Friday 27 February 2015


                                                    SECTION A: READING

Q1 Read the passage given below and choose the right answer from the options given below:
The National Flag is a symbol of pride and honour of a country. We are proud of our tri-colour National Flag. It represents the history of our struggle for freedom. Our National Flag consists of horizontal tri-colour saffron at the top. There is a white portion in the middle with dark green at the bottom. The Dharma Chakra of Emperor Ashoka is represented on the white band in the middle. The Ashoka wheel reminds us of our past glory. The saffron colour stands for courage and sacrifice. The white colour stands for truth, purity and peace. The green colour indicates growth and prosperity. We verily believe that our flag will inspire every Indian to guard India’s hard won freedom.
 Choose the correct options to complete the statements                        
a) The national flag is a symbol of…………….
i. Greatness and strength of the country
ii. Love and peace of our country
iii. Pride and honour of a country
b) The flag represents the history…………….
i. of our fore fathers
ii. of our great wealth
iii. of our struggle for freedom
c) The arrangements of the tri colour flag is –
i. White, green and saffron
ii. Saffron, white and green
iii. Green, saffron and white
d) The saffron colour stands for
i. Courage and sacrifice
ii. Peace and prosperity
iii. Love for the country
e) The flag inspires all Indians to
i. Guard its hard won freedom
ii. To shoot the enemy
iii. Help in the development of the country

Q2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions as briefly as possible.
Success in life depends largely on good health. Keep your body fit and strong by being clean, inhaling fresh air and following regular habits and suitable entertainment .Avoid anything that will weaken your strength.  Smoking harms the body and clouds the brain. Beware of drinking .It is the deadly enemy of health and efficiency. Above all, remember that your character is a precious possession. Be truthful in all things. Courteous and considerate to everybody, fair to your opponents, kind and helpful to all who are weak and suffering, and do not be afraid to have the courage to stand up for what is good, pure and noble.
 Complete the following statements by choosing the right answers.
i) Success in life depends largely on
(a) Wealth
(b) Good health
(c) Good environment
ii) Avoid anything that that will weaken your
(a) Brain
(b) Body
(c) Strength
iii) From the passage find the opposites of:
(a) Strong -     __________________
(b) Impure -    __________________

iv) ------------------ is the deadly enemy of health.
(a) Smoking
(b) Drinking
(c) All the above.
v) Find a word from the passage which means the same as:
a) Amusement: ……………
b) Valued: …………………

Q3.  Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.          Peter had two daughters. Once he asked them “What is the sweetest thing in the world? “Honey” said his elder daughter, “Salt”, replied the younger one. Peter got angry thinking that the younger daughter was making fun of him. A quarrel broke out between them and in a rage Peter drove her out of the house. As the pretty maiden was roaming about homeless, a young handsome Prince saw her. Struck by her beauty he took her to his splendid palace and married her. The bride invited her father, Peter to the wedding feast without disclosing her identity. Rich and delicious dishes were served, but they were all without salt. As the guests began to eat tasteless food, they started to complain. “Ah!” said Peter, the bride’s father, “Salt is the truly the sweetest thing in the world, when my daughter said so. I turned her out of the house. Oh God? If only I could see her again and beg for forgiveness.
The bride drew the veil from her face and went to greet her father. Soon properly salted dishes were served and all the guests were satisfied.
(a) Peter got angry with his younger daughter because she …………………..
(b)He punished her by ……………………………….
(c)A young handsome Prince married her because……………………………
(d)The guest were satisfied when the ………………………………
(e)Find out the opposite of the following words from the passage
(i)  Old
(ii) Tasteful

Q4. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
IN a village in Iran there once lived a shepherd. He was very poor. He did not have even a small cottage of his own. He had never been to school or learnt to read and write, for there were very few schools in those days. Though poor and uneducated, this shepherd was very wise. He understood people’s sorrows and troubles, and helped them face their problems with courage and common sense. Many people came to him for advice. Soon he became famous for his wisdom and friendly nature. The king of that country heard about him, and thought of meeting him. Disguised as a shepherd and riding on a mule, one day the king came to the cave where the wise shepherd lived. As soon as the shepherd saw the traveller coming towards the cave, he rose to welcome him. He took the tired traveller inside the cave, gave him water to drink and a share of his own meagre meal. The king rested for the night in the cave and was greatly impressed by the shepherd’s hospitality and wise conversation.

1) Where did the shepherd live?
2) How did the shepherd help the people?
3) Why was the shepherd famous?
4) What did he give the king to eat?
5) Find a word from the passage which means the same as ; “Concealed/hide”

Q5. Read the given poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.
I am a cloud
I fly through the transparent sky
And in the heavens
I bloom into a lotus.
I am a breeze
I glide over the bed of flowers
And gently
I shake down a dream.
I am water
I flow into the sleeping rainbow
And go in pursuit
Of the sound of the temple gong.
I am a fog
I look forward to the rising of red sun
Over the towering peak
And return to it
Its gentle beauty.

On the basis of the reading of the poem complete the summary using a word or phrase:
The poet imagines himself as a cloud that quietly (a) --------- and on reaching heaven it (b) ------- Then the poet imagines himself as a breeze that (c) -------- and gently shakes down their dreams. Then he imagines himself as water that leisurely flows into (d) --------and then goes in search of the sound of the temple bell.
 Next he imagines himself as a (e) ……… that shyly looks forward to the rising sun towering over the peak.

Q6. Read the given poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.

I lay in sorrow, deep distressed:
My grief a proud man heard;
His looks were cold, he gave me gold
But not a kindly word,
My sorrow passed – I paid him back
The gold he gave to me;
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks
And blessed his Charity...
I lay in wait, in grief and pain:
A poor man passed my way;
He bound my head, he gave me bread
He watched me night and day.

How shall I pay him back again
For all he did to me?
Oh! gold is great, but greater far
Is heavenly Sympathy!

On the basis of the reading of the poem complete the sentences by choosing the correct options.
1.      The proud man heard the poet -------------------
(a)    crying in pain             (b) sing in joy             (c) lying in misery

2.      The proud man helped the poet by -------------------
(a)    giving him comfort            (b) giving him gold     (c) assisting him to lie down

3.      The poet thanked the proud man by ------------------
(a)    blessing his large-heartedness        (b) giving him money      (c) smiling at  him

4.      The poor man helped the poet by -----------
(a)    giving him food      (b) serving him like his own       (c) binding his body

5.      The word ‘distressed’ means ------------
(a)    dissatisfied        (b)unhappy       (c) much troubled 

Q1.You are Ruby/ Rajesh. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to exempt you from games as you have been advised to take rest due to ill health.

Q2 You had borrowed a book from the library. You lost the book. Write a letter to the librarian informing him/her of the loss.

Q3. You are Priya / Prasanjit of Class VI. You are celebrating your birthday .Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her for your birthday party.

Q1. Write a short paragraph on the given topics in about 80 words.
1. Harmful effects of spending long hours in watching television.
2. Morning Assembly.
3. My Favourite Teacher
4. A Journey by train.
Q1. You are Rahul/Radha .You lost your lunch box in the Vidyalaya premises. Draft a lost notice in not more than 50 words to be put up on the school notice board.

Q2.You are Mohit/Garima.You found a wrist watch while playing in the school play ground. Write a found notice in not more than 50 words to be put up on the school notice board.
                                   SECTION C: GRAMMAR
Q1. Do as directed:
Fill in the blanks with the right words from those given in the brackets.
(my, our, he, your)
1. I am older than ________.
2. Have you taken ________meal?
3. This is_______ pencil.
4. We are going to ________school.
Q2. Fill in the blanks by giving the right form of the word given in the brackets.
1. Pramod is ________than Vinod. (short)
2. Delhi is __________than Mumbai (hot)
3. Rani is the ____ _______girl of the class (beautiful)
4. The dog is the _____ ________animal. (faithful)
Q3. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the brackets.
               (in,  on , at )
1. The pen is ______the pocket.
2. He kept the book ______the table.
3. He is swimming ______the lake.
4. Many people were waiting _____ the bus stop.
Q4. Choose the right word from those words given in brackets and complete the statements given below.
           (Army, library, team, bundle)
1. A collection of soldiers……………..
2. A collection of players……………...
3. A collection of books………………..
4. A collection of sticks…………………
Q5.Fill in the blanks with the right form of the word given in brackets
1. He____ (play) hockey in the school.
2. I rarely _______ (write) a letter to my friend
3. We_______ (respect) our elders.
4. She _______(look) after her child with great care
Q6. Rewrite the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences
1. three matches/already played/The/two teams/have.
2. was/excellent/play /the last day's.
3. a/ lovely /face /She/has.
4 a number of/problems /these days/India is facing.
5. the area/to catch /the police/are /combing/the burglars.
6. to /my question/in answer/gave a/he /smile.
7. to see/ him/we also /smiled/smile.
8. he hoped/he said/to the party/to be invited.
9 .a/good athletic/the boys/put up /show.
10. great courage/ the soldiers/showed/people/from floods/in saving.
11. for your /good performance/you deserve /a patting.
Q7.  Editing:
1. You wrote a letter to your friend Mohit congratulating him on his success in the annual examination with good marks. The letter is not edited. There is an error in each line. Identify the incorrect word and write the correct word in the given blanks.
525, Yamuna Nagar
15th June., 2014
Dear Mohit,
                                                                                    Incorrect                      Correct           
I am thrill to know about your result.               Ex.     thrill.                           thrilled
I am very please to know that                                 (a) ………                       ………         
you have stand first in your class                            (b)………                       ………
and secured more  that 95% marks                          (c) ………                      ………
in the annual examination. you parents                   (d) ………                     ………
must be feeling proud of you. All this is
the result from the hard work you put in.               (e)……….                       ……….
Heartiest congratulations! Keep it up.
Q2. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line.
Write the incorrect word and the correct word as given in the example
                                                                                                     Incorrect        Correct                                                              
Balla Shah lived at Gujarat                                                      ex.    at                in
He was a great ruler. He hates to spend                                 (a) ………..        ………
anything on anybody, even on himself.         
One day he see some dates on a palm tree.                            (b) ………..        ………
He liked dates very much and wants                                      (c) ………..        ……….
to have some but how can he get them?                                 (d) ……….        ……….
He did not like to asked anyone to climb                                           (e) ……….         ……….
up and got them for him.                                                        (f) …………      ………..
Q3.  The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Write the incorrect word and the correct word  as given in the example.
  Incorrect         correct
Flowers is a wonderful gift of Nature.                         ex.     is              are
These bring a smile on our face.                         (a) _______     ________
They enliven a surroundings.                              (b) _______      ________
Many people worship God from flowers.           (c)   _______     ________             
People offer flowers over festive occasions.       (d) ________    ________

But flowers looked their best on plants.             (e) ________    ________


Answer the following questions in brief.(30-40 words)
1.      What is Dolma's ambition?
  1. Why does Peter like second Saturday?
  2. How would Rohit spend his huge amount of money if he had a lot of money
  3.   Why was Jumman happy over Algu's nomination as head panch?
  4. How did Jumman understand the responsibility of a head panch?
  5. How did Jumman's aunt become an unwelcome guest at her home?
  6. How did the old aunt try to get justice
  7. What was Samjhu Sahu’s vocation
  8.  Why was the shop called a lucky shop?
  9.  Why was Rasheed upset?
  10.  How did the shopkeeper befool the boy?
  11.  Why did Rasheed try his luck again and again?
  12.  What was uncle’s advice to Rasheed1. 
  13. How do desert animals survive without water?
  14.   How is the hump of camel helpful to him?
  15.  How is a camel able to eat thorny desert plants?
  16.  What turns a land into a desert
  17.    What did the Myna  finally decide to do?
  18.    Why did the squirrel become a friend of author?
  19.      Describe the quality of snake as a superb fighter?
  20.     How can you say that the Banyan tree was the noisiest place in the garden?
  21.   What was the result of the fight between a snake and a mongoose?
  22. Why was the Banyan tree so dear to the author
                     Lesson 1 .THE MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE
Q1.Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.
1. What did the two friends generally talk about ?
2. Why did the crocodile’s wife dislike her husband’s friendship with the monkey?

3. How did the monkey save himself?
1. What happens to our body when we sleep?
2. Why do we get dreams?
3. Why has sleep been called a wonder?
1. What had happened to Saeeda’s mother?
2. What did Saeeda tell the sunrays?
3. Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth, the next day?
1. In What way is Pambupatti different from any other village?
2. Why do you think Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village?
3. If you were a baby snake, would you tell Makara that he was wrong? How would you speak up for all the creatures in the forest?
1. What was Vijay Singh called by the villagers?
2. Why did he accept the challenge of the villagers?
3. Was it really the ghost whom Vijay Singh befooled? Give reasons for your choice

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