Wednesday 4 December 2019



                       PERIODICAL TEST III, RE-TEST, FEBRUARY – 2019


General Instructions:

1.      This question paper is divided into three sections:

·        Section A :   Reading                                  8 Marks

·        Section B :   Writing and Grammar         19 Marks

·        Section C :   Literature                              13 Marks

2.      All questions are compulsory.

3.      All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

                                SECTION A ( READING)  ( 8 Marks)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:   (8 Marks)

The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. It covers an area of nearly 2.8 million square miles, which is nearly the size of the continent of Australia. The Amazon rainforest gets its life from the majestic Amazon river, the world’s second largest river, which runs directly through the heart of the region. The rainforest itself is simply the drainage basin for the river and its many tributaries. The vast forest itself consists of four layers, each featuring its own ecosystems and specially adapted plants and animals.

The forest floor is the lowest region. Since only two percent of the sunlight filters through the top layers to the understory , very few plants grow here. The forest floor, however, is rich with rotting vegetation and the bodies of dead organisms, which are quickly broken down into nutrients and integrated into the soil. Tree roots stay close to these available nutrients and decomposers such as millipedes and earthworms use nutrients for food.

The understory is the layer above the forest floor. Much like the forest floor, only about 2-5 percent of the sunlight reaches this shadowy realm. Many of the plants in the understory have large, broad leaves to collect as much sunlight as possible. The understory is so thick that there is very little air movement. As  a result, plants rely on insects and animals to pollinate their flowers.

The layer above the understory is the canopy. This is where much of the action in the rainforest occurs. Many canopy leaves have specially adapted leaves which form ‘drip tips’. Drip tips allow water to flow off the leaves which prevents mosses, fungi, and lichens from occupying the leaves. Leaves in the canopy are very dense and filter about 80 percent of the sunlight. The canopy is where the wealth of the rainforest’s fruits and flowers grow. Bromeliads, cup-like plants, provide drinking pools for animals and breeding locations for tree frogs.

(a)Why is the Amazon rainforest called the world’s largest rainforest?

(b) Which is the world’s second largest   river?

© How important is the Amazon river for Amazon rainforests?

(d) Why do very few plants grow in the understory of the rain forests?

(e)Why is there very little air movement in the understory?

(f) What is the layer above the understory called?

(g) How are bromeliads useful for animals and tree frogs?

(h)Find the word from the passage which means ‘grand’.

                      SECTION – B ( WRITING AND GRAMMAR)   (19 MARKS)

2.Write a paragraph on any one of the following: (4 marks)

                     My favourite player


                    The festival I like most

3.Write a letter to your friend about the educational tour to Rameswaram that your class went last week highlighting the fun and experiences you had. (4marks)


You are Manoj/Meena living in Banagalore.Write a letter to your father ,working in

 Chennai , requesting him to buy you a bicycle.

4.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. (1 x3=3marks)

                                                                                                                   Error                           Correction

Last night a dozen armed men enter a house.                             enter                         entered

They were arm with sticks. First they                               (a)    …………..                      ………………

attack  the owner. When he resisted, he                         (b)    ……………..                   …………………

was beat up with the sticks.                                               (c)    ………….                        …………………

5.Rearrange the following to make meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. (3 marks)

(a)   the/stars/sky/twinkle/the /in/at night

(b)   reveal/universe/could/the size/this/of the

(c)    twinkling/scientists say/the/stars/that/ of the /distance/indicates

 6.  Do as Directed :-(5 MARKS)

(i) Fill in the blanks with the most commonly used words: (partner/accomplice/helper/ companion (1x2=2)

 (a) Raghu proved  to be a good …………………. to me  in the game.

(b)  The thief’s ……………………. was caught by the police yesterday.

 (ii)  Fill in with suitable  words given in the bracket against  each sentence:  (1x3=3 marks)

(a)    She is the  ……………… copy of her mother.(cause/fire/carbon)

(b)   All the people tried to ……………. the fire.(cause/fire/smother)

(c)    No one could see ………………….his plan. (past/along/through)

                   SECTION – C ( LITERATURE - 13 MARKS)

7.  Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:-  (3) (ANY ONE)

 A..Oh! Meadows have surprises

      And many things to tell:

      You may discover these yourself

      If you look and listen well.


(i)                  Name the  poet .

(ii)                How can one discover the surprises?

(iii)               The word  that means the same as ‘find out’ is ……………….. 
B.’Now that we’ve made some progress with our inquiries,we’ll have to sort out all the facts like expert detectives so that we can trap the crook.”

 (i) Who is the speaker of these lines/

 (ii) What were they inquiring about?

(iii)Find the word or phrase that means ‘arrange systematically’.

 .8. Answer any three of the following questions:-   ( 3 x 2 = 6)

a)      Why  did it make Mr Purcell  feel ‘vaguely insulted’?

b)      Why did Chandni hate the rope round her neck?

c)       When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?

d)      Why does a burning candle go out when you blow on it?

e)      Why did the fan seem mysterious?

f)        Plan C was a success. What went wrong then? .

g)      What did the mother tell  the poet about the snake?

9.Answer any one of  the following questions in detail:-  (1 x 4 = 4)

(a)    You are Maya. Write a page in your diary describing the simple facts you and your brother have come to know about Mr Nath.

(b)   Write a paragraph on how fire is important in our daily life, how it is caused, how it can be put out and some safety measures to prevent fire accidents?

**************************ALL THE BEST****************************

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