Friday 27 February 2015



A.1  Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Once upon a time there lived a crow couple, who had built a nest on the top of a Banyan  tree. But unfortunately the tree was inhabited by a snake at its bottom. So the snake used to crawl up the tree and eat all the eggs that the lady crow used to lay. The crow couple were deeply sad and when this happened time after time, then they decided to get rid of t
he snake by hitting upon  a plan. So the crow then approached his friend the jackal and asked for a plan. The jackal then told him to go and fetch a costly thing from the palace of the king and throw the thing in the burrow of the snake. The crow went to palace, and stole a necklace of the queen while she was bathing. The guards of the palace ran after it. The crow then dropped the necklace in the burrow of the snake beneath the tree.
The guards on reaching the bottom of the tree, found the necklace guarded by the serpent. Then they killed the snake and recovered the necklace. So the crow family was now happy that their eggs were safe now.
Choose the correct option. 
A 4.1 The crow  couple built a nest on top of a -------------------
a)      Peepal tree
b)      Banyan tree
c)      Neem tree
d)     Mango tree
2 There  also lived a ------- at the bottom of tree
a)      mongoose
b)      eagle
c)       snake
d)     monkey
 3 The  Crow wanted to ------------
a)      Befriend the snake
b)      Get rid of the snake
c)      Kill the snake
d)     Hide the snake
4 The crow went to the palace and stole the necklace of the -------------
a)      Prince
b)      Princess
c)      King
d)     Queen

5 The servants  --------------the necklace  at the bottom of the tree.
a)      Could not find
b)      Recovered
c)      Lost
d)     Could not get back 

2 Read the following passage carefully and the questions that follow:
Judo has originated from the Japanese word, Jujilsu. This is a martial art resembling wrestling in which the enemy is defeated without using any weapon. In this art ,the opponent is over powered by bodily movements, balance and power of arms. This sport started in 700AD. It was introduced in the 1964 Olympics held at Tokyo .In this sport, those techniques are used by which the opponent’s force is used to one’s own advantage. In fact, it is an art for self-protection. As per rules one cannot attack an opponent.
In Olympics Games only six players from a country can participate. There are five categories of this sport based on respective weight groups.
 On the basis of your reading answer the following questions:

A)      The word Judo has originated from the Japanese word ---------------------------
B)     The origin of Judo is estimated around the year------------------------------------
C)     It is an art for protecting ---------------------------------------------------------------
D)     The rule is that one cannot --------------------------------an opponent in this art.

a)In this game an enemy is defeated without using any weapon  ----------------

b) Five players from a country can participate  in this martial art during the Olympics Games.------------------.



Look at the birds O children dear,
And learn to be carefree
Look at the flowers little ones!
And laugh and live in joy
From the deer you can learn to skip
And learn to sing from the birds
Watch the sky, and learn to draw
A hundred scenes from the clouds.
Look at the trees, O children dear!
And learn to serve always.
Look at the mountains and the streams
And learn to face the storms.

God has made this lovely world
For you to see and learn
Like the sun you have to shine
And brighten other’s lives.
Beat the drum, O little drummer!

A1 On the basis of your reading complete the following table: 5 marks

Serving others


1. A student of St. Joseph School, Ludhiana has lost a very expensive pen in the school playground during the morning the morning assembly. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board giving all the necessary details. Sign yourself as Ravi Sinha, VII A.
2.Lorreto Convent School, New Delhi is going to celebrate ‘ Van Mahotsava’ on the forthcoming Sunday. Write a notice informing the students about this event and inviting them to participate wholeheartedly in this programme. Sign yourself as Vijay, the junior head boy of the school.

3.St.Anthony School, Faridabad has planned an excursion to Mussorie/ Dehradun. It’s a weeklong trip during which the students will visit the famous places of the area. Write a notice in not more than 50 words giving all the necessary details. Sign yourself as Ripon Nandi, the head boy of the school.

2  Using the hints develop it into a short paragraph and give a suitable title.
Got up---- six o clock-------- dark clouds------------  monsoon season-----had my   breakfast--- got ready for school---  heavy down pour----- wore  raincoat---- reached school----- traffic jam ----rained till evening----- came home   — played with paper boats--  croaking of frogs----- loved rainy season.
3  Write a paragraph on the topic “How to save the Ozone Layer ” in 100 words using the ideas given below and your own ideas
·         Plant  more trees as they can absorb carbon-di-oxide.
·         Save energy.
·         Use eco-friendly products and goods.
·         Spread more awareness.
·         Use buses and trains instead of cars, as they can carry a lot more people in one journey. This brings down pollution.


1 Your school organized a trip to Mysore under the supervision of your Physical education teacher.You have returned after three days .Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your experiences of the trip, in not more than 120 words.(6 marks)
·                     Climate,scenic beauty
·                     Tippu sultan palace
·                     Brindavan gardens
·                     Nandi hills
·                     Shopping
2 Write a letter to your friend describing  about your school Annual Day which you recently celebrated.
3 Write a letter to your friend describing about the recent IPL match you witnessed .

1. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line.   Write the word, which comes before the omitted word, the omitted word and the word that comes after the omitted word.

 Word before    Omitted word   Word after
1.One day old woman got a letter from her    a) _________   ___________   __________
son who lived far away.  As she could read   b) _________  ___________   __________
she waited in front her house for someone   c) _________   ___________   ___________
to come by house who could read it for her. d) _________  ___________   ___________
Soon warrior came. When he looked at the  e) _________  ____________  ___________
letter, tears welled up in eyes, and he           f) _________  ____________   ___________
began  to cry bitterly, ‘something wrong     g) _________  ____________   ___________
my son? “ asked old woman.                       h) _________  ____________   ___________

Word before    Omitted word   Word after

2.The purpose of the hump is serve as a        a)  _________   ___________   __________
storage place food for days. Before              b)   _________   ___________   __________
a camel starts out on a journey,  master        c)   _________   ___________   __________
forces it to eat and drink.  It eats much         d)   _________   ___________   __________
that  hump of fat, perhaps forty-five kilos     e)  _________   ___________   __________
in weight, rises its back. This fat can nourishf)  _________   ___________   __________
the camel for several days if it  unable to find g)_________   ___________   __________
food the journey.                                                          h) _________   ___________   __________

Word before    Omitted word   afterword
3.The duckbill builds special burrow for nesting  a)  _________   __________ ________     purposes, which it fills leaves, grass, and reeds.    b)  _________   __________  _______
The female lays eggs in the nest and lies curled c)      _________   __________ _______
Around them to incubate them.The young ones born d) _________  __________    ____
blind and helpless, and remain the burrow for    e)   _________   __________   ________
some time, feeding the mother’s milk.                f)   _________   __________   ________
1 In the following passage there is one error in each line. Pick out the error and  write the correct word against each blank number.
                                                                                         Error             Correction            
1.Once there was a dog. He wander from                 a) ___________   _____________
door to door.  One day he stole the piece                  b) ___________   _____________
of meat of a butcher’s shop. He ran away with it.    c) ___________   _____________
He ran out of the town. Here was a stream               d) ___________   _____________

close by. It was good place for her to enjoy             e) ___________   _____________
the piece of meat. When he is passing over the         f) ___________   _____________
plank, he saw his reflection on the water.                 g) ___________   _____________
He thought it was another dog to a larger piece       h) ___________   _____________
of meat. He wanted to got that piece also.               i) ___________   _____________
He bark at the dog in the water. When he                j) ___________   _____________
opened his mouth,the  piece of meat fall                 k) ___________   _____________
into the water. He was so sad. He repented            l) ___________   _____________
over his folly. But it was too late.                           m) ___________   ____________               
                                                                                    Error             Correction                   
2.I was all alone at the house. My parents             a) ___________   _____________
 had gone to attend the wedding. At about          b) ___________   _____________
9 p.m. there is a knock at the door. On opening    c) ___________   _____________
the door, I found a middle aged man with her      d) ___________   _____________
wife and three children. After I could recognize   e) ___________   _____________
his and ask him anything, he entered the room.    f) ___________   _____________
He told me which he was my uncle. I had to            g) ___________   _____________
 entertain him with tea and pakoras. Then he        h) ___________   _____________
started a never-ending courses of conversation.  i) ___________   _____________
When my parents come back home, I heaved      j) ___________   _____________
a sigh for relief.

3  In the following passage there is one error in each line. Pick out the error and      write the correct word against each blank number.
                                                                                      Error             Correction
1.There was a doctor who is famous for                 a) ___________   _____________
his ability and also to his greed.                              b) ___________  _____________
Once, he cure a child of a terrible disease               c)  ___________  _____________   
and as a token for her gratitude, the                        d)  ___________  _____________
child’s mother present the doctor with                    e)  ___________  _____________
a pretty silk wallets. The woman said,                     f) ___________    ____________
‘Sir, I make it myself. Please accept it.’                  g)  ___________  _____________
Shaking her head, the doctor said harshly,              h)  ___________  _____________
‘I don’t accept my fee in kind. Give me in cash.’
 Fill in with the appropriate forms of the words given in the bracket.
1 Due to his a) ------------------- he lost his job.If he hadn’t been b) -------------- with his boss he  could have retained his job.(Anger)
2 I put the a) --------------- of my family above all things .If you make other b)-------------------- you will automatically become cheerful.(happy)
3 The a)-------------------- gave his b)--------------------- , and it brought happiness to all .(judge)
4 Not everything you read is  ----------------------- true/ truth.

Rewrite each as  a single sentence.Use ‘if’ at the beginning of the sentence.
1 Walk fast.You’ll catch the train.
2 Don’t smoke on the road .You’ll be punished.
3 Don’t tease the animals.It will bite you.

Complete each sentence by choosing the correct option
1 He will lend his pen -----------------------------.(If you want to /if you don’t want to/if you want him to).
2 Don’t go to school ------------------------------( If you want to /if you don’t want to/if you want him to).

Re-arrange the jumbled words / phrases to form correct sentences :-
Eg. The sword/ mightier / is/ the pen / than
Ans. The pen is mightier than the sword.
a)       makes /no play /all work and/ a dull boy/ Jack
b)      in the hand /is /two /a bird/ in the bush/worth
c)      and friends /should be few / books/ but good
d)     the horns/ taken by/ must be/ the bull  

Rearrange the jumbled words/ phrases into meaning sentences.     
a.      there/ a / retired/ lived/ once / soldier
b.      he/ in/ cottage/ a/ beautiful/ a/ village/ lived/ in
c.       he /one/ working/ had/ for him/ servant
d.      officer/ very/ The/ rude/ was/ and/ overbearing
e.       he/ his/ mistakes/ minor/ for/ servant/ often/ beat /his

Rearrange the jumbled words/ phrases into meaning sentences.     
Eg:    my/Hitesh/friend/best
Ans   Hitesh is my best friend

a)      a/is/ boy/he/hard working/an/and honest

b)      and/actively/in/he/participates/debates/sports

c)       very/is/he/helpful/disciplined/and/student

 d) school/to/same/both/travel/us/of/in/ van/the


Expert detectives
1 Who are called as expert detectives and why?
2.What were some of the findings of Maya to conclude Mr.Nath as a crook?
3.Why does Nishad differ from Maya in calling Mr.Nath a Crook?
The Invention of Vita- Wonk
1 Why did Mr.Wonka roll up his sleeves?
2 Name some of the oldest living things that Mr.Wonka collects. What was the purpose
   behind collecting those things?
3 Who is Oompa-Loompa? What changes take place in his body when he swallows four
   drops  Vita-Wonk?

Fire: Friend and foe
1 Why was early man frightened of fire?
2 What are the  three things needed to make fire? Give two examples of each.
3  In olden days when there were no firemen,how did people put out f ire?

-A Bicycle in Good Repair

1 Why did the author’s friend ask for a hammer?
2 The author and his friend grovelled round for half an hour. Why did they do so ?
3 Why did the author take  his friend  into the kitchen?I WANT SOMETHING IN A CAGE
1.            How did Mr. Purcell spend his free time in the shop?
2.            What was his feelings towards the strange customer?
3.            What was the morning scene in Mr.Purcell’s  shop?Describe.

1.Write a paragraph about Abbu Khan’s love for his pets?
2.How did Chandini feel on reaching the hills?
3.What made Abbu Khan believe that Chandini would not run to the hills?

1 Was the lady frightened of the bear chasing her in the forest?
2 Did the lady feel sorry for the bear?
3 Why didn’t the lady take her pet with her when she visited her married sister?

1.Was Timothy friendly with other pets?
2How did Timothy get along with the puppy?
3  Why was  Timothy transferred  to the zoo?

Lesson 10. An Alien Hand
1Why was  Tillo’s not allowed the enter the surface of the planet?
2 How did Tillo enter the ‘forbidden passage’
3 .Why were the scientists at NASA disappointed?



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