Friday 13 December 2019




CLASS: VII       SUBJECT: ENGLISH                                MAX.MARKS: 40


1.      Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The Treasure

A farmer had a field where the corn did not grow very well. He took his sons to this field, and he said, “There is a treasure hidden here in the earth. If you find it you may share it between you.”

“We have not found the treasure,” said one of the sons,” but as the earth has been dug so well, we may as well sow it with corn.”

So they sowed the field with corn. When the corn came up, it was much finer than any corn that had ever grown in that field before.

When the corn was ripe, the farmer took his sons to see it.

“We did not find the treasure,” said one of the sons. “Oh yes, you did,” said the farmer. “There is the treasure,” and he pointed to the fine crop of corn.

“That is the best treasure of all,” he went on. “You have earned it by hard work.”

1.1.            Answer the following : 7x1=7 marks

   (a)   Where did the farmer take his sons?

   (b)   What did the farmer say to his sons?

   (c)    What did the farmer’s sons get when they dug the earth?

   (d)   Did they get the treasure at last?

   (e)   Do you think hard work can help you to achieve something?

   (f)     In the last paragraph the word ‘that’ stands for ……………. .

   (g)   They earned the best treasure by their ………………….. .

1.2.            Some words are given below. Find their opposites from the passage. (3marks)

(a)   Raw            (b) lose             (c)earned


2. You are Anju/Aravind, studying in Don Bosco School, Chennai. You have lost your raincoat in the school campus. Write a notice for the school notice board giving all the necessary information in not more than 50 words. Put the notice in a box. (3marks)

3. Write an application to the principal requesting for issue of Transfer Certificate as your father has got transfer.


Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the birthday gift he had sent. (5marks)

4. Rearrange the jumbled words and phrases into meaningful sentences: (3MARKS)

(a) of/land/Assam/is a/festivals

(b) famous/is/Bihu/festival/Assamese/ a

(c) celebrated /in/is/ April/it/of/the month

5. Do as directed: 5 marks

A. Combine the sentences using ‘if’ in the beginning of the sentence: (2marks)

(i) Don’t pluck mangoes from the garden. You will be punished.

(ii) Hurry up now. You’ll not miss the train.

B. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate forms of the words given in the brackets. (2 marks)

(i) My sister has ……………… to attend the birthday function. I wonder whether she would remember her ………………. . (promise).

(ii) The selection committee has ………………… to elect Vijay as the captain. But his teammates are unhappy with the ……………………. .(decide)

C. Complete the following sentence by using one of the clauses: if you want to/if you want him to/ if you don’t want to               (1mark)

(i)Don’t go to the exhibition    ………………………. .


6. Read the following extract and answer the following questions: (3marks)

A. When everybody is greeting the rain,

    The rebel regrets the absence of sun.

      (i)Name the poem and poet.                               

      (ii)What does the rebel do when everybody greets the rain?

      (iii)Find a word in the stanza which is the synonym of ‘feeling of sadness’.


There isn’t anyone staring or making strange noises

And the spider has gone from his web

Since I don’t know when

I’ll go into that shed one day soon.

(i)                 Name the poem and poet.

(ii)               Who is the speaker?

(iii)             Who makes the speaker afraid of the shed? Why?

B. “It was the season for the Hilsa fish. Fishermen could think of nothing but hilsa fish. Fish mongers sold nothing but Hilsa fish and said,” Come, buy the price of Hilsa is down today.” House holders could talk of nothing but Hilsa fish. And in the palace too the courtiers could discuss nothing but hilsa fish.

(i) What was special about the season in the extract?

(ii) What do you call a person who sells fish?

(iii)Name the lesson.

7. Answer any four questions only: (2x4=8)

(i) How did the king show his forgiveness to the bearded man?

(ii) On getting a gift of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute. Why was he in such a hurry to leave?

(iii) What three things did Gopal do before he went to buy Hilsa fish?

(iv) In what way is ant’s life peaceful?

(v) Describe the music teacher as seen from the window.

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