Friday 13 December 2019




CLASS: X                                 SUBJECT: ENGLISH             MAX.MARKS: 40


1.      Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (8marks)

The ‘Little Tramp’, the unforgettable character Charlie Chaplin invented, was born purely by accident in 1915.While rushing to a film shoot in California, he grabbed clothes other people had left behind in the changing room. And when he emerged, he found he had created a personality everybody loved. A little guy in a bowler hat, a close-fitting jacket, a cane, outside shoes and a brush – like moustache!

Before long, Chaplin found himself a star. That puzzled him, for he saw himself essentially as a shy British Music hall comedian. The U.S. acknowledged him as its king of silent film comedy. Soon, so did crowds all over the world.

But life wasn’t always a laugh for Charles Spencer Chaplin. Both his parents were Music Hall artists, who separated when Charlie was very young. His childhood was very sad, for his mother never earned enough to look after Charlie and his older brother, Sydney. Sometimes, Chaplin had to sleep on the streets and forage for food in the garbage.

Charlie took his first bow on stage when his mother made her last appearance. It happened when her voice broke during a song. Her son stepped on stage and sang a popular song. That’s when a star was born.

Through all these years of success, Charlie never forgot his troubled childhood. It made him recall a Christmas when he was denied two oranges and his bag of sweets for breaking a rule at the orphanage he went to after his mother’s death. It would have broken his heart, if the other children had not offered him a share of theirs. Spontaneously, the adult Chaplin gifted the orphanage with a motion picture machine and insisted that each child should have as many oranges and sweets as they pleased.

(A)Answer the following questions: (1x8=8marks)

(a) Which unforgettable character did Charlie Chaplin invent?

(b) Describe the personality created by Charlie, whom everybody loved.

(c) What did Charlie see himself as?

(d) Give two reasons to show that his early life was very sad.

(e) The word that means ‘to search for food’ is ……………………….. (para 3)

(f) What is meant by the word ‘invented’? (para1)

(g)Find the word in the passage opposite in meaning to ‘bold’? (para 2)

(h) Find the word opposite in meaning to ‘failure’? (para 5)

                                        SECTION –B (WRITING & GRAMMAR) - 10 MARKS

2.      On the occasion of World Health Day, write an article in about 150 words for the school newsletter on the topic, ‘Importance of Physical Health in our lives’, using the clues given below. (5marks)


*Healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

*Lack of time for physical activity because of the demands of modern lives

*Ignoring the health increases the risk of many diseases.


Write an article for the school magazine emphasizing the need for vocational education in schools. Mention its advantages and role in better development of students in shaping their personalities.                                                                                 (5marks)

3.      Edit the following passage given below. Identify the error and write it along with the correct word in your answer sheet as shown in the example: (3marks)

Error                                                                               Correction

Silence is the power which can take,                (e.g.). the                           a

either a positive and negative form.                 (a)     ………………..         ……………………                          

If you understand the nature in the power,    (b)     …………………        ……………………

you can use it for a beneficial way.                   (c)     ………………….        …………………….

There are two levels of silence -                        

Physical and Mental.

4. Rearrange the jumbled words and phrases into meaningful sentences: (2 MARKS)

(a) for many/on/relied/dogs/people have/generations

(b) companionship/used/they/for hunting/have been/and


5. Read the following extract and answer the following questions: (3marks)

A.They were selling wild strawberries.”Don’t buy,” warned Luigi, our cautious driver. “You will get fruit much better in Verona. Besides, these boys…….”He shrugged his shoulders to convey his disapproval of their shabby appearance.

(a)   Name the lesson.

(b)   Who does ‘they’ refer to?

(c)    Why did Luigi disapprove the boys?

B.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (3marks) 

Not marble, nor the gilded monuments

Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme;

(i)Why do princes get monument made?

(ii)Why won’t monuments outlive this rhyme?

(iii)What does the word ‘gilded mean’?


Dumbstruck sat the gaping frog,

And the whole admiring bog

Stared towards the sumac, rapt,

And, when she had ended, clapped.

(i)The frog was ‘dumbstruck’ by ……………….. .

(ii)‘The whole admiring bog’ means ………………. .

(iii)The rhyme scheme of this stanza is …………..

6. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words: (any three) (6marks)

1. Why were the writer and his companion impressed by the boys?

2. What made the author call the boys, ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’.

3. What was Mrs.Packletide’s motive to shoot a tiger?

4. Bring out the sum and substance of Shakespeare’s sonnet,  ” Not Marble nor the Gilded monuments?”

7. Answer the following question in about 100-120 words: (5marks)

a) Imagine you are Lucia. You have been told by the nurse in the hospital that you have completely recovered from your illness and you can go home tomorrow. You are very happy and thankful to your brothers. Write a diary entry expressing your gratitude to your brothers and mentioning your future plans. Also mention the value and feelings of love towards your brothers.


What message does the poet wish to convey through the poem, ‘The Frog and the Nightingale’?

8. Answer the following question in about 100-120 words: (5marks)

Why did Helen break her doll?


Write a brief character sketch of Anne Sullivan.


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