Wednesday 4 December 2019


                                   KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, CECRI CAMPUS, KARAIKUDI

                                     Half-yearly examination, October 2019


General Instructions:

1.      This question paper is divided into three sections:

·         Section A :   Reading                                 20 Marks

·         Section B :   Writing and Grammar         30 Marks

·         Section C :   Literature                              30 Marks

2.      All questions are compulsory.

3.      All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

                                SECTION A ( READING)  ( 20 Marks)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:   (10 Marks)

 1.Someone is knocking on Amanda’s door. Amanda is home, but she does not answer. It is the man who owns the house where she lives. His name is Mr. Campbell. Amanda calls him the Rent Man. He has come by to get the rent money Amanda owes. Amanda does not have the money to pay him. Amanda lost her job at the auto factory three and a half weeks ago. “I worked there for 15 years,” Amanda thinks to herself. She is bitter. “But it took them just one day to take my job away.” Amanda has no idea when she will find another job. Lots of other people from her factory lost their jobs three weeks ago, too. She looks for work every day. She looks for work at a restaurant. “You have never worked at a restaurant,” the owner tells her. “This job is not for you.” She looks for work at the bookstore. “We don’t have any jobs right now,” the clerk tells Amanda. She looks for work at the grocery store. “I will call you to let you know,” the manager says. Amanda is worried. She is running out of money quickly. There is another loud knock at the door. Amanda sits quietly in her kitchen. She hopes the Rent Man will go away soon.

a) Who is knocking at Amanda's door? (1mark)

b) Why doesn't Amanda answer the door? (1mark)

c) When did Amanda lose her job? (1mark)

d) What seems to be the reason Amanda lost her job at the factory? (1mark)

e) Where does Amanda look for a new job?(2 marks)

f)Find the antonym of ‘slowly’ and ‘question’.(2marks)

g) Find the synonym of ‘ being used up’ and ‘obliged to somebody’.(2marks)

2.Read the given poem and answer  the questions below it : (10 marks)

The Beautiful Rainbow

How beautiful you look in the sky!

You have seven letters and seven colours

You come after the rain, and

You go within a few seconds

I like to see this beautiful day

In which you have your  seven  rays,

You spread your rays and make the sky

Look beautiful everywhere

How beautiful  you look in the sky

When you come here with your

Beautiful  ray.

I like to give you

Another ray.

2.1 Based on the poem complete the summary using one word in each blank: (1x8=8 marks)

The rainbow with its seven (a) ……………………… is (b)…………….. . It is a seven (c)……………….. word. It is seen after the (d) ……………………..and goes within (e) ………………. . The poet likes to see this beautiful (f)…………… on which the (g) …………………… spreads its seven rays across the (h) …………………… . The poet wishes to give the rainbow another ray.

2.2. Find the opposite of the words given below: (1x2=2)

(i) ugly x …………………                               (ii)     go x ………………                                                           

                     SECTION – B ( WRITING AND GRAMMAR)   (30 MARKS)

3. You are Anuj / Anuja of Std. VI B, studying in Don Bosco School, Madurai.  You lost a new lunch bag in the school campus.  Write a notice to be put up on the notice board in not more than 50 words.   (5 marks)

4.Write a letter to the Principal requesting him to give you leave for two days as your ill.

                                                                                                                         ( 8 marks)


Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her for the birthday party.

     5. Write a paragraph on any one of the following:(8 marks)



   My school


My best friend

6.  Do as Directed :-(9 MARKS)

(i)                 Add ‘un’ or ‘im’ or ‘ir’or ‘less’ to the words in the box either as a suffix or prefix and fill in the blanks in the sentences given below:

  True,            patient ,                       meaning,                 regular

           a..His argument was …………………. .

         b. The news seems to be ……………………. .

           ii)  Complete the following using a proper degree of the adjectives given in the bracket against      each sentence:  (2 marks)

 a.Sunita is ……………………. than her elder sister. (beautiful)

b.Himalayas are the …………………. mountains  in the world. (large)

 (iii) Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word given in the brackets:(2marks)

a.She presented a ……………… of flowers to her favourite teacher on Teacher’s day. (flock,bunch/fleet)

b.We could see a …………… of ships ready to be cheered  off in the harbour when we reached there.(brood/flock/fleet)

(iv) Complete the following sentences by making noun forms of the words given in the brackets:(1marks)

a.       My uncle is known for  his …………………… . (sincere)

b.      His …………………………….. (cheerful) has made him popular among his friends.

 (v) Re-arrange the words to form meaningful sentences.     (2)

1. was/excellent/play /the last day's.

2. a/ lovely /face /She/has.

                      SECTION – C ( LITERATURE  30 MARKS)

7.  Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:-  (6)

 A..How bright on the blue

    Is a kite when it’s new!

    But a raggeder thing

    You never will see

    When it flaps on a string

    In the top of a tree.

(i)                 The ‘blue’ in the extract means ……………………… .

(ii)               A kite becomes a rag when …………………………… .

(iii)              Name the poem and poet.

B.This made Taro sadder than ever,for the heart-war ming drink called Sake was very expensive. ‘How do I earn more money?’ he asked himself. ‘How do I get a little Sake for my poor old father?’ He decided to work  harder than before.

(i) Taro was a ……………………… .

(ii)The antonym of the word ‘cheap’ is ………………………

(iii) Name the lesson.

8. Answer any ten of the following questions:-   ( 10 x 2 = 20)

a)      Why did the elf promise to grant Patrick a wish?What was Patrick’s wish?

b)      How and why did the Emperor reward Taro?

c)        Where did each of the baby birds find a home?

d)      Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with a basket?

e)      What  did the iron chest of the shepherd contain? Why did he always carry it?

f)       How does a new kite appear in the sky? When does a kite become ugly?

g)      What is the difference between a house and a home??

h)      What was the’ game ‘ every child had to play in Miss Beam’s school?

i)        What made Ray think the visitor was not really a shopper?

j)        How did the king reward the new governor?

k)      Give two examples of where beauty can be seen?

9.       Answer any one of  the following questions in detail:-  (1 x 4 = 4)

(a)     Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.

      (b)How was Miss Beam’s school different from other schools?


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