Thursday 26 February 2015


                                         Revision of Reported Speech for class IXB & X B
Read the conversations and complete the paragraphs  that follow by reporting the conversations:-
1.Miss Grundy: Archie, you spent time on this homework assignment and it really shows!
Archie           :  Thanks, Miss Grundy! You mean it’s that good?
Miss Grundy: No, I mean it’s covered with stains from a whole evening’s worth of snacks!
Archie’s teacher, Miss Grundy, told him that (a) …………………………………….  A pleased Archie
(b) ……………………….. and asked her (c) ……………………………………  To that, an angry Miss Grundy replied that what she meant was (d) ………………………………………….. . 
2. Customer : There are flies in the food.
     Waiter   :  Sir, they are fresh flies.
     Customer     :  What do you mean?
     Waiter       :  They have arrived this morning  only.
A customer  in a restaurant complained  that (a) ………………………………. . The waiter told (b) …………………….
When the customer asked © ……………………….. , the waiter replied  that they(d) ……………………………………….
3.  Mr. K   :- This is my first visit,is he a good  doctor?
Receptionist : Good ! ? On the phone today he saved somebody’s life!
Mr. K           :- How didhe  do that?
Receptionist : He told them  to call another  doctor. 
Mr. K went to a doctor’s clinic and told  the receptionist (a) ………………………  good doctor.   The receptionist stressed   at ‘good’  and told him (b)  ……………………….. somebody’s  life.  Hearing it Mr. K asked him (c) …………………………… . The receptionist told him (d) ………………………………. another doctor.
4. Customer : What is the price of this transistor?
   Shopkeeper : It’ll cost you Rs. 600/-
   Customer      :  But I’ll pay Rs. 300/- as I am deaf of one ear.
  Shopkeeper  :-  What do you mean?
A customer  went to a  music shop and selecting  transistor asked (a) ………………………………  The shopkeeper told him (b) …………………….. .  When the customer  told  that (c) …………………………….
The shopkeeper was taken aback and told (d) ……………………………
5.  Customer : Can I havea  small bottle of tomato   sauce?
     Shopkeeper  :  Sorry,I have only big bottles.
     Customer   :    When will it be available?
     Shopkeeper  : I can give it to you tomorrow.
     Customer    :  Thank you, then I will get it tomorrow.
The customer asked the shopkeeper (a) ………………………… of tomato sauce. The shopkeeper said that he had only big bottles of tomato sauce.  The customer wanted to know (b) ……………………. The shopkeeper  said that © ……………………………………….. .  The customer  thanked  him and said that (d) ………………………… .
6.  Sanju    :  I’ve lost my lucky bat with which I made all my runs. Tomorrow we are playing against a
                        Delhi school and I will be out for a duck.
 Father   :  You can still make all the runs you want.
Sanju     :  What do you mean?
Father   :  It is the batsman and not the bat that matters.   What you need is confidence not a bat. 
Sanju  told  his father  that (a) …………………..  .  He was  all the more upset because (b)  ………………….
His father assured  him that © ……………………………………. .  When Sanju failed to understand, his father
explained that (d) …………………………….. and that it was confidence that one needed. 
7. Mother    :  Are you ready ?  The wedding is at 10.30 p.m.
    Son      :     I am not interested.  I am not going.
    Mother   :  What do you mean?
   Son          :  I don’t have any friends there.  I will get bored.
The mother asked her son  (a) ………………………..  and informed him that (b) …………………. .  When the son said that he was not interested and he was not going,  the mother (c) …………………. .  The son replied that  (d) …………………….. and he would get bored. 
8. Wife  :- Our servant has run away.
    Husband  :- Is anything missing?
     Wife        :- yes, my gold watch.
    Husband  :  Where did you keep it?
     Wife   :  On the dressing table,as usual.
     Husband : I am going to the police to report.
Wife told her husband that (a) ………………………………. .  Husband asked the wife (b) ………………………
The wife told him that © ……………………………. .  The  husband then asked her where (d) ………………..
(e) ……………………………. .
9. Raj:  Our school is celebrating  its annual  day tomorrow.
     Sujay   :  Who is your chief guest?
      Raj   :  Our chief guest is the honourable  President himself.
      Sujay   :  That is quite increditable. 
Raj told Sujay  (a) …………………….. .  Sujay wanted to  (b) …………………………………. .  Raj replied that
© ……………………………  .  Sujay was surprised and commented that (d) ………………………….. . 

Class:  IX B  & XB                     Revision of Active and Passive Voice
1.Read the following paragraphs and  fill in the blanks with correct Passive voice form of the verbs given:-
1.       Remove the cap and hold pen in the left hand.
2.       Dip it into the inkpot.
3.       Catch the ink-filler pin in the right hand and pull.
4.       Leave it to move back to its original position.
5.       Bring the pen out and check if the ink has been filled.

The cap is removed and the pen -----------------------------.  It is dipped into the inkpot.  The ink-filler pin -------------------------------.  It ------------------------------- to its original position.  The pen
------------------------------ if the ink has been filled.
2.  1. Select the book you want from the library shelf.
     2.  Give the books along with your library ticket to the clerk on the counter.
     3. Get the book issued to you.
     4.  Show it to the checker sitting at the gate while coming out of  the library.
        The book you want --------------------------.  The book along with the library ticket --------------------- to you.  The book --------------------. It --------------------- while coming out of the library.

3.   1.  Obtain some milk.
      2.  Separate the cream from the milk.
      3.  Now sour the cream by letting it stand at room temperature. 
       4.  Then pasteurize the cream to kill the bacteria and enzymes.
       5.  Churn the ‘butter’ to draw off the buttermilk.

     Some milk  ---------------------------------. Then the cream ---------------------. Now the  cream------------------to kill the bacteria and enzymes.  The butter --------------------------------.

4.  1.  Wash the rice in the clean water.
      2.  Put it in a pot which is half filled with water.
      3.  Place it on the fire.
      4.  Leave it for sometime.
      5.  when all the water is gone; take it off the fire.

The rice is first washed in clean water.  It ---------------- which ----------------------- half with water.  Then it ------------------------- and ------------ to boil . When all the water ---------------, it -----------------------.

5   5.          1. Dust the shoes with a piece of cloth.
      2.  Apply the shoe-polish on them
      3.  Brush them with a brush till they shine.
      4.  Apply some shoe-cream on them and brush them with a piece of thick soft cloth.
      5.  Sprinkle some drops of water on them and brush them again

           The shoes are dusted with a piece of cloth.  The shoe polish ------------------ and they ------------ till they shine.  Some shoe-cream ---------------------------- and they --------------------.  Some drops of water-----------------------------------  and -------------------------------------.

6. 1. Take six bananas.
    2.  Crush them into a pulp
    3.  Boil ½ kg of milk.
    4.  Add banana pulp and sugar.
    5.  Stir for  2 minutes and then remove it from heat.
    6.  Let it cool down before eating.
  Six bananas  ------------------- into paste. ½ kg of milk and -------------------------- banana  pulp and sugar ----------------------------.  The mixture ----------------------  and  then --------------------.  It ------------------------ before eating.

7.  1. Take one cup of milk in a kettle and keep it on the gas stove to boil.
     2.  Put one teaspoonful instant coffee powder into a cup
     3.  Then, put the required quantity of sugar into it.
     4.  When the milk starts boiling, pour it into the cup containing sugar and coffee powder
     5.  After doing so, mix the sugar and coffee powder with a spoon and serve hot coffee. 

One cup of milk ------------------- in a kettle and it ------------------.  One teaspoonful instant coffee powder
------------------------- .  Then, the required quantity of sugar -------------------- into it.  When the milk starts boiling, it ---------------------.  After doing so, the sugar and coffee powder -------------------------- and hot coffee ---------------------------.
8. 1. Put water into a kettle
    2. Put the kettle on fire.
    3.  Mix tea leaves in the boiling water.
   4.  Mix milk with the water.
   5.  Keep this mixture on fire for some time.
   6.  The tea is ready to drink.

     The kettle  --------------- on fire.  Tea leaves  ----------------- in the boiling water.  Milk ----------------- with the water.  The mixture ---------------------- on fire for some time.  The tea ----------------------- to drink. 

9. 1. Add salt to half a pound of coarse flour.
    2.  Rub an ounce of ghee into mixture.
    3.  Form soft dough using cold water. 
    4.  Cover mixture and leave to stand for one hour.
    5.  knead dough and divide into balls. 
    6. Roll each ball to make flat cake
    7.  Wipe griddle with greased cloth
    8.  heat griddle on slow fire.
    9.  place chapattis on griddle
   10.  Turn occasionally until slightly brown.

Salt ---------------------- to half a pound of coarse flour, and an ounce of ghee ----------------------- into the mixture --------------- to form a soft dough.  The mixture --------------------- and -------------------- for one hour. 
The dough ------------------------------------ into balls.  Then -------------------- to make a flat cake.  A griddle --------------------------- and then heated on a slow fire ------------------- and turned occasionally until it is slightly brown. 

10.  1. Cut potato into thin discs.
        2.  Do the same with the pumpkin. 
        3.  Grill the vegetables with chopped thyme, olive oil and seasoning. 
        4.  Use the trimmings to make the vegetable broth.
        5.  Garnish the broth with mushroom and black olives.

The potato ----------------- into thin discs.  The same --------------------------- with the pumpkins.  The vegetables ------------------------------ .  The trimmings  ----------------------------- broth.  The broth
-------------------------------- black olives.  Grilled vegetable and potato Tian is ready to be served. 


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