Saturday 28 February 2015



Reading                                   Writing
Grammar                               Literature

Q. Read the following passage and answer the questions choosing from the correct options given below.
I.  TV and Obesity
US nutrition experts have come to the conclusion that watching too much TV was one of the main reasons why so many children in the USA were overweight.
It was found that overweight children who reduced the time they spent watching TV by 20 hours per week, lost up to 20% of their body weight in four months and were able to maintain their new slimmer outline.  By comparison, another group of children who simply did more physical exercise during the same period lost only 13% of their weight and after a degree of initial success, quickly put it back on again.  Presenting the results of the studies in New York, Wilhelm Dietz said that parents tended to underestimate the amount of time their children spent motionless in front of television sets.  In many cases, they did not even know that their children were sitting chained to a TV programme at kindergarten or a friend's house. Paediatricians recommend that children should not watch TV for more than one to two hours per day.  "The more TV they watch, the more they tend to eat the things that are advertised on TV," said Dietz. Unfortunately, this usually meant high-fat snacks, potato crisps or chocolate.
"The more TV children watch, the more lethargic they are," said Dietz.  He recommends that parents implement a kind of bonus strategy to encourage their children to adopt better habits, such as allowing them half an hour of TV for every hour they spend playing out of doors.  And, said Dietz, on no account should they have a television set in their bedrooms.
1.         Why are children in the US overweight, according to US nutrition experts?
            (a)        Heredity
            (b)        Eating too much junk food
            (c)        Watching too much TV
            (d)        None of the above

2.         Reducing time of watching TV by 20 hours per week resulted in losing................ of weight in 4 months.
            (a)        10%
            (b)        13%
            (c)        20%
            (d)        23%
3.         Excess TV viewing by children should be reduced because
            (a)        it can reduce  their weight
            (b)        they will tend less to eat things advertised in TV
            (c)        they will be less lethargic
            (d)        All of the above
4.         Who recommended a bonus strategy to be adopted by parents?
            (a)        US nutrition experts
            (b)        Parents themselves
            (c)        Teachers
            (d)        Dietz
5.         Find the word in the passage which means 'lack of energy or enthusiasm.'
            (a)        Obesity
            (b)        Motionless
            (c)        Lethargic
            (d)        Implement

II. A teacher's role not confined only to teaching. He influences the whole life of a student and is more than a father to him. A religious pracher truth and takes people to the path of salvation. Buddha preached truth and non-violence to the people of the world. 'The sermon on the Mount' by Christ and the Gita spread the message of universal brotherhood and universal oneness.
The bond between the teacher and the student is peculiar to India. The teacher is not a man who comes just to teach me and I pay him so much and there it ends. In India it is really like an adoption. The teacher is more than my own father and I am truly his child, his son in every respect. I owe him obedience and respect first, before my own father even, because, they say, the father gave me this body, but he showed me the way to salvation, he is greater than then father. And we carry this love, this respect for our teacher all our lives. Monks go from door to door, so that religion is brought to everybody without charge.
1.         Where does a religious preacher take people?
            (a)        Path of truth
            (b)        Path of salvation
            (c)        Path of non-violence
            (d)        Path of happiness
2.         What is the message spread by The Sermon on the Mount'?
            (a)        Message of truth
            (b)        Message of salvation
            (c)        Universal brotherhood and oneness
            (d)        Message of non-violence.
3.         In India, what is the position of a teacher?
            (a)        More than a father
            (b)        Less than a father
            (c)        Like a father.
            (d)        Just a person who teaches for money.
4.         Who spreads religion door to door?
            (a)        Teacher                                   (b) Preachers
            (c)        Father                          (d) Monks.
5.         What does the word 'peculiar' mean in the passage?
            (a)        Strange and unusual.  (b) Important.
            (c)        Full of respect             (d) Unknown
Q. Read the following passage and answer the questions choosing from the correct options given below.
III. Mark Tully ended his long career as BBC’s reporter in Delhi, many people he met in India was surprised that he was not returning to Britain. They thought that like the other reporters he would return to Britain to enjoy a well earned retirement. But the idea of leaving India never crossed Tully’s mind. He had no desire to return once his BBC career was over.
Tully always felt that the best known writers about modern India had for the most part ignored the condition of the villagers. Writers concentrated on middle class India. Tully felt that the best way to write about the Indian villages and towns of eastern UttarPradesh to look for stories and then report them. So Tully let his imagination loose, and the stories took on new and unexpected shapes.

Answer the following questions:
a.       Why did Mark Tully come to India? Where did he work?                       
b.      What was Tully’s opinion about Indian writers?                                       
c.       Suggest a suitable title to the passage.                                                        
d.      Find one word from the passage which means           
I)                    Stopping of regular work especially when one has reached old age.
II)                  Directed one’s attention intensely on something
III)                Paid no attention to somebody
IV)               A job or profession with opportunities for progress.
4. The Delhi bound train by which Rashil Ahmed was travelling arrived at the Jhansi station. A Family of four led by the father approached the compartment in which they sat. The mother had a child in her arms. A young boy followed her. They occupied the vacant seat on the lower birth. The younger child was about a year old and the lad about eight. All were dressed in freshly ironed clothes.
Rashil noticed that few words were exchanged between the couple. The younger child talked mostly to herself. Now and then she would sing a song to herself. The boy was playing with a bag. Suddenly a sharp sound of a slap rang out. The father than snatched the bag out of the boy’s hand. Rashil was shocked at this act. He thought that the mother might say something. But her face remained expressionless.
The younger child had now become very quiet. The boy’s cheeks had reddened. He began to cry loudly. Seeing him cry the younger child also began to cry loudly .All the people in the compartment now turned to look at them.
i)                    Answer the following questions                                                                                  
1.       Where was the train going and who was travelling in it?                                     
2.       Describe the people who entered the compartment?  
3.       How did they settle themselves? What do you think the couple spoke about?                                        
4.       What did the father do to the boy and how did the boy react?   

ii)                   Give the synonym  of the following choosing the right word from the passage:     
Cubicle, unresponsive, unavailable,   strike                
 Read the poem and answer the questions that follow:
 IV. My Tree
O tree, so big a stout and strong,
            You've lived so very, very long.
A hundred years or more I'm told,
            And yet you're not so very old
A hundred secrets you could tell,
            Of children whom you love so well,
Who came and sat beneath your shade
            Or underneath your branches played.
A hundred birds have built their nests,
            Your leaves have softly kissed their breast,
Your branches seem to touch the sky,
            Yet you were once as small as I.
Some day when I have grown up too,
            I'm coming back to visit you,
And changed through other things will be,
            I'll find the same dear friendly tree.
1.         Answer the following questions briefly
            (a)        What are the secrets a tree can tell?
            (b)        Which line suggests that a tree is very tall?
            (c)        Describe the tree the poet is talking about?
2         Find out the words in the poem which mean the same as.
            (b) Under.
  V.  Indian Weavers
Weavers, weaving at break of day,
            Why do you weave a garment so gay?
Blue as the wing of a Halcyon wild,
            We weave the robes of a new born child,
Weavers, weaving at fall of night,
            Why do you weave a garment so bright?
Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,
            We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.
Weavers, weaving soleman and still,
            What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
White as a feather and white as a cloud,
            We weave a dead man's funeral shroud.

1.         Answer the following questions.
            (a)        Do you think the time of the three things being woven was appropriate?
            (b)        What were the weavers weaving at the break of day?
            (c)        Write the similes used in the poem.
            (d)        What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
2.         Give synonyms of the following from the poem.
            (a)        A bird with bright blue wings.
            (b)        A funeral cloth.
1. Given below are the details of Sardar Patel Stadium at Motera,
Ahmadabad. Using these points write a paragraph describing the
stadium in 80 words

  Location: Motera, Ahmadabad -Built in 1982- world-record breaking matches –India defeats Australia in the World Cup Quarter Final 2011-Seating Capacity: 48,000-Trench around the playing area –security to players Equipped with floodlights –day/night matches                                                  

2. Given below is the profile of Mr.Shastri, the village post man. With the help of the clues given below write a short description of him.

Mr.Shastri-45 YEARS
Dress code: Khakhi uniform
Duties: starts at 9 am, delivers mails, parcels, money orders
Nature: helpful, reads and writes letters, willingly runs errands, popular in the village like a family member                                                                                                                              
3. With the help of the clues given below write a paragraph describing your Maths teacher:         
          Hints: Mr. Kiran Das
          Education-career graph
          Hobbies – dreams
          Retirement plans


1.  1.    Kiran and Neenu meet in the school after the summer holidays which they both spend out of Delhi. Construct their dialogue in about 80 words where they talk about how they spent their holidays.

2.   2.   Your grandmother is celebrating her 65th birthday .On this occasion construct a dialogue between her and yourself finding out some interesting moments of her life.

3.  3.    You were out for a morning walk when you saw an old man sitting on the kerb of the road. He appeared to be helpless and in some difficulty. You asked him about his problems and offered his assistance. Construct a dialogue between the old man and yourself

1.      The act of giving brings immense satisfaction and joy. Think about a time when a generous act of yours brought joy to someone else’s life. Write a diary entry on that experience

You are Sunil/ Sonal .You got a chance to visit Bhopal, the city of lakes as part of your school excursion. Make a diary entry expressing your happiness.
1.      You are the member of a team of children campaigning against deforestation .Prepare a diary entry explaining your participation and your success over it.

1. One hundred Persons each in three age groups were interviewed on their Literary talents.  All the persons did not have interest in literature. Of those who did like   literature, there was much variation in their tastes.  On the basis of the information given in the table below about literature preferences of the people in the three age groups,   Write a paragraph in about 80 words about the different forms of literature and how they differs with age                     
Short stories


2. The results of half yearly and annual examinations are shown in the table given below. Write in a paragraph of 80 words after a study you conducted on the results
No. of Students
Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Students failed in both Exams
Students failed in half-yearly
but passed in Annual Exams
Students passed in half-yearly
but failed in Annual Exams
Students passed in both Exams

3. Given below is a pie chart of a study conducted on how students spend their time. Write a paragraph in about 80 words about how students used to spend their time.

1. On the basis of a given profile write a short bio sketch of Mr. Aashish
Hints: Mr . Aashish computer programmer
Working At: Technopark Trivandrum
Full Name: Aashish Sam Tommy
Father: Avinash Tommy
Success: Creating 25 softwares for stopping the virus

2. On the basis of a given profile write a short bio sketch of Mr. Aashish
Hints: Mr . Aashish computer programmer
Working At : Technopark Trivandrum
Full Name: Aashish Sam Tommy
Father: Avinash Tommy
Success: Creating 25 softwares for stopping the virus
3. On the basis of a given profile write a short bio sketch of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Hints: Name: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Contribution: immense, freedom fighter
Born: 22 January 1897 in Cuttack Orissa
Career: Civil services
Achievements: Joined struggle, Joined Indian Army
Motto: Give me blood and I will give you freedom
Death: Air crash over Taipei August 18, 1945

1.      You are Nitin/Neha living at C-25 Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi. . You are very much worried about the poor drainage systems of your locality. Write an e-mail to the Editor of a local newspaper to draw attention of the concerned higher authority about it.

To :

 The students of class IX of Sreenidhi Model School Sadh Nagar, New Delhi, wish to participate in a Quiz competition which is going to be held in the town exhibition hall. As head boy of your school, Write an e-mail to your principal asking permission for participating in the competition

To :

3.      You are Bharath Vadodara/ Bharti.Write an e-mail to your friend, explaining the importance of water in the life of human beings.
To :

 1. You are Naveen/Nisha, a resident of I.G.Road, Lalpur.There is a leather factory in your neighborhood which is a cause for concern to all .Write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper, voicing your concern for the issue and suggesting some ways to tackle it. Take help from the hints given below-
               Leather comes untreated- causes great pollution- unbearable stench in town-water sources polluted- environmental hazard for all

2. While reading a magazine you came across the following article

There is a growing lack of sensitivity and respect for our fellow creatures. There is talk about the food web and the energy cycles and ecological balance and how removal of any element disrupts the whole system, and how this can affect human beings too. What this approach lacks is the essential interaction with Nature and with other human beings. Indeed, in many environmental activities the opposite takes place.
You are an educationist and feel that Environmental Education imparted in schools, need reorientation. The stress should not be on preserving Nature for human use, but for protecting animals and plants for their own sake. Based on the information given above and ideas from the Unit Environment, write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 120 words on the subject and give it a suitable title.                                                            
4.      3.You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. Write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper about the nuisance created by the stray animals.   Sign your name as Kriti/ Krishnan.  (120 words)    
1. Look at the picture given below and write in 150 words a story that begins
 “I didn't tell my Dad about the green monster I found at the bottom of the garden because………            
 2. Write a short story titled ‘Friends are our Saviours’
3. You are going to attend a friend’s birthday party and you suddenly notice the neighbour’s dog has met with an accident .Write a short story about how you saved the dog.

1) Write an article on ‘Heavy bags-making children beasts of burden’. Suggest means to reduce this burden and tackle this problem.
2) There is wastage of food in many parts of the world while many other parts have a food crisis. Write an article underlining the importance of not wasting food.
3) You have read an article in the newspaper about the loss nations face due to war. Write an article for your school magazine on the topic ‘War is the greatest man-made disaster’.

1) Suppose you are a newspaper reporter. Write a report about an exhibition that you visited.
2) You witnessed a collision of a car and a bicycle. As a reporter of a newspaper, write a report describing the accident.
3) You are a reporter of the prestigious newspaper The Times of India. Write a report of  a Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan, Delhi.

1)  Recently you read about three villagers being attacked by a dangerous man-eater. It set you thinking about the importance of saving humans from wild animals. Draft a debate on the topic ‘Human activities are responsible for creating man-eaters’
2) As Raju/Rajini draft a debate on the topic ‘Technology is the new generation’s lifeline’
3) As Savitha/Shyam draft a debate on the topic ‘Grading system has reduced Exam stress
1)      Write a speech on the ‘Importance of Adult Education’
2)      You are Ashu/ Asha .Write a speech on ‘Junk food leads to obesity’
3)      Write a speech on the ‘Disadvantages of social networking sites for Teenagers’.


I. Omission:

 In the following passage one word is omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before the word and after it.                                         
Word                   word
 Before                  after
Q1.Gandhiji   was a practicing lawyer South                                          lawyer    at       south
africa. Soon after Gandhiji’s return South Africa,                  (a) _____   _____   ____
A meeting of the Congress held in Bombay.                          (b) ____   ____   ______
kaka SahebKalelkar went there help Gandhiji.                      (c) _____   _____   ____
one day Kaka Saheb found Gandhiji searching                      (d) _____   _____   ____
something his desk. “What’s the matter?                              (e) ______   _____   ___
what are you looking for?”Kaka Saheb asked.                       (f) _____   _____   ____
“I have lost my pencil”Bapu answered. “It was very                         (g) _____   ____  ______
small pencil.”

Word                   word
 before                  after
Q2. She was one of pretty and charming                                                 (a) _____   ____     _____
young girls sometimes are born, as if                                                       (b) _____  _____  _____
by a slip of it, a family of clerks                                                               (c) _____ _____  ______
she no dowry, no expectation, no way                                                    (d) _____ _____    _ ____
of known, understood, loved and wedded                                               (e) _____ _____   _____
by reach and distinguished man so                                                           (f) ____ _____    ______
she let be married to a little clerk                                                             (g) ______ _____ ______
of the ministry public instruction.                                                             (h) _______ ____ ______

Word                      word
 Before                    after
Q3. It was my second year boarding school                          (a) ______ _______ _______
And was sitting on platform no 8 at                                         (b) _______ ______ _______
Ambala station waiting the north bound train.                     (c)______  _____  _________
I think I was about twelve at time. My                                    (d) _______ _____ ______ __
parents consider me old to travel alone                               (e) _______   ______   _______ 
and I arrived by bus Ambala early in                                        (f) ______   _______   ________
the evening. Now there was a wait midnight.                       (g) _____   _______   _________ 
Most the time I had been pacing up and down                     (h) _______   ______  ________

 II. Editing
Q. There is one error in each line. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. The first one is done for you.
               Error                         Correction
Suddenly there was a flash in light                                   in                                 of  
he heard the man scream in terror but                         (a) _____                    ______
then they were running as if a devil was                       (b) _____                   ______
chasing them. He saw the grave stones
moving. The other death had risen from                       (c) _____                _______
graves along by the boys and were slowly                    (d) _____                _______
approaching the fair. There mangled arms                   (e) _____               _______
And, mutilated bodies and red eyes scared
Stephen sensible                                                            (f) ______                   _______
               Error                         Correction

2. The snake put it head into the                                   (a) ____                        _____
hole to retreat in the earth, the                                     (b) ____                        _____
poet is filled with a protest against the                        (c) ____                         ____
idea from the snake withdrawing into his                   (d) ____                         ____
hole. The poet put down his pitcher,                            (f) _____                       _____
picked up a log and hurled it at the

                                                                                                 Error                  Correction
3. Sulochana is a innoncent child                                               a                      an
caught up in a world where everyone                             (a) _____                _______
displayed greed, jealously and insensitivity .                  (b) _____                 _______          
she is misfit  in the family. She loves her
grandfather and perhaps her parents to .                          (c)_____                  _______
she is a vulnerable soul which is subjected                     (d) _____                  ______

(Direct and Indirect Speech)

1. Read the conversation and complete the passage given below

Master:     Out of two thousand I owe you, I deduct 500 for not being on duty for a week and another 500 for not doing your duty well.
Servant:     Give me my one thousand then.
Master:      I deduct 800 more for breaking my crockery and then you are left with just two hundred.
Servant:     Accept that as a small tip from me and find out a new servant just now.

The master told the servant that out of two thousand he owed him, he
(a) __________________________________________ The servant asked the master (b) ______________________________ The master continued that (c) ____________________________ The servant asked the master to accept that amount as a small tip (d) ___________________________________.

2. Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below.  
 Manoj:  Hello! George.
George:  Hello, Manoj
Manoj:  Who are you waiting for?
George:  I am waiting for Rajesh.
Manoj:  Have you been waiting long?
George :  I have been waiting for ten minutes. He said he would be here at 9 o’ clock.If he doesn’t come in five minutes I will go away.

Manoj met George in the bus stop while going to office. He enquired (a)_____________________ George replied (b) _____________________. Manoj asked him (c)_____________________ .George replied that Rajesh promised to be there at 9 o’ clock and remarked (d) _________________________

3. Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below.  
    John:        Why can’t I think of a plot today? Who would rescue me?
   Ghost:       I am here John Hallock. You need not worry.
   John:         Hey! Who are you?
   Ghost:         Why? Haven’t you sent for me? I have come to help you.
   John:           Oh, yes. My dear lady, I was merely waiting for you.

John Hallock could not find a plot for his story and wondered (a) _______________
A female ghost who was moving in his study whispered (b) __________________ John was shocked to hear the voice and (c) _________________________The ghost said that she had come to help him find a plot. John at once (d) _________________________ . 

(Passive voice)
1. Below are given some steps for an experiment to prove that unlike charges attract each other. Complete the paragraph given below using suitable words.

Ø  Take a hard rubber rod and a piece of flannel.
Ø  Electrify the rod by rubbing it with flannel.
Ø  Suspend the rod with a silk thread.
Ø  Electrify a glass rod by rubbing it with silk cloth.
Ø  Bring the glass rod near the suspended rubber rod.
Ø  The glass rod would attract the rubber rod.
First of all, a hard rubber rod and a piece of flannel are taken. The rod is , then , (a) ________________ by rubbing it with flannel. The rod is suspended with the silk thread. A glass rod is, then, (b) _________ by rubbing it with silk cloth. The glass rod (c) ____________ near the suspended rubber rod. The rubber rod (d) ______________ by the glass rod.

2. Below are given some steps for an experiment to prove that unlike charges attract each other. Complete the paragraph given below using suitable words.

Ø  Do not bring motorized vehicles to school.
Ø  Do not park your cycles at the entrance.
Ø  Return the library books within a week.
Ø  Do not walk in the front lawns.

Students are hereby informed that they (a) _________________ as they do not have valid licenses for driving as yet. They are also (b) _________________ at the front entrance but must go to the cycle stand. The library books (c) __________________ within a week issue as other students may also require them. No student (d) __________________ to walk about are run in the front lawn.

3. Below are given some steps for an experiment to prove that unlike charges attract each other. Complete the paragraph given below using suitable words.
Ø  Mix the soup powder with 750 ml of water without allowing it to form lumps
Ø  Pour the mixture into a heavy bottomed vessel.
Ø  Bring it to a boil, stirring continuously.
Ø  Simmer the soup for five minutes
Ø  The soup is ready.
The packet is opened and the contents (a) ______________ with 75 ml of water, without allowing it to form lumps. The mixture (b) ______________ into a heavy bottomed vessel. It (c) ______________ continuously and (d) _________________ to a boil and simmer it for five minutes. Then soup is ready.


 Read the newspaper headlines and complete the reports given below.


1.                  A rally of around 55,000 people organized by left trade unions ____________traffic to crawl in Central Delhi between 11 am and 2.30 pm on Wednesday


2.                  ____________________________________ in all public places as per new law .


3.                  A new study in Face book has found that women now __________________________________________ after marriage.


1. Complete the dialogue given below choosing the correct option.

Sahil:            I feel greatly tired now (a) _______  any eating joint nearby.
Mukesh:      sure, you have to walk a little distance straight way. There you (b) _____ get temporary stall
Sahil:            © _____ with me? We shall walk over and (d) _______ for the time being.
Mukesh :      Ok, lets go

(a)   1.  Do you tell me                                           (b)  1. I will look
2. Do you know                                                      2. Should see
3. Will you tell us                                                    3.  will find
4 was there                                                              4. May get

© 1. May you walk                                         (d)   1. May take
2. will you company                                               2. eat some light refreshment
3. Will you give me a company                            3.  see something good
4. Why don’t you go                                               4. Relish something good

2. Complete the dialogue given below choosing the correct option.

Stranger:          Hello sir (a) ____________ to the nearby bus stand?
You:                   (b) ___________ for? Actually, there are three bus-stands nearby.
Stranger:          I (c) _________ Aligarh and they say I can catch the bus from the
                           bus stand (d) _________ from here.

(a)   1. Please tell me the way                                                 (b) 1. What are you waiting for
2. Will you let me know                                                           2 . Where are you going
3. Can you please tell me the way                                         3. Where are you destined
4. Could you show me the way                                               4. Which way you are

     (c ) 1. I must hire a bus for                                                          (d) 1 who is quite near by
            2. may go to distance?                                                                2. Which is a little
            3. want to go to                                                                          3. Where I can get a bus
            4. couldn’t go                                                                              4. Which is quite near?

3. Complete the dialogue given below choosing the correct option.

Rakesh:       Today is the 20th of December but there (a) _______ as it used to be in the past.
Suresh:        Yes, it is (b)______You know, we have been exploiting natural resources
                      the maximum. The   nature (c) ___________ as we don’t give it the time for it,
Rakesh :       I presume we are (d) ___________ that will spell dome for humanity.
Suresh:         I shudder to think of it.

(a) not so much rainfall                                  (b) 1.  due to population
               2. is it much chill                                                    2. Heat of the sun
3. should be more of it                                       3.all due to global warming
4. can never be                                                     4. Burning of coal

     (c ) 1. Shouldn’t lack in repairing                                ( d)  1. Heading for man-made disaster
           2. is taking revenge                                                         2. Inching towards our future
          3. must take its toll                                                         3. Going slowly
         4. cant replenish them                                                    4.going to a future


Complete the gaps with only one suitable word.

1.                  It is always full of pleasure to (a)_____ (be, being, was ,is )in a park in the evening. It is

(b) ______ (most, more, much, many) so during summer. There (c) _____ (was  , were ,is

 ,are) greenery all around. There are women, children etc. They play or walk fast.

Old people (d) ______(sit, sat ,sitting ,seated) under benches or placards.

2.                  Small families always a happy family. More mouths means(a)__________

(many, more ,so, much)and more things. It is (b) ___________ ( very, so, much,

many)difficult to manage (c) ________ (this ,these, those , there)things in these days.

 Then not (d) ________ (many, much, so, such) have good jobs.

3.                  Education is (a) ________ (such, so, much, as) important for human beings as is food.

 No one (b) _________ (should, may, might, can) progress without education. It

 actually makes man(c) _______ (a, an, the ,this ) real man. An illiterate man is a victim

of (d) ________ (all, so ,such ,many) deceitful person.

V. Re-arrange the jumbled words into meaningful sentences.
1.                  (a) communication/bar/not /matter/it did/between/different/when the/parts of the world
(b) For a /people feel/our times/the need/but in/common language
(c) Government/of the/international language /almost/unlikely/to an/ world will agree/that the/it is

1.                  (a) Discovered/prince Siddhartha/unhappiness and all sufferings/the reason for
(b)Sat/under a tree/Siddhartha/meditation poster/in a /
                                      (c)Made/he /at that time /a row

            3.     (a) for knowledge/his thirst/many fields/made him to explore
                     (b) optics/he studied/physiology of the eye/and /the/movement
                            /of /waves     
                     (c) these knowledge/to /the /moment/he applied /of /light and sound 
                                           Two Gentlemen of Verona- A J Cronin
Q.1    Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options.
Next morning, coming out of our hotel, we saw our friends bent over shoeshine boxes beside the    fountain in the public square, doing a brisk business.
We watched for a few moments; then as trade slackened we went over. They greeted us with friendly faces.
“I thought you picked fruit for a living,” I said.
“We do many things, sir,” Nicola answered seriously.
I. in the first line, ‘we’ refers to
a) the two brothers.
b) the narrator and his friend.
c) the narrator and his driver.
d) the nurse and Lucia.

II. The narrator was surprised to see the two brothers doing shoe shining because
a) they belonged to rich families.
b) he had seen them begging earlier.
c) they were too young to do that work.
d) he had seen them selling fruits earlier.

III. The reason why Nicola answered ‘seriously’ was because
a)  they were doing many things to earn enough for their sister’s recovery.
b)  of their plan to visit America.
c)  he didn’t like the interference of the narrator.
d)  they were working to help the poor.
Q 2 Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below in one or two sentences
There was a pause. Nicola was glaring at his young brother in vexation.
“We could not think of troubling you, sir.
It won’t be any trouble.”
He bit his lip, then, in a rather put out tone, he said, “Very well.”

a) Why was Nicola glaring at his younger brother?
b) “It won’t be any trouble.” Did the narrator really mean it?
c)  Why was Nicola’s tone ‘put out’ even when the narrator was eager to help them?      
Q3. Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below in one or two sentences
 She led me through a cool, tiled vestibule into the hospital --- for hospital the villa had become. At the door of a little cubicle the nurse paused, put her finger to her lips, and with a smile bade me look through the glass partition.
The two boys were seated at the bedside of a girl of about twenty, who propped up on pillows, wearing a pretty lace jacket, was listening to their chatter, her eyes were soft and tender.

a) Who do ‘She’ and ‘me’ in second sentence refer to?
b) Why did the nurse pause at the little cubicle?     
c) What were the boys doing?
Q1.  What had happened to the parents and the house of Nicola and Jacopo?       
Q2.  Although Nicola and Jacopo are young boys, the narrator refers to them as ‘gentlemen’. Why does    he do so?           
Q3.  “We do many things, sir,” Nicola answered seriously. What makes Nicola say so? 
Q1. Imagine that you are the narrator. Write a page in your diary reflecting your thoughts on how you felt after what you saw in the hospital, in about 150 words.   
Q2. After her brothers leave, Lucia writes a letter to an old time friend about her past life, present situation and her brothers’ sacrifice. As Lucia, write a letter to your friend, Annie, in about 150 words.
Q3.Imagine that you are Nicola. Write a page in your diary reflecting your thoughts on how you feel about your family’s problems.     
Q1.Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate options.
1.”The prospect of earning the thousand rupees had stimulated the sporting and commercial instinct of the villagers.”
I. who offered the thousand rupees?
 a)  Miss Louisa Mebbin.
 b)  Loona Bimberton.
 c)  Mrs. Packletide.
 d)  The villagers.
II)   The villagers were to be paid for
a)    arranging a goat.
b)  helping Mrs. Packletide in the tiger shooting event.
c)  arranging an old tiger for the shooting event.
d)  helping themselves in getting rid of the tiger.

III)  Commercial instinct refers to
a)   the villagers who were very cooperative.
b)   the villagers who were ready to help Packletide.
c)   the villagers who were money minded.
d)   the villagers who were actually businessmen.   
Q2.Read the following extract and answer the questions given below in one or two sentences.
“If it’s an old tiger I think you ought to get it cheaper. A thousand rupees is a lot of money.”
a) Who is the speaker here?
b) Who were to be paid thousand rupees and why?
c) What does this statement reveal about speaker’s character?
 Q3. Read the following extract and answer the questions given below.
“The one great anxiety was lest he should die of old age before the date appointed for the memsahib’s shoot.”
a)  Who does ‘he’ refer to here?
b)  Who were anxious and why?
c.)  Who is the ‘memsahib’?  
 Q1.     Why did Mrs. Packletide wish to kill a tiger?
 Q2.     Who is Nimrod? Why has the author given his reference?  
 Q3.     What was Loona Bimberton’s achievement?   
 Q1.     Do you think Mrs. Packletide’s tiger hunting expedition was thrilling and adventurous?   
 Q2.     Imagine yourself to be Miss Mebbin. You have received a tiger tooth broach from Mrs Packletide on your birthday which you refused to accept. Write a letter to your friend expressing how you felt when the gift came to you?    
 Q3.  Years later Mrs. Packletide writes her autobiography. As Mrs. Packletide, write about the tiger hunting episode.

THE LETTER- Dhumaketu
Q1. Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
The postmaster was beginning to lose his temper. “Have you no sense?” he cried. “Get away! Do you think we’re going to eat your letter when it comes?”     
 I) the postmaster was shouting at
a)         Miriam.
b)         Lakshmi Das.
c)         the postman.
d)         Ali.
II)  The postmaster lost his temper because
a)         he did not like Ali.
b)         he was in a hurry to go.
c)         he was worried about his daughter.
d)         he was very short-tempered.
III)  Ali had enquired the postmaster about
a)         money.
b)         the letter.
c)         weather.
d)         telegram.
Q2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.                       
He always occupied a particular seat in a particular corner of the building, and when the people got to know his habit they laughed at him.
a) Who is the person referred to in these lines?
b) What was his habit?
c) Why did he come to the post office every day?    

Q3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.                        
The post office, one of the uninteresting buildings in the world, became his place of pilgrimage.
a) Who is the person referred to in these lines?
b) Why did the post office become his place of pilgrimage?
c) Did he receive what he was waiting for five years?         
Q1.  Who was Ali? Where did he go daily?
Q2.  How does Ali feel when he sees the wooden arch of the post office building?
Q3.  What did Ali realize when Miriam got married?
Q1.Lakshmi Das is touched by Ali’s gesture of confiding in him and handing over all his savings to him. Lakshmi Das writes a diary page in about 150 words, outlining how Ali was ill treated by the post office employees and what responsibility was entrusted to him by Ali.   
Q2. The newly-awakened father’s heart in him reproached him for having failed to understand Ali’s anxiety. In the light of the above remark, give a brief character sketch of the post master.
Q3. You are Ali. Today for the last time you visited the post office. Write a diary entry expressing your disappointment at not receiving your daughter’s letter.      
THE DEAR DEPARTED- Stanley Houghton
Q1. Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options.
“To Mrs. John Shorrocks, who keeps the “Ring-o’-Bells. We’ve had it fixed up a good while now, but I was keeping it for a pleasant surprise."
 I. Who is Mrs. John Shorrocks
a)  Mrs.Jordan’s friend.
b)  Henry’s sister.
c)  Abel’s wife and the woman who keeps ‘Ring-o-Bells.
d)  The house keeper at Ring-o-Bells, whom Abel is going to marry.

II. ’Ring-o-Bells’ is:
a)  A fountain park.
b)  A Church.
C)  A restaurant.
d)  A market place.
III.”Pleasant surprise refers to:
a )  The decision of his marriage with Mrs.John Shorrocks.
b)  The announcement made by the grandfather to alter the will.
c)  The decision to give his will to Victoria.
d)  The decision to give his property to Ben& Jordan.         
Q2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow
” And when we’d finished dinner I thought I’d take up a bit of something on a tray. He was lying there for the entire world as if he was asleep, so I put the tray down on the bureau-(correcting herself) on the chest of drawers-and went to waken him. He was quite cold.”
a)  Who is the speaker and who is the listener here?
b)  Who does ‘he’ refer to and where was he?
c)  Why does the speaker have to correct herself?   
 Q3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
    "It’s in the family.”
a)  Who makes this comment?
b)  What is 'it' in the family, to which the speaker is referring to?
c)  On who has he passed this remark?         
  Q1. What message does the play ‘The Dear Departed convey’?    
  Q2.  What does Mrs. Jordan describe as a fatal mistake? What is the irony in the comment she   makes on Mrs. Slater’s defense?        
 Q3. What change does grandfather make in his will? What effect does it have on his daughters?           

Q1.  Bring out the irony in the title of the play ‘The Dear Departed’.          
Q2.  Imagine yourself as the grandfather of the play “The Dear Departed” Write a diary entry after you discover the truth about your daughters.
Q3.  Compare and contrast Henry’s character with that of his wife. Support your answer with evidence from the play.   
                                                  THE FROG AND THE NIGHTINGALE-Vikram Seth
Q1. Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option. 
“Oh!” the nightingale confessed.
 Greatly flattered and impressed
 That a critic of such note
 Had discussed her art and throat:    
I.  These lines show that the nightingale is
a)         boastful.
b)         clever.
c)         gullible.
d)         modest
II. The’ critic’ in the given lines refer to
a)   animals of the bog
b)   the nightingale
c)   the frog
d)   the audience
III. Why did the Nightingale feel flattered?
a )  she was praised by the frog
b)  the audience of her show grew larger everyday
c)  she was criticized by the frog
d)  she was impressed at the frog’s comment

Q1.  What did the frog boast about himself? What was the effect of his words on the nightingale?
Q2.  Why did the frog scold the nightingale?
Q3.  What moral is conveyed through the characters of the frog and the nightingale
Q1.  The nightingale had melodious voice but lacked the skills to survive in the competitive world. Do you agree with statement? Discuss.
Q2.  What lesson do you learn from the poem “The Frog and the Nightingale”?
Q3. Imagine yourself as the nightingale. You are tired and frustrated of the shows you have to perform   every evening. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings.
                                                                 MIRROR-Silvia Plath
Q1. Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option. 
“I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful”
I. ‘I‘ here refers to
a)  the poet.
b)  the mirror.
c)   a person.
d)   God.
II. The mirror is described as being
a)         cruel.
b)         biased.
c)         unfaithful.
 d)          unmisted.

III. ‘Whatever I see I swallow immediately’ means that
a)         mirror is very hungry.
b)         mirror absorbs everything it sees.
c)         mirror is fond of eating.
 d)         mirror is a keen observer.    
Q2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
 Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands. 
a)  Name the poem and the poet.
b)  Why are the candles and moon called liars?       
c)  What does the phrase the ‘agitation of hands’ signify?   
Q3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is a part of my heart.
a)  How does the mirror pass its time?
b)  What disturbs its meditation of the wall?
c)  What does ’pink speckles’ refer to?         
Q 1. How does the Mirror ‘swallow’? What is the poetic device used here?
Q2.  Find out words from the poem used to describe the mirror.
Q3.  The Candles and the moon have been called ‘Liars’. Why?
Q1. Write a summary of the poem “Mirror”.

Q2.  Imagine yourself as the mirror. You are saddened by the restlessness of the lady who searches her lost beauty in you. Write a diary entry.
Q 3) Comment on the use of personification in the poem “Mirror”.

                                NOT MARBLE, NOR THE GILDED MONUMENTS- William Shakesphere
Q1. Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options.
Not marble, nor the gilded monuments
Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme;
But you shall shine more bright in these contents
Than unwept stone besmear'd with sluttish time.
I. According to the poet, what will survive more than anything else
a)   are the monuments.
b)   are the princes.
c)   is his effective poem.
d )  is the marble used in making the monuments.
II. Explain ' stone besmear'd with sluttish time’.
a)  The stone memorial has been tarnished with time.
b)  No one has cared for the upkeep of the buildings..
c)  The stone is not of good quality.
d)  The stone memorial has been cared for properly.
III. The poetic device used in the last line is
a)  simile
b)  personification
c)  alliteration
d)  metaphor  

 Q2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
When wasteful war shall statues overturn, and broils root out the work of masonry,
 Nor Mars his sword nor war's quick fire shall burn the living record of your memory.
a)  Why is war referred to as ‘wasteful’?
b)  What is ‘Mars’ depicted here as?
c)  What is the poet trying to convey through these lines?
Q3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Not marble, nor the gilded monuments
Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme;
a) Name the poem and its poet.                     
b) What do you think is the relation between marble and the monuments?
c) Why does the poet call his rhyme ‘powerful’?      
 Q1. Why do you think the poet chose the monuments to compare with his poems?
 Q2. How are the memorials and statues affected by time?
 Q3. According to the poet, what will perish before his ‘powerful rhyme’ and why
Q1 . 'Gainst death and all oblivious enmity
Shall you pace forth; your praise shall still find room,
Even in the eyes of all posterity
That wear this world out to the ending doom.
Q1. Explain the given lines.   
Q2.  How can you say that Shakespeare believed in the power of his writings?
Q3.  What significant message does the poet William Shakespeare convey through his sonnet and how critically is it appreciated?           

                                                                  A SHADY PLOT- Elsie Brown
1. Why is John’s wife angry? What does she decide to do?
2. Why does John wish he were dead.
3. What makes Helen the ghost and  other co-ghost organise the Writer’s inspiration bureau,
1.  After her reconciliation with her husband john hillock Lavania writes a letter to her friend expressing how her relationship with him had almost being on the verge of breaking and what saved it. Write a letter.
2. John Hallock reflects upon his experiences with Helens’s ghost and in retrospect he finds it quite amusing. He then writes a diary. Write the diary in 250 words.
3. The narrator and his wife reveal something about their character in their words and action.
Draw the character sketch of them.


 Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.
1.               “In  the other life I use to write “
a)Who speaks these lines?
1. Lavania
3. Miss Hingle
b) At present the speaker is
1. a lonely house wife
2. a helpful ghost
3. a bored young women
4. writer
c) Had the speaker been happy in the other life?
1. Yes
2. No
3. it didn’t matter
4. she is happy now

2. “Foolish and after me getting it for you:
a) Who is the speaker here?
b) What is ‘it ‘ in these lines?
c) What does this line reveal about the speaker?
3. “ I have got the bulliest plot for  a ghost story”
a) Name the speaker.
b) What does bulliest mean?
c) What plot had the speaker got?
1. Why had Patol Babu lost his first job in Calcutta?i
1. With a slight tremor in his heart, Patol babu advanced towards the entrance
a) A slight tremor in his heart suggest that Patol Babu was
1. happy
2. nervous
3. ill
4. angry
b) Which entrance did he walk towards
1. entrance of the building on the location
2. entrence of his own home
3. entrence of a temple
4. entrance of a hospital   
c) Why had he come there?
1. to get treatment act
3. to pray
4. to eat

2. His name had appeared in hand bills on countless occasions
1. Whom does the word’ his ‘refer to ?
2. What does the line suggest that he was?
3. What is the meaning of handbills?
3. “Butterfly butterfly____ and make it snappy”
1. Who is the speaker here?
2. What does ‘buttetfly ‘refer to .
3. Give the meaning of snappy
                                                   VIRTUALLY TRUE- Paul Stewart    
1. According to the newspaper what had happened to Sabastian Shultz?
2. In what way did the second game seem very real?
3. Why did the news of the miracle recovery shock Michael?
1. You are Micheal. You read about Sabastian’s miracle recovery. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings
2. You are Sabastian. Write an e-mail to Micheal thanking him for rescuing you .
3. Describe the character sketch of Micheal.
1. “My hero “ she squealed “ take me away from all these”
a) Who is the speaker here ?
1.the newspaper lady
2. Sabastain’s mother
3. Princess Aurora
4. Micheal’s girlfriend
b) Who does she call ‘hero’
1. the doctors
2. the black eyed jed
3. Sabastain

c)  All these is ____
 1. the dragon’s lair
2.the hospital
3. the train
4. the accident site
II.“Its me who needs rescuing”
1.Who is the speaker here?
2. What is the game being played?
3. What is the part of the speaker in the game?
III.” I didn’t bother to read the rules of jail break”
1.Name the speaker.
2.Why did he not read the rules?
3. Was he overconfident?
1.What is your impression of Ozymandias as a king?
2.Bring out the irony in the poem,’Ozymandias’?
3.What message is conveyed through the poem
1.Imagine that Ozymandias comes back to life and sees the condition of his statue, realization dawns on him and pens his thoughts .Make his diary entry  in about 150 words.
2.Identify and rewrite the lines from the poem spoken by the narrator,the traveller and Ozymandias.
I.”I met a traveller from an antique land
     Who said:Two vast and trunkless
      Legs of stone
      Stand in the desert.

a)Who is ‘I’ here?
    1. traveller
   2. narrator    
   3. statue    
   4. Ozymandias
b).Whom is he talking to?
    2.the traveller 
    3.a traveller 
    4.the statue   
c).Who stood in the desert?
    1.a statue
   2. the narrator
   3. the traveller
   4.antique land
2.Tell that it’s sculptor well those passions
    which yet survive.
a)Name the poem from which these lines are taken?
b)What does the first line mean?
c)What is surviving yet?
3.My name is Ozymandias,king of Kings Look upon my works,ye mighty,and
a)Who is saying the above words?
b)What impression do you get above the person?
c)Explain,’Look upon my works,ye mighty and despair’.

1.Describe the ancient mariner.
2.What kind of a weather did the sailors enjoy at the beginning of their journey?
3.What was the terrible deed done by the mariner?
1.Write a paragraph about the supernatural elements in the poem.
2.What is the irony in the nineth stanza?Explain.
3.What is the narrator trying to convey through the situation in the tenth and eleventh stanza?
1.”Ah!well-a-day! What evil looks
Had I from old and young
Instead of the cross the Albatross
About my neck was hung.”
a)Who is ‘I’ here?
1.An albatross
2. a sailor
3. an old sailor
4. an evil
b) ‘ Well a day ‘ means
1. a nice day
2. a bad day
3. a stupid day
4. a day of decision
II. “God save Thee , the Ancient Mariner!
From the fiends , that played Thee thus!
Why looks’st Thou so?
With my cross bow
I shot the Albatross.”

1.Who spoke the above words?
2, Whom did he speak about?
3.Why did the narrator kill the bird?
III. “When all averred ,I had killed the bird
1.Whom does ‘I’ refer in the passage?
2. Name the bird that the speaker had killed?
3. Give the meaning of ‘the bird averred’.
SNAKE- D H Lawrence
1.Do you think the snake was conscious of the poet’s presence? How do you Know?
2.How do we know that the snake’s thirst was satisfied?
3.Why does the poet experience conflicting emotions on seeing the snake?
1. Explain how the poet has used both repetition and similes in the poem?
2. Pick  out the expression that suggest the guilt and regret of the poet after hitting the snake?
3. Why does the poet has a dual attitude towards the snake. Explain.
1. A snake came to my water trough
On a hot ,day ,and I in pyjamas
For the heat,to bring there.”
a).Who is ‘I’here?
1. a snake
2.  the narrator
3.the poet
4. the man
b) Who came to his water trough?
1.the snake
2.the narrator
3. the carob trree
4. a pitcher

c) What has the snake come for? meet someone
2. to drink water
3. to step in the picture wait and stand.
2. “ On the day of Sicilian JulyEtna smoking
T he voice of my education said to me
He must be killed”
1.What does the first line mean?
2, What did the voice of education say?
3.Who must be killed?
4. “I felt so honoured
And yet those voices
If you were not afraid you would kill him”
1.Why did the poet feel honoured?
2.What did the voices want him to do?
3. Who is ‘I’ in the first line?
JULIUS CAESAR- Willam Shakes
1. “ O Caesar these things are beyond all use
And I do fear them”
a).Who is the speaker?
1. Antony
2. Brutus
4. Cassius
b) ‘These things’ refers to
1. the wars
2. the mob
3. the guard
4. the mob
c) ‘Beyond all use’ means
1. useless
2. not natural
3.under used
4. over used

2. “ Speak hands for me”
a) Name the speaker?
1. Antony
3. Casca
4. Caesar
b) What does the speaker mean?
1. He wishes his soldiers to attack the Senate
2. He wishes to avenge Caesar.
3. He wishes to plan to kill Caesar.
4. He wishes to attack Caeser.
c) What does he do after speaking this line?
1. He stabs Caesar.
2. He arouses the mob to take revenge.
3. He tries to save Caesar.
4. He kneels and begs forgiveness from Caesar.

II. “ Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.”
1. Who is the speaker here?
2.  Who  is he addressing ?
3. What does  he wish to convey?

III.“Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.”
(a) Who says this and about whom?
(b) What does he wish to convey?
(c) How does this line help the speaker?  

1. What does Calpurnia try to convince Caesar of?
2. Why is Decius more successful than Calpurnia in persuading Caesar?
3. Who says “Et tu Brute”? When are these words spoken?

1. Why is Antony’s speech more effective?
2. What reason does Brutus give for murdering Caesar?
3. How do Brutus and Cassius respond to Antony’s speech?


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