Wednesday 4 December 2019


                           REVISION  FOR  III PERIODICAL TEST - JANUARY 2019


1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:(8 marks)

                                                     A PURPOSE IN LIFE

1.A noble purpose gives meaning to one’s  own life and is of benefit to others. I realized this while researching  on and writing about the life of Jamshedji Tata. What gave one man living in a colonized country the vision to advance it in the  community of nations? He not only gave India the power to steel and hydroelectric energy,but also an institution of research.

2.He sent an educationist to Europe and the United  States to report on what should be the best model for India. The John Hopkins University in Baltimore was recommended as the model.But Jamshedji Tata made it a point to see that his name was not associated  with the university. After his death, his dream came true with the establishment of the Indian  Institute of Science in Bengaluru.It was to be fountain head of Science in the decades to come.

 3.There are others too whose purpose in life has made a difference to society.Mother  Teresa  had a comfortable life at Lorrento Convent,Kolkata.On a train journey to Darjeeling ,she felt her ‘calling ‘ and wanted to give up her comfortable life in the convent and serve the poor and the needy.

 4. After that, she took a three month nursing course and returned to Kolkata. She devoted her time to the sick and the homeless. Touched by her sacrifice,some of her students joined her and work began. Not everyone has such a strong calling. When I asked her how one could be sure of one’s calling, she replied, “Deep down in our hearts we know  exactly  what our calling is, if we are sincere.” One’s purpose is shaped over a period of time, but every noble purpose is based on a feeling for the suffering  of others and our desire for alleviating that condition.

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage,answer the questions that follow:

                                                                                                                                        (8 marks)

(a)Bring out the unique character traits of Jamshedji Tata.

(b)Why did he send an educationist to Europe and the USA?

(c) Mention two facts about Indian Institute of Science.

(d) How did Mother Teresa start working for the poverty stricken people?

(e) What was the first step Mother Teresa took?

(f) How can we find our calling?

(g) Is it possible to find one’s calling within a short period?Why/Why not?

(h) Find the word in para 4 which means the same as ‘lessening’.

CLASS : VIII -C   REVISION TEST NO.2   (Letter  writing)  MAX.MARKS :  06 MARKS       SUB: ENGLISH  

1.Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about the harm that is caused to the environment by the use of plastic bags and plastic cups. You are Gaurav/Geeta of Kolkata. (Word limit = 100-120 words)

2. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your views on the importance of saving water as you have seen people wasting water carelessly on one hand  and on the other hand people fight for a single drop of water and farmers die because of drought.

3.Write a letter to your friend to inviting him/her to your place during the vacation as a museum and library with rare collection of books has been opened recently.

4.Write a letter to your cousin inviting him/her to witness the cricket match going to be held in your place,Bangalore , next week.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             INCORRECT                      CORRECT

1.Long ago,before money is invented,people          eg.          is                                                was

   use to obtain goods by bartering. To get an             (a) ...............                                ................

   axe, for example, they had to offer anything            (b) ...............                               .................

   in exchange. If the seller would not like what           (c) ................                              .................

   was offered, it would be impossible to making         (d) ................                             ..................

  the exchange.

2. Most of the time of our youth boys and               eg.             youth                               young

    girls are spent in front  of the mirror.                           (a) ..................                         ...................

   They want to decorate himself in such                          (b) ..................                         ...................

   a way that to attract every eye.                                       (c) ...................                        ...................

   In their desire to looking modern, they go                     (d) ...................                       ....................

  crazy  after new fashions.They dress themselves          

  in the last styles. With every change in fashion,their     (e) ...................                       ....................

  hairstyles also changing. I hate these modern clowns.   (f) ...................                       .....................

3.Rama was a naughty boy that lived                            eg.                that                                 who

 in the village of Tenali. Her mother                                   (a) ........................                   ......................

  did not know what to do at him                                         (b) ........................                   .....................

  since he refused to study or did any                                  (c) ........................                   ......................
work. One day she take him to see                                     (d) ........................                  .....................
a guru. She told an holy man                                               (e) .........................                 ......................

that she has brought the boy                                              (f) ..........................                  ....................
to her so that he should                                                         (g) ..........................              .......................

   make something  about him.                                               (h) ..........................             .......................

4.The passenger were waiting at the                             eg.        passenger                              passengers

    station when  five policemen rushing                                (a) ...................                    .......................

    into difference compartments of a                                     (b) ...................                   .......................

    train. After sometimes, one of them                                  (c) ....................                ..........................

    comes out with two young men                                        (d) ....................              ..........................

    and soon  the other policemen joined her.                       (e) .....................                   ........................

    The men which had been arrested                                     (f) .......................               .........................

     was been caught   for a theft.                                             (g) .......................               .......................

     They had stealed two cars                                                   (h) .......................             ........................

      and  a motorcycle.  


1.sports/building/physical strength/necessary/are /for  


3.sports/bring/definitely/closer to/man/man 

4.persons/of different/meet/nationalities/commom ground/on a

5.the watermelon/thirst quenchers/in summer/ is/one of the best

6.around/it is/96 countries/cultivated in/the world Africa/about 5000 years/grown/ago/it was/first

8.feared by/snakes are/in our/worshipped and/many/country

9.of the/are venomous/only/300 out/species/2,700 known

10.relieves and amuses/soul/laughter/the depressed

11.children/vacations/can’t /for fun/meant/are/compromise/and


13.they/in the hall/for/two hours/watching/had been/television

14.high levels/contains/and sugar/of/junk food/fat/,/salt

15.grew up/of the/amidst/Siddharth/pleasure/the/at/royal court/Kapilvastu


1.Fill in with appropriate forms  of  the words given in the brackets:

(a)  He was asked to ................ the meeting when the President expressed his delay to attend the meeting. (chair)

(b) The king declared his friend to be the most worthy ................ to  him. (succeed)

2.Use all or both to fill in the blanks:

(a). .................... elephants are slow.

(b)There were two windows in the room. It was very  warm,so I opened ......... of them.

(c) ............. the houses need to have a roof.

(d) ............... her eyes are blue in colour.

3.Complete using the right form of adjective :

(a) I was ………………………………………………..………..  in this movie than in that one.  [interested]

(b) Going uphill was …………………………………………………………………. experience in my whole life! [tiring]

(c) I really need to get a ………………………………………………………..  computer. I can’t afford that one.  [cheap]

(d) This exercise is ………………………………………………………… than the one before.  [easy]

(e) I’m going to tell you ………………………………………………………. joke I’ve ever heard!  [funny]

(f ) It’s ………………………………………………….. today than yesterday, don’t you think?  [cold]

(g) This book is the ………………………………………………………. I’ve ever read!  [enjoyable]

(h)Ms. Thomas’s English class is the …………………………………………………………… class I’ve ever had!  [fun]

4.Put the verbs in the brackets into their  proper forms and rewrite the given sentences:

(a)We (go) to the exhibition.Some people(buy)clothes while others (play)games.

(b)The class (is) quiet.Some children (read) books and the rest (draw).

5. Fill in using correct form of word:

(a)Ravi ................... (drum) on his desk in impatience.

(b) The ................ (caw)of the raven disturbed the child’s sleep.

6.Complete the sentences by using appropriate phrase:

(a) He was ...................... to face the problem. (sure enough/kind enough/brave enough)

(b) My friend was .................. to help me in need. (sure enough/kind enough/brave enough)


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