Friday 13 December 2019


            PERIODIC RE- TEST –  AUGUST 2018  

CLASS : VI                                    SUBJECT : ENGLISH                      M.M: 40         TIME: 90 MINTS.

SECTION – A  (READING)   (10 marks)
Read the following passage carefully:-    (10)


1.Dental  disease is the most common disease in the world. With proper personal and professional care, you and your children can also keep your teeth healthy and dazzling white.

2. Tooth brushing is the best method to remove plaque and proper method of brushing can minimize the dental diseases. Always use a good tooth paste and a good quality brush with soft bristles and a handle that fits comfortably  in your mouth and hand. Truly speaking you must brush your teeth regularly after meal and minimum twice a day, especially at night before going to bed. Brush must be changed when bristles get curled off.

3.Your child should start brushing soon after the first tooth appears in the oral cavity. Rinsing with plain water should be done after anything you eat. Massage your gums with your fingers after brushing and gently brush your tongue also.

4.A balanced diet throughout life is necessary for dental health. You must finish your food with self cleansing fibrous or rough food such as Salad and Fruits. Do not eat sweets and sticky food such as chocolates, candies, cakes etc. between meals,as bacteria love sugar and destroy the tooth substances.

5. Mouth breathing, thumb sucking, nail biting, pencil biting, tongue thrusting are bad habits and discourage your children to do these. Milk teeth are equally important. Take care of them. Get your missing teeth replaced by artificial teeth. If accidentally your tooth breaks or comes out of socket, wrap it in a wet cloth and rush to your dentist. In many cases, it is possible to reattach the tooth in socket.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the questions, choosing the right option:

1    1.  ………………… is the most common disease in the world.

(a)   Skin disease (b)dental disease (c)headache  (d) stomach pain

2.     2. ………. and  ……………… are the two requirements for keeping the teeth healthy and dazzling.

(a)personal care, public care  (b)doctors advice , personal hygiene

(c) personal care, professional care  (d) professional care and public care

3.  …………………… is the best method to remove plaque.

          (a)Tooth brushing  (b)washing the mouth (c)tooth handling (d)massaging

4. The important thing in choosing a proper tooth brush for you is …………. .

          (a) its length (b) its handle  (c)the quality of its bridles (d)its looks

 5. Tooth brush should be changed ………………… .

          (a) frequently  (b)when its bristles are no longer straight and soft (c) never (d) rarely

6. For dental health you should eat ……………………. .

    (a)sweets   (b)fast food  (c)salad and fruits  (d)little

7. Milk teeth refers to ……………………….. .

   (a)the remaining teeth in the old (b) the first teeth in young children (c) the tender teeth (d) gums

8.One should discourage the practice of bad habits in children like ……. .

  (a) Mouth breathing, thumb sucking  (b) Nail biting, pencil biting

   (c) Both (a) and (b)      (d) none of the above

9.The word ‘artificial ‘ (para 5) means the same as …… .

    (a) not real  (b)fake  (c)false (d) true

10.The word opposite in meaning to ‘maximum’ is …………….. .

     (a) minimum  (b)large   (c)plenty   (d) less

1.      Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics:-  (5)

Myself  (or) My    School     (or)  My aim in life.      

3.Do as directed  : (4marks)

 a)………………… is the best policy. (noun form of honest)

(b)He was rewarded for his ………………. . (noun form of sincere)

(c) The girl presented a …………….  flowers to the chief guest.(pack/brood/bunch)

(d) The shepherd was seen with a ………….. of sheep.(pack/bunch/flock)

4. Fill in the following blanks with present tense of the verbs given in brackets.  You can choose the answer from the options given in the brackets:-   (2)

i) Sohan ……………………. his fields in the same manner as other farmers ……

their fields.( plough) 

( ploughs, plough / is ploughing, are ploughing / has ploughed , have ploughed)

ii) The sun …………… in the day  and the stars ……………. at night. (Shine)

          (has shone  , have shone / shines,  shine / is shining , are shining)

5.  Rearrange the following words and phrases to form  meaningful sentences:-   (3)

(a) of/land/Assam/is a/festivals

(b)famous/is/Bihu/festival/Assamese/ a

(c)celebrated /in/is/ April/it/of/the month


6. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions by choosing the correct

option :- (6)

How bright on the blue
Is a kite when it’s new!
With a dive and dip
It snaps its tail
Then soars like a ship
With only a sail

i) Name the poem and the poet of the extract.
ii) Write two action words.

iii) What is the poetic device used in the line “Then soars like a ship”

b) “Oh.well.then I’ll say goodbye to you, lion. I want a master who is stronger than anyone on earth!”

i) Who is the speaker of the above lines?

ii) How does the speaker want his master to be?

iii) Whom does he finally choose and why?

7. Answer the following questions briefly (2x 5 = 10)

i)  Why did the dog feel the need for a master?

ii) How did the two baby birds get separated?

iii) What was Patrick’s wish?

iv)Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?

v)When does a kite become ugly?


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