Friday 6 December 2019




NAME:                                   CLASS:  VI              SEC:                      MAX.MARKS:

1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (5marks)

Socrates, the great Greek philosopher, tried hard to control himself and had resolved never to make a show of his temper . He believed that angry man was like a beast. He had a  wife who often lost her temper and tried hard to provoke the cool and calm philosopher.

One day the woman became very  angry and began to insult Socrates. Socrates did not speak a single word and left her alone. He sat on the doorstep of his house looking out on the public street. The wife could see that Socrates was not at all affected by her  loud and angry scolding.Then she went up to him and emptied a pot full of water over him. The passers –by-in the street were much amused at the incident and Socrates also joined them saying , ‘After  thunder comes the rain.’

1.1   Choose the most appropriate option out of the following:

(i)                  Socrates was a great .......................... philosopher.

(a)Russian      (b)Italian                (c)Greek               (d) Roman

(ii)  According to Socrates an angry man is like a ............................. .

      (a )lion                   (b) brute                (c) beast         (d) bear

(iii)               Socrates’ wife tried hard to  ............................ .

(a )make sense to Socrates  (b)make both the ends meet  (c) educate Socrates (d) provoke Socrates

(iv)When his wife began to insult him, Socrates  ................................... .

(a)    Began to beat her (b)used harsh words (c)did not speak a single word

(d) complained to his neighbours

(v) Pick the word from the passage which means ‘irritate’.

(a) provoke   (b) beast   (c)amuse  (d) insult

2.Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences: (3marks)

(i)insect/butterfly / the /is/an

(ii)for/noted/wings/butterflies/thrie/ are


3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets: (3marks)

(i) Ramesh ...............(give) a pen to his friend.(Use past tense of the verb)

(ii) The sun  ............... (rise) in the East.(Use present tense of the verb)

(iii)She ........................ (go) to Chennai  next week. (use future tense of the verb)

4.Fill in the blanks  using the correct form of the adjectives given in the bracket: (3 marks)

(i) Gokul is the ................... (fat) boyin the class.

(ii) Ram is ...................... (tall) than Sohan.

(iii)Rose is as .................................. (beautiful) as lotus.

5. Give the past tense of the following verbs: (3 marks)

(i) buy - ........................     (ii) cut- ...........................    (iii) dig - ............................

6. Give the opposite of :

(i) beautiful x ................       (ii) Happy x ....................  (iii) brave x .......................

7. Write a paragraph in 80-100words : (8 marks)

      My school  
     My aim in life
    My best friend

                           KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KARAIKUDI

REVISION-FA3         5 JAN2016



1.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:           (10marks)

There was once a little boy named George Washington. One day he got a small axe from his father.He was very pleased with it. It had a fine wooden handle and had a sharp edge.How  bright it looked.

He said to himself. “It will cut anything. Let me try it on wood.” So he went to his father’s garden and tried the axe upon every tree there. Atlast he came to a young apple tree and began to try the axe on it. Soon the tree lost all its branches and leaves and fell to the ground.

In the evening, George’s father went to the garden. He found the apple tree lying on the ground. This made him angry and he shouted, “George, who has cut down this apple tree?”

Did George tell a lie? Was he afraid?Did he put the blame on anyone else? No, he wept and said, “Oh father I can’t tell a lie. You gave me a little axe. I did it with that”.George was a truthful boy. He did not want to tell a lie. His father was very pleased. He took him up in his arms,patted him and said, “I am proud of you,my boy. I am sorry for the apple tree no doubt,but you have told the truthand this makes me happy.

1.1  Complete the following summary by filling in each of thespaces with appropriate words: (6marks)

One day, George Washington was given an (a)………………… . He was very pleased with it and went into the garden to try it out on the trees there.When he tried out the axe on an apple tree, it (b)………………….. . When his father went into the garden in the evening and saw the fallen apple tree, he was very angry. He asked George (c)………………………… . George was a (d)…………………….. . So he told his father (e)………………… . His father was (f)…………………… even though he was sorry about the apple tree.

1.2  Pick out from the passage which mean the opposite of the following:

i)                   Old (para2) …………………

ii)                Unhappy (para4)…………….

iii)              Lost (para 3)…………………

iv)              Big (para 1) …………………


2.Paragraph Writing – 5 marks

   Health is Wealth


   Good Manners

3.Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her for the birthday party .(5marks)


4.The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line.It is underlined.Write the error and your correction in your answersheet .Underline the correct word.The first one has been done as an example.(3marks)

                                                           Error                                   Correction

Ravi and Jai were twin brother.                           brothers

They both studied in class fourth.     (a) ……… ..                         ………….

Their school  is closed                       (b)…………                        ………….

for the summer vacations.                 (c)………….                       …………..

They were very excitement for         (d)…………                        …………..

they were going with their parent on a (e)………….                    ……………

long holiday. They were going on      (f) ………….                    …………….

ship to another country.              

5.Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences:(1x6=6marks)

Eg.Perhaps health/is/in the world/the greatest wealth

Ans.The greatest wealth in the world is perhaps health.

(a)in life/is the key/success and progress/to/Health

(b) an ailing king/is happier/a healthy beggar/than

(c)all pleasure and joy/life is/to a healthy man

(d) costs/a lot/ dictionary/ a good

(e) learn English/in the  school /all the students

(f) All work/a dull boy/no play/and/makes Jack

6.Do as directed  : (8marks)

(a) My friend uses his ………….. intelligence to narrate stories.(visual/verbal/bodily)

(b)Rahul is very understanding.He solves the problems of his friends easily.     In doing so he uses …………..intelligence.(bodily/mathematical/interpersonal)

(c) They ……….. to Bangalore during the winter break.(set in/set out/set up)

(d) He ……………… his ideas to write a story.(set down/set up/set aside)

(e)(i) Her lovely …………. attracted the audience.

      (ii) My friend ………….. a lot of problems last month. (face)

(f) (i)Sheela deserves a ………. for her marvelous show in the competition.

     (ii) The captain ………… the team for winning the game.  (pat)

(g)Rewrite  the sentence using ‘there’-

(i) The school has three labs and thirty classrooms.

(ii) I can do nothing to help you.


7.Read the extracts  given below and answer the questions that follow:(19 marks)

A.   “So they come out clear and true

And handsomely groomed and fed -

For many of the loveliest things

Have never yet been said.”

(i)What is referred as ‘they’ in the above lines ?

(ii)The ‘loveliest  things’ are …………….. .

(iii) Name the poem and the poet.                       (1x3=3)

B.   “Since the last panchayat, I had become your enemy. Today I realized what  it meant to be a Panch. A panch has no friend nor enemy. He knows only justice. Lat no one deviate from the path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity.”

 (i) Jumman came to Algu soon after …………….. .

(ii) Jumman had become Algu’s enemy because ……….. .

(iii) Jumman realized what it was to be a Panch when ………..  .

(iv) The moral of the passage is ……………….. .

(v) The word that means the same as ‘depart from’ or ‘diverge’is ……..

(vi) Name the lesson and the author.                                    (1x6=6)

C.People were looking at  me. Some were laughing at my bad luck.,but none showed sympathy. Bhaiya and I went to the place where Uncle had left us and waited for him to return. Presently he came. He looked at me and said, ‘Rasheed,you look upset. What is the matter?’

(i) Name the lesson.

(ii)People were laughing at the narrator because ……………. .

(iii) The uncle had gone ………………. .

(iv) The narrator looked upset because ………………….. .

(v)  The word that means the same as ‘ soon’ is ……………… . (1x5=5)

D. “ The lane is dark and lonely, and the street-lamp

stands like a giant with one red eye in its head.

        The watchman swings his lantern and walks

with his shadow at his side, and never once

goes to bed in his life.

         I wish I were a watchman walking the street

         All night, chasing  the shadows with my lantern.

(i)                Name the poem and poet.

(ii)             The lane is dark and lonely because …………………. .

(iii)           The word ‘giant’ refers to …………………. .

(iv)           What is the narrator’s wish and why?

(v)             The word that means the same as ‘moves’is …………….. .(1x5=5)

8.   Answer  the following questions in 30-40 words: (2x7=14 marks)

a.What sort of life does the hawker  lead according to the poet?             

b.    Why was the shop called ‘Lucky shop’?

 c. In what way did the shopkeeper make a fool of Rasheed?

d.     Describe the owner of the lucky shop?

e.What was Algu’s verdict as head Panch? How did Jumman take it?

f.“ God lives in the heart of the Panch,” the aunt said. What did she mean?

g. What will happen to a thought if it is not expressed?


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