can play cricket.

5.       Fill in the gaps by choosing the most appropriate

words from the options given below.
(1 × 4 = 4)

The meat-eating competition is another popular event. Meat being (a) _____ major part of the Northeastern cuisine, all possible meat dishes are (b)

_____ offer for tourists (c) _____ relish. Roasted,

dried and smoked meat are available (d) _____ the

traditional Naga style.

(i) a
(ii) the

(iii) an
(iv) most
(i) on
(ii) an

(c)     the/warming/increased/driver/dioxide/primary/


(d)     impact/already/warming/is/creating/global/ significant

Ans :

(a)     Global warming is the single biggest threat to life on earth today.

(b)     The term is used to describe the unnatural rise in earth’s average temperature.

(c)     Increased carbon dioxide is the primary driver of global warming.

(d)     Global warming is already creating significant impact.

(iii) the
(iv) a


(i) of
(ii) with

(30 MARKS)

(iii) in
(iv) to

(i) to
(ii) of

8.  Read  the  extracts  given
below  and  answer  the

(iii) on
(iv) in

questions that follow:
(1 × 4 = 4)

Ans :

Or if some time when roaming round.

A noble wild beast greets you,

(i) a

With black stripes on a yellow ground.

(i) on

Just notice if he cats you.

(iv) to

This simple rule may help you learn

(iv) in

The Bengal Tiger to discern.

6.  The following passage has not been edited. There is
(a) The Bengal tiger is:

one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the
(i)  a clever wild beast
(ii) ferocious wild beast

correction against each line of the passage. (1 × 4 = 4)
(iii) sturdy wild beast
(iv) noble wild beast

(b) His skin is:

(i)  yellow with white stripes on it

Marie  Curie
make  e.g.  make
(ii) yellow with red stripes on it

history in

(iii) yellow with brownish stripes on it

1903 when she became  (a)

a first

woman on receive the  (b)


Prize in Physics. She  (c)

won that

prestigious          honour  (d)

alongside his

husband     and    Henri

Becquerel for their

work on radio activity

Ans :





7.       Rearrange the following groups of words and phrases

to form meaningful sentences:
(1 × 4 = 4)

(a)     threat/earth/global/to/on/today/is/warming/


(b)     average/used/tenn/earth’s/rise/the/describe/in/


(iv) yellow with black stripes on it

(c)     The moment he sees you; he will _____ to eat you.

(d)     The simple rule will help you to learn that you are

_____ the Bengal Tiger.

Ans :

(a)     (iv) noble wild beast

(b)     (iv) yellow with black stripes on it

(c)     pounce on you

(d)     seeing


Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I’ve never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year old schoolgirl. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I feel like writing, and I have an even greater need to get all kinds of things off my chest.

(a)     Writing a diary for Anne Frank was:

(i)       a really strange experience

(ii)     a really bad experience

(iii)    a really pleasant experience (iv) a really unpleasant experience

(b)     Anne has written a diary:

(i)  never before                           (ii) much before

(iii) much earlier                           (iv) even in the past

(c)     No one will be interested in the musings of_____

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(d)     Anne wanted to get all kinds of things _____

her heart.

Ans :

(a)     (i) a really strange experience

(b)     (i) never before

(c)     a thirteen-year-old school girl

(d)     off

9.       Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40

words each:
(2 × 5 = 10)

(a)     Why did the pilot call the Paris Control Room the first time? Why could he not contact it the second time?
(b)     Why did Anne start writing a diary?

(c)     What was Fowler’s perception about a secret agent?

(d)     How did the vet cure Tricki of his ailment?

(e)     Why was Matilda Loisel always unhappy?

(f)      What is the Indian legend regarding the discovery of tea?

Ans :

(a)     The pilot called the Paris Control Room to inform the airport authorities about his flight to England. He also wanted to ask for the proper direction. He could not contact it the second time because his radio was dead due to storm.

(b)     Anne had all the loving parents, a sister and many friends. But she had no real friend. She needed someone to listen to her musings, to share her secrets with and to confide in. She could not feel free with her friends. This prompted her to keep a diary.

(c)     Fowler had a romantic perception about a secret agent. He used to think that a secret agent should be tall and handsome. He should deal with a dangerous situation. His life should be full of thrill and action. He should receive messages from mysterious beautiful woman and be surrounded by mysterious figures.

(d)     Tricki was kept in a warm box. He was given plenty of water. He was made to walk freely from the third day onwards. He was served food but he had to jostle with the bigger dogs for his food. It gave him the needed exercise. He started running, playing and fighting with other dogs. Soon he transformed into a healthy, golden, silky, muscular and flexible dog.

(e)     Matilda Loisel was always unhappy because she did not get what she aspired for. She wanted to enjoy all the delicacies and luxuries. But she did not get these things as her husband was a poor clerk in the Board of Education.

(f)      We have an Indian legend regarding the discovery of tea. Boddhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic, cut off his eyelids because he fell sleepy during meditations. It is said that ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids. The leaves of those plants when put in hot water and drunk, banished sleep.

10.    Answer any one of the following questions in about

100-150 words. (8 Marks) Hope and faith still exist in the society. Lencho is the perfect example of this saying. Write a paragraph ‘Hope and Faith’ on the basis of reading ‘A Letter to



Explain Mandela’s experience of freedom as a child and as an adult.

Ans :

It is true that faith can do a lot. Anything that is considered to be impossible by ordinary people can be accomplished if we have strong faith in God. God is within us. He is present everywhere. Therefore by believing in God we believe in ourselves. Our hope and faith can create a lot of positive energy within us which helps us overcome any difficulty or obstacle in life. Ironically most of us look for God outside our bodies and when we are not able to find such a person we declare “I do not have faith in God”. On the other hand when we can see God in ourselves, we can see God in others too. This makes our faith stronger and acts lovingly and compassionately towards everyone else and give them all an experience of God through our kind act.


As a child he was free he was free to run in the fields, free to swim, ran through the fields at will, everything seemed to be good and exciting. But as he gradually grew up he realised his childhood freedom was actually no freedom. As he reached adulthood he realised his freedom has already been taken away. He observed that not only his but that of others’ freedom too was missing. Mandela thought that the chains on others was a chain on him also. His desire, that everyone should live with dignity and self-respect, propelled him to fight till the end to get freedom.

11.    Answer any one of the following questions in about

100-150 words. (8 Marks) Give the character sketch of Bholi’s teacher.


What guesses are made by Think-Tank about the books found on earths? (NCERT)

Ans :

Bholi’s teacher was a gem. Such teachers are very rare. She gave congenial atmosphere to Bholi who was handicapped. She had full sympathies with Bholi who was suffering from physical disability as well as mental infirmity. She provided all possible help and assistance to her. She made her feel at home. She encouraged and inspired her to get over her stammer. She treated her like her daughter. She was her true guide. She inculcated the qualities of confidence and daring in her. She never scoffed at Bholi whom all the other girls mimicked. She urged her to make persistent efforts to get over her handicap. She enabled Bholi to challenge the dowry seeker.


After seeing the books, Think Tank jumps to a strange conclusion. He says that the books are sandwiches. He asks Omega to eat it. At last, Oop bites the corner of the book and reports that it is not delicious. Noodle guesses that the books are communication devices. Noodle again suggests that they are perhaps for eye-communication and not for ear-communication.

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