Saturday 28 February 2015

Question bank-IX


Question Bank                                   Class- IX                                Reading Section

1.      Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (5 x 1=5).
As a young man, he was greatly impressed by Mahatma Gandhi’s success in the political field and the power of Ahimsa. King decided to follow the path of non-violence and got millions of blacks their due. He felt that the blacks had immensely contributed towards the building of America, and there was no reason why they should not be treated with respect.
King drew national attention in 1956. Since Blacks were not permitted to sit in the same buses as the whites, he led a boycott of public buses in Montgomery. A year later, after many arrests and threats, the US Supreme Court gave a ruling that racial segregation of public transport was unlawful. This victory taught the Blacks the power of non-violence. After 1957, King began visiting various places to deliver lectures. Soon he became a powerful orator, drawing the attention of people the world over.
King continued the fight, a peaceful fight, demanding the rights of the Blacks. In 1964, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1967, King led many peaceful demonstrations against the Vietnam War and in 1968 he declared a Poor People’s Campaign. On April 4, of that very year, while planning a demonstration of striking sanitation workers, he was shot dead by an assassin.
1. The power of Ahimsa means …………….
a. the power of bravery
b. the power of violence
c. the power of non-violence
d. the power of less violence

2. The man who greatly impressed King was……..
a. his friend
b. his father
c. Lincoln
d. Mahatma Gandhi

3. Racial segregation means……..
a. giving powers to all races
b. maintaining the glory of all races
c. destroying the enemy races
d. the policy of separating people of different races

4. King continued his fight……….
a. against war
b. for peace
c. for more power
d. for the rights of the blacks

5. King was awarded the noble Peace Prize in……….

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (5x 1=5).
Your body has a very special system that protects you from illness and disease. It’s called the immune system and itknows when there is something inside your body that shouldnot be there. All the cells in your body have a way to tell the immune system, “I belong here. I’m not going to do any harm.” And so the immune system leaves those cells alone. Think about the cells in your body wearing name tags that say “self”. Anything with a “self” name tag is a good guy. But things like bacteria, viruses, and parasites wear name tags that say “nonself”. When the immune system sees a “non self” name tag, it jumps into action and attacks those foreign invaders. Any foreign substance in your body that makes the immune system attack it, is called an antigen. These antigen invaders can be pollen from the air, a virus, or certain types of bacteria. There are many different kinds of immune cells helping to keep you from getting sick. They can be grouped into phagocytes (pronounced fag-uh-sahyt) and lymphocytes (pronounced lim-fuh-sahyt). Phagocytes are a type of white blood cell, and one of their jobs is to gobble up and digest antigens. They are always swimming around in your blood stream, always on the lookout for antigens. And when they see one, GULP! Lymphocytes are also white blood cells and the main typesare B cells, T helper cells, and T killer cells. Many antigens can be very sneaky (like viruses) and can hide from phagocytes, so it’s the job of the lymphocytes to find them and get rid of them. Viruses will kill healthy cells in the body. White blood cells, like the one pictured above, attack the harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites that enter your body.B cells secrete (produce) substances, called antibodies, which stick to the antigen. When that happens, it alerts the T helper cells to come over and either:
1. help the B cells destroy the antigen, or
2. call the phagocytes or T killer cells to move in for the kill T killer cells are really good at finding and killing cells that have been infected by a virus. Once a B cell or T cell

attacks an antigen, they create cells to “remember” it. Those “memory cells” hang out in your blood and if they see that same antigen again, they quickly recognize it so your immune system can act faster at killing it. The “B” in B cells stands for bone marrow, which is where B cells, and all immune cells originate from. The “T” in T cells stands for thymus. Young T cells start out in bone marrow, but they travel to the thymus to continue growing into mature T cells. The thymus is an immune organ located in the middle of your chest, near your heart. Its job is to produce mature T cells. You have your own little army of cells inside you, always fighting to keep you healthy. And you can be a part of that army too! By getting plenty of sleep at night and eating nutritious foods, you’ll help keep your immune system strong and ready to fight. Go immune troops! Go!
1. What does your immune system do?
a. makes you sick
b. keep your brain sharp
c. protects you from illness
d. make energy for your body

2. Define the word antigen. Give 3 examples of antigens.
3. According to this article, your immune system works much like...
a. the ocean
 b. an army
c. an engine in a car
 d. a computer

4. Where are T cells made?
a. in your bones
 b. in your thymus
c. in your brain
d. in your heart

5. B and T cells are both...
a. phagocytes
b. bacteria
c. antigens
d. lymphocytes
3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow (5 x 1=5)
Soft drinks. I am sure this very name rings a pleasant bell in our minds. Soft drinks are today's rage, trend and fashion. Having a soft drinks (especially cola) is considered by today's youth as something "cool".
We find soft drink companies sponsoring cricket matches and other sensational events. These giant cola companies have hired superstars like Shah Rukh Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai to promote their products. But a lot of Cola consumers are ignorant of the fact that the colourful fluid that comes in attractive bottles does not do us a bit of good.
In pizza parlours, bottomless drinks are offered. Consumption of six litres of cola brings a person instant death. Soft drinks are highly acidic in nature because their pH is 3.4. You can imagine what can happen when we drink something that is acidic in nature. The artificial colouring present in soft drinks is hazardous to our DNA. Moreover it is claimed that there is no fruit pulp in these drinks, which means that they are artificial. Soft drinks contain a substance called anti-freeze which is carcinogenic (cancer causing). So, cola can be as harmful as cigarettes.
The aeration is basically carbon dioxide that we exhale. Drinking something that has a lot of carbon dioxide can have adverse effects. Even in non-aerated drinks, bacteria may develop due to improper storage.
Cola is very harmful to our teeth. It can dissolve the enamel, which is the hardest part of the human body, in 10 days. Can imagine what it does to the delicate tissues of our body?
So, children should not be allowed to have soft drinks, for their milk teeth may get affected. We should try and stop the consumption of soft drinks. That is the least we can do after knowing what soft drinks can do.
Instead, if we start consuming tender coconuts, we can be saved from mouth ulcers and our body will become cool and we can be sure that we are playing it safe and not with fire.
1. Choose the correct option.
a. For   many of us, our understanding of soft drinks is ___
i.   that it is good for health
ii. proof of our lack of knowledge on this subject
iii. it improves our stamina
iv .it  cools the body

2. Consumption of six liters of Cola can even ___
i. cause immediate death
ii. can delay death
iii. can increase one’s life span
iv. can give us energy for six weeks

3. ‘Hazardous’ means ___
i. arduous
ii. Frivolous
iii. Dangerous
iv. Beautiful

4. Children should be ___
i. encouraged to take soft drinks
ii. Given low calorie soft drinks
iii. Given soft drinks at periodic intervals in small amounts
iv. Prevented from taking soft drinks

5. Tender coconuts are___
i. terribly acidic
ii coolants
iii. irritants
iv.non entities

4. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.(1x5=5)
 Denudation[The removal of covering]of the earth’s surface is performed by natural processes-weathering erosion and transport.
Weathering is the process by which rocks are changed or broken up. Rocks consist of minerals which are affected by gases in the air and by moisture. Some such chemicals may be oxidized by contact with moist air. Clay, for example, in contact with air changes in color from blue to brown. Atmospheric air contains about 0.4% of carbon dioxide, which is dissolved by rain and deposited on the surface of the earth in the form of weak acid, which gradually converts calcium carbonate of which limestone is composed into calcium bicarbonate, often found in drinking water. Some water is so full of calcium carbonate that when it drips from the roofs of caves, the deposits form stalactites and stalagmites.
Permeable rocks contain all sorts of soluble materials and these are dissolved by rainwater. These materials are principally salts of sodium, potassium, magnesium and iron. When these dissolve, permeable rocks are weakened and more exposed to the effects of other natural agencies such as wind, rain, sun, frost and ice. Rocks expand and contract under the intermittent effects of heat and cold and this expansion and contraction produces cracks and breaches which break the rocks down.
Sand and grit carried by wind also contribute to the weathering by wearing away the softer strata of rocks, often causing the harder layers of rocks above to collapse.
Rain, running water, waves and moving ice are principle natural agents of erosion. Coastal erosion is caused by the waves of the sea, throwing tons of water with enormous force against shores and cliffs; the stones and pebbles present in the water contribute to the erosion action of the water itself. The soil and minerals loosened and dissolved by this marine action are carried away by the waves.
Moving  ice in the form of glaciers carries with it rocks and stones of all sizes which wear away the ground beneath, leveling and rounding the hills and carrying away any soft material.
Wind, rain, waves and ice, all contribute to the process of erosion, and the fragments are carried away by transporting forces-steams, rivers and marine currents. These forces

have been responsible for depositing in the sea where so far no use can be made of it, an incalculable amount of the fertile soil of the earth’s surface, so vital for human existence goes waste.
Some animals contribute to the process of transportation. Worms for example, deposit on the earth’s surface quantities of subsoil in the form of very fine dust which is easily washed or blown away.

Answer the following. (5)
1. Stalactites and stalagmites are formed when____________________________ .
2. ‘where so far no use can be made of it’. What does ‘it’ stand for?
3. ‘Which gradually converts calcium carbonate ‘What for does ‘which’ stand here?
4. ‘These are dissolved by rain water’. What do these refer to?
5.  ‘When these dissolve’ what does these refer to?

5. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
Just try to use your strengths again,
So what if you’ve once failed?
Within you lies the will to win
The power to raise
And earn the praise
To walk earth’s toughest lane! -6
Tho’[ugh] life’s a gift its not to waste,
For oft [ten] you’ll be derailed,
Your firmness holds in standing straight
Through stormy maze
Or tempests’ craze
And strive, and bear, and wait.--12
Not all are given name, or fame,
For most success is veiled,
But such who toil with faith and drive,
Who do not laze
In foolish ways,
Will on their dare survive!—
 Complete the following[5 Marks].
            a. The poet’s central idea is that_____________.
            b. We have the power to___________________.

            c. The expression ‘success is veiled’ means_____________.
            d. Those who survive need the qualities of_____.
            e. ‘stormy maze’ and tempests’ refer to___.
6. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions( 8 marks)
1. Satellite TV providing the viewing for 24 hours a day, is leading to an increase in the health problems in children. Leading neurologist Sanjay Batra states “Children are now glued for longer hours to the television leading to the increase in the PHOTO STIMULUS SENSITIVE EPILEPSY OR THE TELEVISION INDUCED EPILEPSY. Dr. Sanjay Batra advises the parents to limitize their children viewing the television or to give them the breaks at the regular intervals during the long spells of the television watching.

2. A recent study also showed an alarming trend of the sleep disturbances in children caused by the television viewing. Increased amount of the television also has the effect of the child becoming sleepy during the day time and thus affecting the health. It can lead to the other sleep problems such as difficulty in getting to and staying sleeping.

3. Public concern over the issue of the television watching has increased in the recent times with the reports of the fatal encounters of the children who have died as a result of imitating television heroes. However, much can be done to see that the children do not grow into desperadoes; parental intervention of viewing television is one of them.

4. Contrary to the popular belief that the cartoons are harmless, many studies show that they contain violent portrayals that make the children aggressive. Children are very impressionable and cannot tell the difference between the cartoon or the real violence. Studies in Kansas, USA, has proved that the children who watch the violent shows, even just “funny cartoons”, were more likely to hit out at their playmates, argue, disobey the class rules and leave tasks unfinished more often than those who watch the non violent programmes.

5. Programmes meant for the children are laced with violence which is not very discernible; for instance the domestic violence and the use of the brutal words. A recent study conducted by NCERT indicates that violence on the small screen can lead to aggressive behavior in children. Televised violence affects its viewers in three ways: learning aggressive attitudes, desensitization to the violence and fear of being victimized by violence. More often that not, the perpetrators of the violence are the role models for the kids. Gang fights which earlier used to be in the older age groups now are seen among the younger ones. Often the perpetrators of violence in the serials are left unpunished. While some bad characters may be punished at the end of the story, heroes rarely show any remorse or seldom criticized for bashing up the villain, often to the death. Watching do-gooders like cops inflicting violence in their line of duty may suggest to a child that violence is a desirable trait in life.

.1 On the basis of the paragraph write the effects of the TV viewing. (1x8=8)
TV viewing Effects
Long hours of TV viewing
Imitating the TV HEROES
Cartoon viewing
Programmes laced with
SECTION B: Writing
 NOTICE (3 Marks)
Q. 1 The annual meeting for the selection of the student council has been postponed, from 20 July to 26 July.Draft a notice to be put up on the notice board regarding the same. You are the head girl of the school-Pooja Sharma. 3

2. You are Rajan, Sports captain of St. Peter’s School,Bengaluru.Write a notice in about 50-60 words for the school noticeboard informing the students about an interschool football match to be played  in your school. Invite them to watch and cheer the teams.3
3 .Amit is the Head boy of St. Peter’s school, Bhopal. His Principal has asked him to put up a notice asking house captains to submit names of participants for the sports day to be held on 21st December. Write the notice in about 50 words.

1. Read the following dialogue given below between Arun and Mr.Kumar, his father’s colleague. Prepare a message in 50 words as Arun informing Arun’s father about the details of the conversation. Put the message in a box.
Mr.Kumar: Hello, can I speak to Mr. Menon please.
Arun : Hello, this is Arun, Mr.Menon’s son. My father is not at home. Can I take a message?
Mr.Kumar: Hi Arun, can you tell your father that he has to be at the advocate’s office at sharp
10 tomorrow and he should bring the file containing the company’s asset details.
Arun :I shall tell him the details when he returns. Have a nice day uncle.
Mr.Kumar : Thank you Arun, it was a pleasure talking to you.
2. Read the following dialogue given below between Ravi and Anju. After speaking to Ravi, she writes a message for her father.
Prepare a message in 50. Put the message in a box.
Ravi: Hi This is Rari from Agra. Could I speak to Mr. Mohan Singh? I am his cousin.
Anju:  Good morning Uncle! I am Anju Daddy has not yet returned from his morning walk.
Ravi: Well, I have some good news for him. I want to break it to him. When is he likely to return?
Anju: He may take half an hour or more.
Ravi: In that case, ask him to ring me back. Tell him it is urgent.
Anju: I’m leaving for school, but I’ll leave a message for him. Thank you for the call.
3. Read the following dialogue given below between Gita and Sita,
As Sita has to leave for her dance class, she leaves message for her mother. On behalf of Sita
Prepare a message in 50 words .Put the message in a box.
Gita: Hello! Can I speak to to Rani
Sita: I’m afraid mother is not at home. May I know who is speaking?
Gita:I’m Sita please tell your mother that I will pick her up at seven pm on Wednesday for the reception. Ask her to call Shalu and enquire whether she would like to join us.
Sita: O.K aunty I’ll tell her.

Letter Writing
Q. 4. Letter Writing:
1. Madhu Dutta, a resident of Ashok Vihar, is greatly perturbed after reading the following newspaper article. She decides to write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper, reacting strongly to the existing conditions and suggesting measures for improvement. Write the letter in about 120-150 words.
2. Prakash Rao ias a student of St John’s School, Madna. He has just returned to school from a trekking expedition organized by his PT instructor. His uncle Paid for the trip, and now Prakash to his uncle, in upto 120-150 words.
3. Here is a letter received by Tushar from his sister’s hostel about her loss of interest in games and co-curricular activites. Being a bookworm, she secures top ranks, but her delicate health causes concern. Tushar wants to write to her to keep fit and healthy and develop interest in sports and co-curricular activities as well. Write this letter in upto 120-150 words.
1.You have just seen a girl walking in the rain. Last week you were also caught in a sudden shower of rain like her. Write an email to your friend describing your experience in upto 120-150 words. You may take help of the following points:
.unexpected rain                                       .completely drenched
.other passers-by                                       No umbrella/raincoat
.how you felt                                            .condition of traffic
2.You have just seen a bus striking a tree. Last week you were also caught in similar situation. The bus you were traveling in suddenly hit against a tree and caught fire. Write an email to your friend describing the experience in upto 120-150 words.
3.You have seen a child playing with snowballs. Last year you also enjoyed playing in the snow like her. Write an email to your friend describing your friend experiences in upto 120-150 words.
Report Writing   (5marks)
1.      You are Sagar/Sagrika. You have received training in First Aid, as a member of Red Cross Society, arranged in your school. Prepare a report to be published in your school magazine in about 120-150 words.
2.      You are the Head Boy/Girl of Talent Growth Institute, pune. Your School has collected money and learning material for the Tsunami affected children. Write a report in 120-150 words.
3.      Suppose you are Pawan/Pooja, news correspondent of “The Times of India”. You have  been invited to cover workshop on ‘Disaster Management’,being organized by Yadu Public School, Noida In association with the Indian Red Cross Society. Write a report, on the workshop, for your newspaper, in 120-150 words.

Article Writing    (5marks)
1.      Write  an article on ‘Impact of internet on our life’
2.      Write an article on ‘Mobile Culture- the Ethics.’
3.      The other day you happened to watch some children engaged as labourers in hazardous industries like cracker and bangle, as a domestic labour, as a helper in roadside hotels.You felt moved to see the exploitation of children and decided to write an article on plight of children.
Speech Writing    (5marks)
1.In an interschool debate, your school has to speak in favour of the motion that ‘Generation Gap is Destroying Family Life’.Write a speech in favour of this motion in about 120-150 words.
2.National Literacy Day is being observed in a school . Prateek, astudent o class IX is requested to deliver a speech , stressing on the importance of Education.
3. Write a speech on ‘Save the planet  Earth’ in 120-150 words.

DIARY ENTRY (3 marks)
1.You met your cousin after ten years. You shared your childhood memories of playing together. Write a diary entry how you felt at the end of the day.
3.Recently you got a chance to visit Kashmir.You were astonished to see its beauty. Write a diary entry expressing your experience about Kashmir in about 50-60 words.
3.One of your classmates was kidnapped from just outside the school gate. Write a diary in about 50-60 words giving an account of your reactions to the incident as well as your feelings.
Q.5. You recently visited the ‘Recycled Paper Unit’ in your city, where old and used paper is used for making
fresh handmade paper. Write a description of the same using the inputs given below in 80 - 100 words.
 (4 marks)
 Good use of used paper
 Big machines for recycling of paper
 Beautiful and delicate handmade paper made
 An expensive procedure
 Helps in saving environ ment.

2.You are Arun/Aruna. The Prize Distribution Function of your school was held recently. Write a brief description of this event in about 100 words.
3.You visited Laksshmi Narayan temple recently. Give a brief description of the holy place in about 100 words.
1.Given below is a profile of Mr. Jai Singh, physical Training Instructor of your school. Write a short Biosketch  of Mr. Jai Singh in about 100 words. You may take help of the clues given below: 4
.hieght/weight-175/70 kg
.education-M.P. Ed: Rajasthan University, Jaipur Diploma in Coaching of Athletics: Patiala
Experience-10 yrs
Duties-Morning Assembly, Drill: Coaching in evening
2.Given below is a pprofile of Sham Lal, school peon. Write a short Biosketch of Him In about 100 words.
.age-around 45 yrs
.height/weight- not very tall-fat- active- good looking
.khaki uniform- bench outsite principal’s office
Education-middle standard.
Duties-dusting-cleaning-ringingbell-bringing mail-going to bank-carrying  orders to classes
3.Given below is a profile of Mr. Raj,school gardener. Write a short biosketch of Mr. Raj in about 100 words.
.age-around 50 yrs.
.height/weight-six feet,solid built
Family-large-six children:four boys, two girls
His likes/dislikes-plant, nursery, manure, organic
Story completion 5marks
1.Shruti decidedto write a story, but after a while, she could not completethe story,as she had lost interest. On the basis of the beginning given below complete the story in 120-150 words.

“Once a lion, the king of the forest, posed a great threat to all the other beast and animals. He killed many animals whenever he was hungry……….
2..Varun decided to write a story, but after some time, he could not complete the story as he had lost interest in it. Complete his story, on the basis of the beginning given below, in 120-150 words.
“Once arich lady, who lived in a spacious mansion, became blind. She sent for an eye- specialist……
3.It was a dark night. There was no one at home suddenly it started raining. I could hear the distant howling of the wild cats and suddenly ……. 5 mark
1. One hundred persons each in three age groups were interviewed on their  Literary talents.  All the persons did not have interest in literature. Of those who did like   literature, there was much variation in their tastes.  On the basis of the information given in the table below about literature preferences of the people in the three age groups,   Write a paragraph in about 80 words about the different forms of literature and how they differs with age                      
Short stories


2. The results of half yearly and annual examinations are shown in the table given below.Write in a paragraph of 80 words after a study you conducted on the results
No. of Students
Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Students failed in both Exams
Students failed in half-yearly
but passed in Annual Exams
Students passed in half-yearly
but failed in Annual Exams
Students passed in both Exams

3. Given below is a study conducted on how students spend their time in the form of a pie diagram. Write a paragraph in about 80 words about the students used to spend their time.

Dialogue Writing
I.                   Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below:4marks
1.      Ravi: Are you going to Singapore as part of the exchange programme?
Sunil: Yes, I am. Are you also going?
Ravi: I do not know whether my parents will allow me.
Sunil: Tell them  that it is a rare chance.
Ravi  asked  Sunil  (a) ____________as part of the exchange  programme.  Sunil replied that he was and asked (b)___________________Ravi was not sure(c)____________________.Sunil advised him(d)__________________
2.      Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below:4marks
Father:How was the interview?
Son: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates.
Father: Are you confident that you will get the job?
Son: The board members were friendly. They will let me know the result in two days’ time.
The father asked his son (a)_________.The son replied that (b)_____________nearly a hundred candidates. The son replied that the board members were friendly and said that (d)_____________the result in two days’ time.

3.      3. Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below:4marks
Mother: Are you ready? The wedding is at 10.30 p.m
Son: I m not interested. I am not going.
Mother: What do you mean?
Son: I do not have any friends there. I will get bored.
The mother asked her son (a)_________and informed him that (b)____________.When the son said he was not interested and he was not going the mother(c)____________. The son replied that (d) and  he would get bored.   
  A.1  Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet: (4 Marks)

Like many Indian children, I grew up (a)----------- the vast, varied and fascinating tales of the Mahabharata. Set (b)------- the end of what the Hindu scriptures term Dvapur Yuga or the third  age of the man, a time (c)----------- the lives of the Gods and people still intersected, the epic weaves myth, history, religion, science and statecraft (d)------- stories.
a) (i) saying (ii) listening to (iii) questioning (iv) celebrating
b) (i)by (ii)at (iii)from (iv)into
c) (i)where (ii)from (iii)when (iv)before
d) (i)as (ii)in (iii)through (iv)into  
A.2 Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage.  Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.  Do not copy the whole passage.                                                   (4 Marks)
 Since the beginning of human existence, people (a) ______________________ over the world have expressed their emotions and ideas (b) ________________ the medium of dance.  The word ‘folk’ means people.  Folk dances express the moods and feelings of (c) ___________________ common people.   Different regions (d) _____________ India have their own dances.   (e) ______________ dance is accompanied by music and songs of the region to (f) ______________ it belongs.  (g)______________ recent times folk dances have gained (h) ___________________ popularity, partly because of films and television shows.
(a) (i) all                                                                                   (b) (i) in
     (ii) whole                                                                                 (ii) into      
     (iii) much                                                                                 (iii) through           
     (iv) more                                                                                  (iv) of
(c) (i) the                                                                                 (d) (i) at
     (ii) a                                                                                         (ii) of
     (iii) an                                                                                      (iii) for
     (iv) some                                                                                 (iv) from
(e) (i) Each                                                                              (f) (i) what
     (ii) All                                                                                      (ii) which
     (iii) Whole                                                                              (iii) who   
     (iv) Many                                                                               (iv)whose
(g) (i) Of                                                                                  (h) (i) great
     (ii) For                                                                                     (ii) for
    (iii) In                                                                                       (iii) much
    (iv) Until                                                                                  (iv) many

A. 3   How to Improve Your Memory
G Exercise your brain.
G Reduce stress.
G Create vivid, memorable images.
G Repeat things you need to learn.
G Group things you need to remember.
G Try meditation.
There are some simple steps that can help you to improve your memory. The first step
(a) .................................... with things like crossword puzzles, chess etc. The second
step is (b) ..................................... lives because stress can cause us to forget things.
The next step (c).......................................... which will help us to remember things. Another method involves repeating things that we want to learn and (d)……………………. so
that we do not forget them easily. Finally, the most important method is to try meditation.
(a) (i) being to exercise your brain (ii) is to exercise one's brain
(iii) is to exercise your brain (iv) being exercising the brain
(b) (i) to reduce stress in your (ii) reducing stress in one's
(iii) reduction of stress in one's (iv) to reduce stress in our
(c) (i) is creating vivid and memorable (ii) is to creating vivid and
images memorable images
(iii) creating vivid and memorable (iv) creation of vivid and
images memorable images
(d) (i) to group things together (ii) group things together
(iii) to be grouping things together (iv) grouped things togethe
B .1.   Edit the following passage by choosing the correct option from the options given below:
 (4 Marks)
 The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the
correct question number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied.
 ½ x8= 4
Often these days we hear and speak of the conquered                      (a) _______ _________
 in nature, 'the taming of a river', 'the war against insects'                  (b)_______ _________
and so on. Often these phrases being used without consciously        (c) ______ __________
 attaching any value to them, but those have an                                 (d) _______ _________
underlying attitude of hostile towards Nature and Nature's              (e) _______ _________
creatures, a viewpoint which seeming to assume                                (f) ______________ __
Nature as an enemy that needs to being vanquished.                                     (g) _______ _________
Alternatively, Nature is seen merely as the 'resource' to be                (h) _______ _________
B.2 The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect
word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct question number. Remember
to underline the word that you have supplied. The first one has been done as an example.
(3 Marks)
A study performed about the University of New York revealed that about … by (example)
mobile-phone conversations was more annoying than those that occurred (a)............................
face-to-face, even after the volume was the same. The problem (b)...................................
seems to be that conversations on mobile phones are most noticeable than (c)...................
face-to-face conversations. Which seems odd, since two people talking (d).......................
together project twice the amount of audio as one person talks on the phone (e)................
The problem seemed to be that people pay more attention when they hear (f)....................
only half a conversation.
  C.1 Ranbir: Where is my car? I remember parking it here.
 Policeman: The car has been towed away as you parked it in the ‘no parking area’
 Ranbir: Sir, can I be excused this time?
 Policeman: I hope you’ll remember the lesson you learnt today
Ranbir asked the policeman standing there (a)_________. The policeman replied

(b)_________ Ranbir requested the policeman (c)___________________. The policeman then reminded him____ (d)____________.
a) where was his car? He remembered parking it here.
b) that where his car was? He remembered parking it there.
c) where his car was. He remembered parking it there.
d) that where was my car? He remembered it was parked here.
a) that the car had been towed away because he had parked it in the ‘no parking’ zone.
b) that the car was towed away because he had parked it in the ‘no parking’ zone.
c) the car had been towed away because it had been parked in the ‘no parking’ zone.
d) that the car had been towed away because it had been parked in the ‘no parking’ zone. 
a) to be excused that time.
b) whether he could be excused that time.
c) that he should be excused.
d) whether he could be excused this time.
a) that he hoped he will have to remember the lesson he had learnt that day.
b) That he hoped he should be able to remember the lesson he had learnt that day.
c) that he has to remember the lesson he had learnt that day
d) that he hoped he would remember the lesson he had learnt that day.
 C. 2   Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below.lx4= 4
Customer: Can I have a small bottle of tomato sauce?
Shopkeeper: Sorry, I have only big bottles.
Customer: When will it be available?
Shopkeeper: I can give it to you tomorrow.
Customer: Thank you, then I will get it tomorrow.

The customer asked the shopkeeper (a) …………………….. . The shopkeeper said
that he only had big bottles of tomato sauce. The customer wanted to know (b)
…………………….. . The shopkeeper said that (c) ……………………..The customer thanked him and said that (d) …………………….. .

C. 3 Read the following dialogue and then complete the report given below. Write your
answers in your answer sheet with correct blank number. Do not copy the dialogue
and the report. (1X3= 3 marks)
Teacher: Can you read what is written on this page?
Student: I can't read all the words.
Teacher: Would you like to read them?
The teacher asked the student (a) ____________________________________________.
The student replied that (b) ______________________________________. The teacher
then asked her (c) ________________________________________________________.
D.1    Given below is a conversation between David and his friend, Meenu. Complete the dialogue
by choosing the correct option from those given. (3 Marks)
David : Hello. Is this 26897367?
Meenu : Yes. (a) ________________________________________________?
David : To Meenu. I am her friend David.
Meenu : David! It's Meenu. (b) ____________________________________?
David : From Indira Gandhi International airport. I'm here for a visit.
Meenu : That's great. (c) __________________________________________?
David : I wanted to give you a surprise.
(a) (i) Who you are speaking to?
(ii) Who are you speaking?
(iii) Whom do you wanted to speak?
(iv) Whom do you want to speak to?
(b) (i) Where you are call from?
(ii) Where you are calling from?
(iii) Where are you calling from?
(iv) Where are you talking?31
 (i) You did not let me know if you were coming?
(ii) Why didn't you let me know you were coming?
(iii) Why are you not letting me know you were coming?
(iv)  Why you were not letting me know you are coming? 

D.2 .  Given below is a conversation between David and his friend, Meenu. Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct option from those given.                                                                                                                                                                                               (3 Marks)
David  : Hello. Is this 26897367?
Meenu  : Yes. (a) ________________________________________________?
David  : To Meenu. I am her friend David.
Meenu  : David! It’s Meenu. (b) ____________________________________?
David  :  From Indira Gandhi International airport. I’m here for a visit.
Meenu  : That’s great. (c) ___________________________________________?
David  : I wanted to give you a surprise.
(a) (i) Who you are speaking to?                    (ii) Who are you speaking?
     (iii) Whom do you wanted to speak?        (iv) Whom do you want to speak to? 
(b) (i) Where you are call from?                      (ii) Where you are calling from?
      (iii) Where are you calling from?              (iv) Where are you talking?
(c) (i) You did not let me know if you were coming?
     (ii) Why didn’t you let me know you were coming?
     (iii) Why are you not letting me know you were coming?
       (iv) Why you were not letting me know you are coming? 
  D. 3 Given below is a conversation between Manu  and his friend, Arun . Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct option from those given.                      
Manu: I am really thrilled about our trip to South India. I have heard it has some wonderful beaches. I don’t know (a) ___________when I will find myself standing before the vast sea.

Arun: Yes, it is a wonderful experience to see the vast waves rising and striking the beach.
Manu: Tell me, (b) _______________________Goa?
Arun: We shall reach within two days as we are going there first. Do you know (c) _________ since it’s
your first trip outside?
Manu: Oh my God! I forgot that completely. Actually I had (d) ______________, but the excitement was
so much that it escaped my mind completely.
 (A) 1) what to do
 2) how I shall feel
 3) what I will do
 4) what will I do.
 (B) 1) when we shall reach
 2) when we will reach
 3) when shall we reach
 4) when will we reach
 (C) 1) where you will go
 2) what you will do
 3) what to carry
 4) what you will carry
 (D) 1) come to you to know that
 2) come to tell you that
 3) come to ask you that
 4) come to ask that from you  10
  F. 3Complete the news stories accompanying the following headlines by filling in the blanks.
(a). Fire in Bangalore high rise, no casualties
……………………………………………………… on the terrace of a five-storey Gold Towers in Residence Road in the heart of Bangalore, a police official said……………... so far.
(i) A fire broke out; No casualties have been reported          
(ii) A fire has broken out; No casualties have been reported
(iii) A fire is breaking out; No casualties are being reported
(iv) A fire broke out; No casualties are said to be reported
(b). Sania, Shoaib exchange wedding vows in Hyderabad
Indian tennis star Sania Mirza ………………………………………………. at a hotel here on Monday after getting a no-objection certificate from the city police.
(i) has been tied the knot with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik       
(ii) is tying the knot with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik   
(iii) tied the knot with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik
(iv) will have tied the knot with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik                

(c).   Obama asks Pakistan to bring 26/11 perpetrators to justice
US President Barack Obama asked Pakistani Prime Minister Yusouf Raza Gilani……………………………………………………., saying that this action would be a positive thing in improving Indo-Pak ties.
(i) for bringing the perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to justice
(ii) to brought a perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to justice
(iii) to bring perpetrators of Mumbai terrorist attack to justice
(iv) to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to justice

(d). Pakistan: 35 militants, 2 soldiers die in fighting
Militants armed with rockets and automatic weapons ……………………………….. in northwestern Pakistan………………………………………………….., officials said.

(i)                 attacked against two security checkpoints; leaving  at least 35 insurgents and two soldiers dead
(ii)                have attacked two security checkpoints; left  at least 35 insurgents and two soldiers dead
(iii)             attacked two security checkpoints; that has left at least 35 insurgents and two
soldiers dead
(iv)             attacked two security checkpoints; leaving  at least 35 insurgents and two
soldiers dead
E. 1    Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. 1×4 = 4
one / fell / day / a / farmer's / will / donkey / into / down / a
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.
(a) the / farmer / know / to / didn't / do / cried / animal/the / and / what
(b) invited / he / neighbors / all / help / his / to / him
(c) what / donkey / the / didn't / at first / realize / was / happening
(d) he / everybody's / to / then / amazement / down/ quietened

E.2       Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences as in the
example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. (1x3=3 Marks)
Example : saw/ a rabid dog / being bitten/ a man /after/ in acute pain/ Louis Pasteur/ by
Louis Pasteur saw a man in acute pain after being bitten by a rabid dog.
1. then /there /no treatment /was
2. the/ red hot iron/ burnt / with /wound /to be/ had
3. this/ alternative solutions/ he saw/ decided /and /to find/ to /it
  E.3      Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
The first one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your
answer sheet. (3 X 1 =3 marks)
my/ stiff/ body/ ached /was /head/ and/ my
My body was stiff and my head ached.
1. part /my /the/ lazy/ body/ bed / attend school /told/ keep lying/ me/ to /of /in /and /not to
2. good students /but/ classes/ the real part/ of me/ silly reasons /said/ that/ did not miss/ for
3. over ruled/ school /my lazy mind /therefore/ I /and / to /went

F. 1 Look at the newspaper items below. Then use the information in the headlines to complete the paragraphs. Write the answers in your answer sheets against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole sentence                                            (4 marks)
Delhi police report that 15 crates of _________________________________ by them from three persons at Timarpur in North Delhi today.
India ‘s medal tally went up when ace shooter ____________________in the centre- fire pistol.

The Managing Director of the Syndicate bank _______________________at the ‘Heart
and Lung Institute’ in Chandigarh yesterday.
Delhi Exams for classes VI to IX and XI ____________________following __________ of the English and Sanskrit papers.
F. 2 .  Look at the newspaper items given below. Use the information in the headlines to complete the paragraphs.                                                                                                (4 Marks )
NOIDA, June 11: Leading mobile handset manufacturer (a) ____________________ a low-cost solar-powered mobile phone today in a grand function at Pragati Maidaan, and said it was planning to introduce about 20 more models by year-end.

NEW DELHI: Reiterating that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a Memorandum of Agreement to establish a partnership in the area for practical cooperation (b) _________________ on next Monday.

NEW DELHI, Sept 17: Doctors who opt to work in rural areas will be duly compensated and (c) ____________________ of what their urban counterparts, during their rural stint, announces health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Thursday.

Oct. 23: The Dalai Lama, the supreme spiritual leader of the Buddhists, will visit Arunachal Pradesh for seven days from November 8, though his trip to the Himalayan state (d) ___________________________.
Answer option are :-
(a)   (i)   Samsung was launched 
       (ii)  Samsung was launching
       (iii) Samsung has launched
       (iv)  Samsung has been launched

(b)   (i)    will be signed between India and China
        (ii)  has been signed between India and China
       (iii)  was signed between India and China
       (iv)  could have been signed between India and China

(c)   (i)    they fetched double pay
       (ii)  they may fetch double pay
       (iii) they had fetched double pay
       (iv) they might fetch double pay

(d)   (i)     has been opposed by China
       (ii)   has opposed by China
       (iii) will have been opposed by China
       (iv)  were opposed by China
 A.1  Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones
 given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet: (4 Marks)
Like many Indian children, I grew up (a)----------- the vast, varied and fascinating tales of the
Mahabharata. Set (b)------- the end of what the Hindu scriptures term Dvapur Yuga or the third
age of the man, a time (c)----------- the lives of the Gods and people still intersected, the epic
weaves myth, history, religion, science and statecraft (d)------- stories.
a) (i) saying (ii) listening to (iii) questioning (iv) celebrating
b) (i)by (ii)at (iii)from (iv)into
c) (i)where (ii)from (iii)when (iv)before
d) (i)as (ii)in (iii)through (iv)into  
A.2 Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage.  Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.  Do not copy the whole passage.                                               (4 Marks)

Since the beginning of human existence, people (a) ______________________ over the world have expressed their emotions and ideas (b) ________________ the medium of dance.  The word ‘folk’ means people.  Folk dances express the moods and feelings of (c) ___________________ common people.   Different regions (d) _____________ India have their own dances.   (e) ______________ dance is accompanied by music and songs of the region to (f) ______________ it belongs.  (g)______________ recent times folk dances have gained (h) ___________________ popularity, partly because of films and television shows.
(a) (i) all                                                                                   (b) (i) in
     (ii) whole                                                                                 (ii) into      
     (iii) much                                                                                 (iii) through           
     (iv) more                                                                                  (iv) of
(c) (i) the                                                                                 (d) (i) at
     (ii) a                                                                                         (ii) of
     (iii) an                                                                                      (iii) for
     (iv) some                                                                                 (iv) from
(e) (i) Each                                                                              (f) (i) what
     (ii) All                                                                                      (ii) which
     (iii) Whole                                                                              (iii) who   
     (iv) Many                                                                               (iv)whose
(g) (i) Of                                                                                  (h) (i) great
     (ii) For                                                                                     (ii) for
    (iii) In                                                                                       (iii) much
    (iv) Until                                                                                  (iv) many
A. 3   How to Improve Your Memory
G Exercise your brain.
G Reduce stress.
G Create vivid, memorable images.
G Repeat things you need to learn.
G Group things you need to remember.
G Try meditation.

There are some simple steps that can help you to improve your memory. The first step
(a) .................................... with things like crossword puzzles, chess etc. The second
step is (b) ..................................... lives because stress can cause us to forget things.
The next step (c).......................................... which will help us to remember things. Another
method involves repeating things that we want to learn and (d)……………………. so
that we do not forget them easily. Finally, the most important method is to try meditation.
(a) (i) being to exercise your brain (ii) is to exercise one's brain
(iii) is to exercise your brain (iv) being exercising the brain
(b) (i) to reduce stress in your (ii) reducing stress in one's
(iii) reduction of stress in one's (iv) to reduce stress in our
(c) (i) is creating vivid and memorable (ii) is to creating vivid and
images memorable images
(iii) creating vivid and memorable (iv) creation of vivid and
images memorable images
(d) (i) to group things together (ii) group things together
(iii) to be grouping things together (iv) grouped things togethe
B .1.   Edit the following passage by choosing the correct option from the options given below:
 (4 Marks)
 The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the
correct question number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied.
 ½ x8= 4
Often these days we hear and speak of the conquered (a) _______ _________
 in nature, 'the taming of a river', 'the war against insects' (b)_______ _________
and so on. Often these phrases being used without consciously (c) ______ ______
 attaching any value to them, but those have an (d) _______ _________
underlying attitude of hostile towards Nature and Nature's (e) _______ _________
creatures, a viewpoint which seeming to assume (f) ______________
Nature as an enemy that needs to being vanquished. (g) _______ _________
Alternatively, Nature is seen merely as the 'resource' to be (h) _______ _______
B.2 The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect
word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct question number. Remember
to underline the word that you have supplied. The first one has been done as an example.
(3 Marks)
A study performed about the University of New York revealed that about … by (example)
mobile-phone conversations was more annoying than those that occurred (a)............................
face-to-face, even after the volume was the same. The problem
seems to be that conversations on mobile phones are most noticeable than (c).............................
face-to-face conversations. Which seems odd, since two people talking (d)..............................
together project twice the amount of audio as one person talks on the phone (e)..............................
The problem seemed to be that people pay more attention when they hear (f).............................
only half a conversation.
  C.1 Ranbir: Where is my car? I remember parking it here.
 Policeman: The car has been towed away as you parked it in the ‘no parking area’
 Ranbir: Sir, can I be excused this time?
 Policeman: I hope you’ll remember the lesson you learnt today
Ranbir asked the policeman standing there (a)_________. The policeman replied
(b)_________ Ranbir requested the policeman (c)___________________. The policeman then reminded him____ (d)____________.

a) where was his car? He remembered parking it here.
b) that where his car was? He remembered parking it there.
c) where his car was. He remembered parking it there.
d) that where was my car? He remembered it was parked here.
a) that the car had been towed away because he had parked it in the ‘no parking’ zone.
b) that the car was towed away because he had parked it in the ‘no parking’ zone.
c) the car had been towed away because it had been parked in the ‘no parking’ zone.
d) that the car had been towed away because it had been parked in the ‘no parking’
a) to be excused that time.
b) whether he could be excused that time.
c) that he should be excused.
d) whether he could be excused this time.
a) that he hoped he will have to remember the lesson he had learnt that day.
b) That he hoped he should be able to remember the lesson he had learnt that day.
c) that he has to remember the lesson he had learnt that day
d) that he hoped he would remember the lesson he had learnt that day.
 C. 2   Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below.lx4= 4
Customer: Can I have a small bottle of tomato sauce?
Shopkeeper: Sorry, I have only big bottles.
Customer: When will it be available?
Shopkeeper: I can give it to you tomorrow.
Customer: Thank you, then I will get it tomorrow.
The customer asked the shopkeeper (a) …………………….. . The shopkeeper said
that he only had big bottles of tomato sauce. The customer wanted to know

(b)…………………….. . The shopkeeper said that (c) …………………….. .. The customer thanked him and said that (d) …………………….. .

C. 3 Read the following dialogue and then complete the report given below. Write your
answers in your answer sheet with correct blank number. Do not copy the dialogue
and the report. (1X3= 3 marks)
Teacher: Can you read what is written on this page?
Student: I can't read all the words.
Teacher: Would you like to read them?
The teacher asked the student (a) ____________________________________________.
The student replied that (b) ______________________________________. The teacher
then asked her (c) _______________________________________________________ .
D.1    Given below is a conversation between David and his friend, Meenu. Complete the dialogue
by choosing the correct option from those given. (3 Marks)
David : Hello. Is this 26897367?
Meenu : Yes. (a) ________________________________________________?
David : To Meenu. I am her friend David.
Meenu : David! It's Meenu. (b) ____________________________________?
David : From Indira Gandhi International airport. I'm here for a visit.
Meenu : That's great. (c) ___________________________________________?
David : I wanted to give you a surprise.
(a) (i) Who you are speaking to?
(ii) Who are you speaking?
(iii) Whom do you wanted to speak?
(iv) Whom do you want to speak to?
(b) (i) Where you are call from?
(ii) Where you are calling from?
(iii) Where are you calling from?
(v)               Where are you talking?31

 (i) You did not let me know if you were coming?
(ii) Why didn't you let me know you were coming?
(iii) Why are you not letting me know you were coming?
(iv)  Why you were not letting me know you are coming? 

D.2 .  Given below is a conversation between David and his friend, Meenu. Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct option from those given.                                                                                                                                                                                               (3 Marks)
David  : Hello. Is this 26897367?
Meenu  : Yes. (a) ________________________________________________?
David  : To Meenu. I am her friend David.
Meenu  : David! It’s Meenu. (b) ____________________________________?
David  :  From Indira Gandhi International airport. I’m here for a visit.
Meenu  : That’s great. (c) ___________________________________________?
David  : I wanted to give you a surprise.
(a) (i) Who you are speaking to?                    (ii) Who are you speaking?
     (iii) Whom do you wanted to speak?        (iv) Whom do you want to speak to? 
(b) (i) Where you are call from?                      (ii) Where you are calling from?
      (iii) Where are you calling from?              (iv) Where are you talking?
(c) (i) You did not let me know if you were coming?
     (ii) Why didn’t you let me know you were coming?
     (iii) Why are you not letting me know you were coming?
     (iv) Why you were not letting me know you are coming? 
D. 3 Given below is a conversation between Manu  and his friend, Arun . Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct option from those given.                      
Manu: I am really thrilled about our trip to South India. I have heard it has some wonderful beaches. I
don’t know (a) ___________when I will find myself standing before the vast sea.

Arun: Yes, it is a wonderful experience to see the vast waves rising and striking the beach. Manu: Tell me, (b) _______________________Goa?
Arun: We shall reach within two days as we are going there first. Do you know (c) _________ since it’s
your first trip outside?
Manu: Oh my God! I forgot that completely. Actually I had (d) ______________, but the excitement was
so much that it escaped my mind completely.
 (A) 1) what to do
 2) how I shall feel
 3) what I will do
 4) what will I do.
 (B) 1) when we shall reach
 2) when we will reach
 3) when shall we reach
 4) when will we reach
 (C) 1) where you will go
 2) what you will do
 3) what to carry
 4) what you will carry
 (D) 1) come to you to know that
 2) come to tell you that
 3) come to ask you that
 4) come to ask that from you  10
  F. 3Complete the news stories accompanying the following headlines by filling in the blanks.
(4 Marks)
(a). Fire in Bangalore high rise, no casualties
……………………………………………………… on the terrace of a five-storey Gold Towers in Residence Road in the heart of Bangalore, a police official said.   ………..... so far.

(i) A fire broke out; No casualties have been reported          
(ii) A fire has broken out; No casualties have been reported
(iii) A fire is breaking out; No casualties are being reported
(iv) A fire broke out; No casualties are said to be reported

(b). Sania, Shoaib exchange wedding vows in Hyderabad
Indian tennis star Sania Mirza ………………………………………………. at a hotel here on Monday after getting a no-objection certificate from the city police.
(i) has been tied the knot with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik       
(ii) is tying the knot with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik   
(iii) tied the knot with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik
(iv) will have tied the knot with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik                

(c).   Obama asks Pakistan to bring 26/11 perpetrators to justice
US President Barack Obama asked Pakistani Prime Minister Yusouf Raza Gilani……………………………………………………., saying that this action would be a positive thing in improving Indo-Pak ties.
(i) for bringing the perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to justice
(ii) to brought a perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to justice
(iii) to bring perpetrators of Mumbai terrorist attack to justice
(iv) to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to justice

(d). Pakistan: 35 militants, 2 soldiers die in fighting
Militants armed with rockets and automatic weapons ……………………………….. in northwestern Pakistan………………………………………………….., officials said.
(i)                 attacked against two security checkpoints; leaving  at least 35 insurgents and two soldiers dead

(ii)               have attacked two security checkpoints; left  at least 35 insurgents and two soldiers dead

(iii)             attacked two security checkpoints; that has left at least 35 insurgents and two soldiers dead

(iv)             attacked two security checkpoints; leaving  at least 35 insurgents and two soldiers dead

E. 1    Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. 1×4 = 4
one / fell / day / a / farmer's / will / donkey / into / down / a
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.
(a) the / farmer / know / to / didn't / do / cried / animal/the / and / what
(b) invited / he / neighbors / all / help / his / to / him
(c) what / donkey / the / didn't / at first / realize / was / happening
(d) he / everybody's / to / then / amazement / down/ quietened
E.2    Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences as in the
example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. (1x3=3 Marks)
Example : saw/ a rabid dog / being bitten/ a man /after/ in acute pain/ Louis Pasteur/ by
Louis Pasteur saw a man in acute pain after being bitten by a rabid dog.
1. then /there /no treatment /was
2. the/ red hot iron/ burnt / with /wound /to be/ had
3. this/ alternative solutions/ he saw/ decided /and /to find/ to /it
E.3   Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
The first one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your
answer sheet. (3 X 1 =3 marks)
my/ stiff/ body/ ached /was /head/ and/ my
My body was stiff and my head ached.
1. part /my /the/ lazy/ body/ bed / attend school /told/ keep lying/ me/ to /of /in /and /no to
2. good students /but/ classes/ the real part/ of me/ silly reasons /said/ that/ did not miss/ for
3. over ruled/ school /my lazy mind /therefore/ I /and / to /went
F. 1 Look at the newspaper items below. Then use the information in the headlines to complete the paragraphs. Write the answers in your answer sheets against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole sentence
(4 marks)
Delhi police report that 15 crates of _______________________________by them from
three persons at Timarpur in North Delhi today.
India ‘s medal tally went up when ace shooter ____________________in the centre- fire pistol.
The Managing Director of the Syndicate bank ____________________________at the ‘Heart and Lung Institute’ in Chandigarh yesterday.
Delhi Exams for classes VI to IX and XI ________________________ following __________
of the English and Sanskrit papers.
F. 2 .  Look at the newspaper items given below. Use the information in the headlines to complete the paragraphs.                                                                                                    (4 Marks )
NOIDA, June 11: Leading mobile handset manufacturer (a) ____________________ a low-cost solar-powered mobile phone today in a grand function at Pragati Maidaan, and said it was planning to introduce about 20 more models by year-end.


NEW DELHI: Reiterating that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a Memorandum of Agreement to establish a partnership in the area for practical cooperation (b) _________________ on next Monday.

NEW DELHI, Sept 17: Doctors who opt to work in rural areas will be duly compensated and (c) ____________________ of what their urban counterparts, during their rural stint, announces health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Thursday.

Oct. 23: The Dalai Lama, the supreme spiritual leader of the Buddhists, will visit Arunachal Pradesh for seven days from November 8, though his trip to the Himalayan state (d) ___________________________.

Answer option are :-
(a)   (i)   Samsung was launched 
       (ii)  Samsung was launching
       (iii) Samsung has launched
       (iv)  Samsung has been launched
(b)   (i)    will be signed between India and China
        (ii)  has been signed between India and China
       (iii)  was signed between India and China
       (iv)  could have been signed between India and China
(c)   (i)    they fetched double pay
       (ii)  they may fetch double pay
       (iii) they had fetched double pay
       (iv) they might fetch double pay
(d)   (i)     has been opposed by China
       (ii)   has opposed by China
       (iii) will have been opposed by China
       (iv)  were opposed by China

1. Rohit’s father has to go to Dehradun on an official tour by train. Since he is 4
very busy he asked Rohit to get a ticket. As Rohit had never bought a ticket
before, his father gave the following instructions.
• First go to the railway reservation counter, ensure from the enquiry whether a
berth is available.
• Then fill up the requisition form.
• Write all details in the specified columns.
• Hand over the form at the counter.
• Give the required amount.

After Rohit has bought a ticket he discusses about the whole procedure with his
friend. First I (a) ___________ berth is available. Then  I (b) ____________ and in the
specified columns (c) _____________ then I (d) _____________ at the counter along with the required amount.

2. Read the given instructions and complete the description that follows.                                                                                                                     (3 marks)
How to Make Orange Squash
• Take 1 dozen fully ripe oranges
• Remove the rinds
• Extract the juice
• Strain through a thick cloth
• Mix ½ kg sugar, ½ tea-spoon citric acid
• Add a pinch of potassium Meta – bisulphate, few drops of colour and essence
One dozen fully ripen oranges are taken. Their rinds ------a-------- and the juice ---------b--------. Then the juice ---c------------ through a thick cloth into a stainless steel vessel. ½ kg sugar, ½ tea-spoon citric acid, a pinch of potassium meta-bisulphate, a few drops of colour and essence are added.       
3. Given below are some tips on how to prepare a cup of coffee.  Imagine that you have just learnt the procedure.  Complete the passage by filling in the gaps choosing the answers from the given options.
Take a cup of water in a pan.       Place it on a lighted stove.   Boil it.   Add coffee powder and sugar.      Add milk.   Heat till it boils.   Pour into cups.   Sprinkle cocoa powder and serve.
In order to prepare a cup of instant coffee, a cup of water is taken in a pan. It (a) ________ lighted stove.  It is allowed (b)___________ . Coffee powder and sugar are mixed. Then according to one’s taste (c)__________ and the mixture is heated till it boils. It is then poured into cups and served with cocoa powder over it.
a)         i)          is placed on a lighted stove     ii)         places on a lighted stove
            iii)        place on a lighted stove          iv)        is to be places on a lighted stove
b)         i)          to boiling                                 ii)         is boils
            iii)        to boil                                      iv)        boil
c)         i)          milk is added                          ii)         milk adds
            iii)        milk had been added               iv)       adding some milk

1. Ram and Sohan are two friends who met after a few years. Complete the dialogue between them in a suitable way by choosing the correct alternative from those given below. Write only the correct answer against the correct blank number in your answer sheet.                                                                          (1x3=3 marks)
Ram: Hello Sohan. How are you.
Sohan: Ram! What a pleasant surprise! I am fine. How are you?
Ram: It’s a long time since we met. (a) ___________________________________?
Sohan: I’ve been working in Delhi for the past five years. (b) __________________?
Ram: I am the Manager of Munjal Cycles at Ludhiana. I am in Delhi on business.
Sohan: (c) ___________________________________________________________?
Ram: I would love to. But I’ll be free only by 7:30 pm.
Sohan: That’s fine. I’ll pick you up from your hotel by 8 o’clock.
(a) (i) Where have you been all these years?      (ii) You are where all these years?  
(iii) Where you have been all these years?         (iv) Where are you all these years? 
(b) (i) How you have been till now?                    (ii) How about you been till now?
(iii) How you are been till now?                          (iv) How have you been till now?
(c) (i) Are you meet me tonight?                         (ii) Will you meet me tonight?
(iii) Will we meeting tonight?                             (iv) Can we meeting tonight?
2.   Choose the most appropriate options to complete the dialogue given below. Write the correct answer in the answer sheet against the correct blank number.                            (4 Marks)
Nandini: Hello Niharika!
Niharika: Hi, What a pleasant surprise!
Nandini: It’s been a long time since we met. Where (a) ---------------------------------all these years?
Niharika:   In Delhi. How about you? What (b)------------------------------- nowadays?
Nandini:   I’m a fashion designer looking for a job. Last time we met you were still studying. (c)----------------------business management? Niharika: In 2001. Actually I’m here for an interview with a multinational. Nandini: That’s a wonderful piece of news! When (d)-----------------------------------------------? Niharika: I have to report at 5pm today. The office is in Sardar Patel Marg. Can you drop me there? Nandini: Of course! Look there is plenty of time before that. Let’s treat ourselves to coffee.

(a) (i)  had you been   (ii)  were you                  (iii)   are you                 (iv)   have you been

(b) (i) are you doing  (ii)  will you be doing    (iii)  have you been doing 
(iv)  had you been doing

(c) (i)  Are you doing   (ii) When did you finish  (iii)  How did you finish     
(iv)  Have you finished

(a)    (i)  did you report?  (ii)  would you come?  (iii)  do you have to report?
(b)   (iv) do you have to come

3. Read the following conversation between a reservation officer and Sharath and complete the dialogue in a suitable way. Write the answer in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole sentence.                                                                                                                                                                                                           (1x3 = 3 marks)
Sharath : I would like to book a ticket to Chennai on the Dhanbad Express for the 20th of this month. Officer  :  (a) __________________________________________________?
Sharath : A/C 3-tier. Preferably a lower berth. Officer  : The 3rd A/C status is currently waitlisted. (b)______________________________?
Sharath : (c) __________________________________________? Officer  :  That would be Rs. 750.
(a) (i) How are you like to travel?   (ii) How you would like to travel?
(iii) How would you like to travel?   (iv) How you are like to travelled?
(b) (i) Would you like to try the 2nd A/C?  (ii) Would you liking to try the 2nd A/C?
(iii) Are you like to try the 2nd A/C?   (iv) Did you like to try the 2nd A/C”
(c) (i) How much is the ticket costing?  (ii) How much does the ticket costs?
(iii) How much has the ticket costed?   (iv) How much does the ticket cost?
 In the following paragraphs one word has been omitted from each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined.

Music is of the finest things             (a) ____
created man in his march                (b) ____
towards civilization. It the              (c) ____
power to calm a person’s and         (d) ____
lower stress levels. It is even         (e) ____
said music can attract animals      (f) ____
and it also healing properties        (g) ____
has made doctors use it during      (h) ____

These days global warming a very hot (a)
topic, seeing as the earth grows hotter each passing year (b)
The effect of man’s industrialization quietly (c)
yet continuously eked away at the delicate balance the (d)
planet’s atmosphere and ecosystem, but within last (e)
30 years the damage markedly increased. (f)
The cruel perspective of global warming a phenomenon (g)
of increase the average temperature of an atmosphere. (h)52
A Couple weeks ago, (a)
while detailing many ways(b)
 in which coping  the(c)
bleak economy actually better(d)
 our lives, I touched by the(e)
 romance train(f)
travel and suggested  we(g)
would do well introduce(h)

 our children to charms.(i)
I have to confess that I surprised(j)
 by the kind of response triggered (k)
 from readers with stories  tell of(l)
 their rail adventures.(m)
 The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct line number.              (4marks)
1.        We doesn’t eat food only to              Ex: We don’t eat
(a)       tickled our taste buds,
(b)       and also to get nutrients
(c)       for run our body, making it
(d)      grew and repair the inevitable wear and tear.
2.Peer counseling can best be describe as a healthy               (a) ______________
interaction within youngsters, whereby one performs            (b) ______________
the role of the mentor, while the others seek guidance          (c) ______________
through the much unfamiliar by–lanes of student life.           (d) ______________
In fact, the roles of both is interchangeable within                (e) ______________
the flexible gamut of peer counseling, as that the                  (f) ______________
process and their outcome are both enjoyable                        (g) ______________
and helpful in overcome the phenomenon of peer pressure    (h) ______________
Summer was not really a break, but an joint.(a)
 It is the bridge used to re-affirm one’s(b)
connectedness by one’s larger community.(c)
 One did not travel, one returned. It was not a(d)
 attempt to experience a new and the(e)
 extraordinary but one who emphatically(f)
 underlined the power of a old and the ordinary.(g)
 As times change, which we seek from our summer(h)
 breaks too have changed in fundamental way.(i)

1. ‘‘She nodded but did not reply. I did not understand and forget about it. In the
night, after dinner, we were sleeping in the open terrace of the house. It was a summer
night and there was a full moon.”

(1) Who are ‘she’ and ‘I’ in the above extract?
(2) What did ‘I’ forget about?
(3) What was ‘she’ upset about ?
2. ‘‘I am touching the feet of a teacher, not my granddaughter.’’
Why does the old lady give away all her savings without going to Kashi ?

3. ‘For a good cause if you are determined, you can overcome any obstacle. I will
work harder than anybody but I will do it. For learning there is no age bar.

(1) What is the good cause the speaker is talking about ?
(2) What does hard work refer to ?
(3) What was the cause of this determination ?
Short Answers
1. Why did the grandmother think of learning to read and write at the age of sixty
two ?
2. How did the grandmother actualize her dream of being literate ?
3. How does the grandmother fulfil her desire to read ?
Name: A Dog named Duke

Read the following extract and answer the question briefly:

1    He was a 23 kilo missile of joy. He hit Chuck above the belt, causing him to fight to keep his balance.
A)    Who has been called a “missile of joy”?
B)    How did he hit Chuck? Why?
C)    Why did Chuck find it difficult to maintain his balance?
2   Thirteen months from the moment he worked full days,Chuck Hooper was promoted to regional manager covering more than four states.
A)    What helped Chuck Hooper achieve the promotion mentioned here?
B)     What did Chuck’s promotion reveal about the company’s management?
C)     Who did Chuck owe his success to himself or Duke? 
3   All they knew was that their new neighbor walked like a struggling mechanical Giant and that he was always pulled by rampageous dog that acted as a he owned  the man.
A)    Who are ‘they’ here?
B)     Who is their  ‘new neighbor’?
C)    Why did they comment that the dog owned the man?



Q 1 who was Chuck Hooper? Where did he work and how did he look?
Q 2 How was Chuck injured in the accident?
Q 3 How did feel when he returned home from the hospital?
I.  Extract Questions
 A)   “You do study so hard, dearie, you’ll give yourself a headache.  Why don’t you take a nice walk by the river for half an hour, and come back nice and fresh?
         a)     Who is the ‘dearie ‘ here? 
         b)     Who is the speaker here?
         c)     Why does the person hate being called ‘dearie’?
B)   Oh, aren’t you?  Then what about my two bob?  What about my two bob I’ve betted Dickey Saunders that Jimmy Murphy won’t last ten rounds?
a) Who is the speaker of these lines?
b) Who is Jimmy Murphy?
 c) What’s the bet the speaker has with Dickey Saunders?
C)  We have been keeping it from him all these years that I’m in the profession, and we can’t let him know now.  He would die of shame, Jerry.”
1.   Who is the speaker of these lines?
2.  Who is Jerry? What’s his full name?
3.  What have they been trying to keep it from him?
II. Answer in about 30 to 40 words.
a.        Why did Harold’s parents think that it was appropriate to keep the profession a secret?
b.      How did Harold come to know that his father was a boxer?
c.       Why was Harold upset that his father had not revealed his profession earlier?

                                  The man who knew too much

Read the following extract and answer the question briefly:

1  He drilled with enthusiasm, and on route marches he was not only miraculously
   Tireless but infuriated us all with his horrible heartiness.

 Q 1 Who is ‘he’ here? What aim did he have behind his enthusiasm?
Q 2 How did he acquire vast knowledge about military things?
Q 3 How did he show his horrible heartiness?

2      He was our hero and we used to tell each other that he was so tough that  you   Could not hammer nail into him without his noticing it?
Q 1    Who is ‘he’ as their hero?
Q 2    where had he come there from?
Q 3   What was he to do over there?
 3   Through the open door we could see the three cooks standing against the wall as if at bay, and from within came the monotonous beat of a familiar voice?
Q  1  Who are ‘we’ here?
Q 2   When did the narrator and his friends see the cooks?
Q 3   Who was speaking to them and on what?
I.  Extract Questions
 A)   "Good-luck to you, Trevelyan," I said. "And may you get the petunias for your princess!"
         a.   Who is being called Trevelyan? Why does he use this name?
          b.   What is the speaker's tone at this time?
          c.   Who is the princess?
B) “Next year the firm is going to sell me some shares of stock.  Oh, I’m in on the line of       General          Prosperity
a) Who is in the line of General Prosperity?
b) What does the term General Prosperity mean?
c) To whom are these lines spoken?
C)    “And you came mighty near missing the train at Powhatan Junction, too”
1.   Who is the speaker of these lines?
2.  Who is it spoken to?
3.  What is being referred to here by the speaker?
II. Answer in about 30 to 40 words. (3 marks)
a)      What was John A. Pescud’s opinion about best sellers?  Why?
b)      How can you tell that John was a hypocrite?
c)      How did John’s first meeting with Jessie’s father go?  What did the author tell him?

IX Literature   The Brook
Read  the extract and answer the questions that follow

1.D.    I chatter, chatter as I flow,
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.

a) What does the poet want to say in "I chatter, chatter as I flow"?

b) What are the important aspects of land which have been covered by the Brook?

c) Explain the last two lines "men many come and men may go, But I go on forever".

E. I wind about, and in and out
With here a blossom sailing,
And here and there, a busty trout,
And here and there a grayling.
a) Explain "I wind about and in and out".

b) Name the different things that are carried by the brook?

c) Where does the brook carry all, these things?

F.3  steal by lawns and grassy plots,
I slide by hazel covers
I move the sweet forget-me-nots,
That grow for happy lovers.

a) What does the poet want to convey by using the words "steal" and "slide"?
B) What are forget-me-nots?
b) Identify the rhyme scheme in the above stanza.

Short  Answer questions
The Brook
1.  How is the poem a symbol of life? Pick out examples of parallelism between man's life and the brook
 2   How and why does the Brook ‘bicker’?
 3. What are the two ways in which the Brook is similar to life?

The Road not Taken –Robert Frost

I.                   Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below :
(3 Marks)
I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.
(a)    The poet would tell his future generations with a sigh
(b)    What is going on in poet's mind as reflected in above lines?
(c)     Explain: And that has made all the difference.

II.                Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below :
(3 Marks)
Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim.
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
(a)    What do the two diverging roads symbolize?
(b)    What impact has the path trodden by the poet made on his life?
(c)     Is it a positive or negative impact?

SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS- The Road not Taken –Robert Frost  3 Marks
1.      Describe the two roads that the author finds?
2.      Did the poet regret his choice? Why / why not?
3.      3.Does the poet seem happy about his decision?       
The Solitary  Reaper
Read  the extract and answer the questions that follow

 F. I
Alone she cuts, and binds the grain
And sings a melancholy strain
O listen! for the vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.

a. Who is 'she'?
b. What is meant by 'melancholy strain'?
c. What does the 'vale profound' refer to?

F. 2
"Will no one tell me what she sings
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far- off things
And battles long ago

a. Why does the poet ask the question in the first line?
b. What is meant by 'plaintive numbers'?
c. What could have been one of the themes of the song?bb

F. 3
No nightingale did ever chant More welcome notes to weary bands Of travellers in some shady haunt. Among Arabian Sands
a.       Whom did the nightingale sing for ?
b.      What is the effect of nightingale's song on its listeners ?
c.       What does shady haunt refer to ?

The Solitary Reaper
1.      What does the poet guess about the theme of the reaper’s song? Why does he have to guess?

2.      Why did the poet compare the song of the solitary reaper with those of the nightingale and the cuckoo - bird? What did he think of the maiden's song?

3 How does Wordsworth describe the singer and the scene in which she was seen
   singing? What was the effect of her song on the poet? Lord Ullin’s Daughter – Thomas Campbell

I.Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below:
'T was vain: the loud waves lash' d the shore, Return or aid preventing :
The water wild went o'er his child, And he was left lamenting
(a)    The poetic device used in the first line is
(b)    What was in vain?
(c)     Why was he left lamenting?
II. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow
by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below i (CBSE (CCE) Examination, 2010)
The boat has left a stormy land, A stormy sea before her,
When O ! too strong for human hand, The tempest gathered O'er her.
(a) The stormy land in the first line means
(b) Who has left in the boat?
     (c) Too strong for human hand refers to
III. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate alternative from those given below : (CBSE (CCE) Examination, 2010)
"His horsemen hard behind us ride ; Should they our steps discover, Then who shall cheer my bonny bride When they have slain her lover ?"
(a They refers to
b)The poetic device used in the first line is
(c) The word bonny describes the bride as      
Short Answer Questions – Lord Ullin’s Daughter – Thomas Campbell 3Marks
1. The lady faces a dilemma. What is it? What choice does she finally make?
2.’One lovely hand she stretched for aid ‘. Do you think Lord Ullin’s daughter wanted to reach out to her father? If yes why?
3. Why does Lord Ullin’s wrath change into wailing on seeing his daughter?

Seven Ages
Extracts for Comprehension.

1. All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
1.    What is a man’s entry onto the stage?
2.    Why is a man supposed to play many parts in his life?
3.    What do you understand by the world as a stage?

     2.  Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden, and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth.

1.    What does the poet really convey through the image of a soldier?
2.    What are the characteristics of the soldier?
3.    What are the bubble reputations? What is the irony in this?

3. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side,
His youthful hose well sav’d, a world too wide,
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again towards childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound.

Answer in 30-40 words.
1.    Why is the lover compared to a furnace?
2.    Why does the lover sing a woeful ballad about his lover’s eyebrow?
3.    What are the seven stages in a man’s life according to Shakespeare?

Oh! I wished I had looked after my teeth.

Extracts for Comprehension.

1. Oh I showed them the toothpaste all right,
I flashed it about late at night,
But up-and-down brushin’
And pokin’ and fussin’
Didn’t seem worth the time – I could bite!
1.    Whom did the poet show the toothpaste? What does ‘show’ here mean?
2.    Why did the poet find brushing less useful?
3.    What does poking and fussing mean?

2. So I lie in the old dentist’s chair,
And I gaze up his nose in despair,
And his drill it do whine
In these molars of mine.
‘Two amalgam,’ he’ll say, ‘for in there.’
1.    What would have the poet done if she had known the pains she would suffer due to her teeth?
2.    Pick out the three expressions that add fear to the poet. How?
3.    What are molars? What is the dentist going to do with the molars?

3. How I laughed at my mother’s false teeth,
As they foamed in the waters beneath.
But now comes the reckonin’
It’s me they are beckonin’
Oh, I wish I’d looked after me teeth.
1.    What is the reckoning that comes to the poet?
2.    Who are they that beckon the poet at present? How does the poet react to this beckoning?
3.    What kind of transformation do you see in the poet?

Answer in 30-40 words.

1)      How does the narrator in the poem Oh! I Wished I d Looked After Me Teeth regret over the damage of cavities and decay in her teeth?
2)      It s me they are beckoning....... What are they? Why are they beckoning the narrator in the poem Oh! I Wished I d Looked After Me Teeth?
3)      What message does the poem Oh! I Wished I d Looked After Me Teeth convey to children?                                                                                                                                
1. Read the extract and answer the following questions: 3MARKS
I am beautiful pearls, plucked from the Crown of ishtar by the daughter of Dawn
To embellish the gardens
(a) What has been compared to the beautiful pearls?
(b) Embellish the gardens implies that
(c) Identify the figure of speech used in the stanza.
2. .Read the extract and answer the following questions:
The field and the cloud are lovers and between them I am a messenger of mercy. I quench the thirst of the one; I cure the ailment of the other.
(a)    The field and the cloud are lovers……is an example of
(b)   The field and the cloud are lovers….How does the rain help the two?
(c)    Who is the messenger of mercy?
4.Read the extract and answer the following questions:
I emerge from the heart of the sea and soar with the breeze. When I see a field in need ,I descend and embrace the flowers and the trees in a million little way.
 (a) The tone and mood of the rain in the stanza reflects its
(b) The stanza shows a process. it is called
(c) i descend and embrace the flowers implies

I.                   Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.
1.How does the poem ‘Song of the rain end?
2. How does the rain describe itself in the beginning?
3.How is the rain welcomed by the people?
I.                   Read the extract and answer the following questions:
1.      But the sign has been hanging on the gate for over a month now and I am beginning to be afraid that the day I bought it was when I was the real fool.
a)Why is Juliette disappointed?
b)Why does she call herself a fool?
c)To whom does Juliette express her disappointment?
             2. Read the extract and answer the following questions:
A  maid, madame. They prefer the real article. They say maids are born; maids not maids. They are giving me a hundred francs a morning for doing it.
a)Who does ‘they’ refer to?
b)What is the line‘Maids are born; maids not maids’.an example of?
c) Why can’t the speaker refuse the offer?

3. Read the extract and answer the following questions.
 Juliette: I tell you what I will do.I will be philanthropic and let you have it for two hundred thousand.
Gaston:And I will be equally good naured and let you keep it for the same price.
a)      What is Juliette discussing?
b)      What is Gaston’s one-liner an example of?
c)      What does the word ‘philanthropic’ mean here?
Short answer questions

II.                Answer the questions in about 30-40 words each:
1.      Why does Jeanne want to buy a vIlla?
2.      Mrs. Al Smith is atypical American. How?
3.      Why do you think, is Gaston initially opposed to the idea of buying the villa?

Long Answer type questions
1.      How does Gaston make a hundred thousand francs and a carot?
2.      You are Juliette. You feel duped and cheated by Gaston. You decide to take legal action against him. Write a letter to your
I.                    Extract Questions

A)“You are like a child. I can't trust you out of my sight. No sooner is my back turned than you get that little minx Marie to sell the silver salt-cellars.”

(a) The listener got Marie to sell the silver salt-cellars as
                (i) he needed the money to pay the rent
                (ii) he needed to help Marie pay her rent.
                (iii) Mere Gringoire needed money to pay her rent.
                (iv) the bailiff had to be paid.

(b) The speaker’s tone is ____________
(i) gentle
(ii) furious
(iii) sad
(iv) reproachful

(c)  She did not want the salt-cellars sold as ___________________
(i) they had been in their family for years
(ii) she wanted to eat salt out of silver salt cellars.
(iii) they were very rare and expensive
(iv) her mother had given them to her

B.   “Oh, Mon Dieu! It is hopeless. We shall have nothing left. His estate is sold, savings have gone. His furniture,  everything. Were it not for my little dot we should starve! And now my beautiful salt cellars.

1. Who is speaking about whom?
a) Marie about the Bishop.
b) Bishop about Persome.
c) Persome about the Bishop.
d) Persome about Marie.
2. He has sold everything to
a)  help Marie.
b) arrange for his sister’s marriage.
c)  pay Mere Gringoire’s rent.
d)  help the poor

3.  The word ‘dot’ means:
a) a dress.
b) Persome’s dowry.
c) a woman’s income
d) the speaker’s pocket money.

C)   Read the extract given below and answer   the questions that follow.     (1x3=3)
“They feed you in Hell but when you escape from it, you starve.”
(a)  Who is the speaker?
(b)  What is the mental state of the speaker in the stanza?
(c)  What is the ‘Hell’ the speaker is referring to? 
Answer the following in 30 to 40 words. (3 marks each)
Why did the Bishop sell the salt-cellars? Was he right in doing so?
Was the Bishop successful in reforming the convict finally? How do you know that he was reformed?
Who was Jeanette?  What was the cause of her death?

After settling down in Paris the convict writes a letter to the Bishop describing how he has influenced and inspired him to lead a fruitful life.  Write about your determination to lead a good life in 100 to 120 words.
The convict is a product of the society. This means that he is not to be totally blamed for the plight he is in.  Write an article on the topic, “Prisons  must be reformatories rather than places of tortures and punishment.
“Convicts are wicked and deserve punishment”.  Prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly.

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