Wednesday 4 December 2019


                                      KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KARAIKUDI

                               HALF-YEARLY EXAMINATION – OCTOBER 2019

CLASS: VI                                    SET -I                                        MAX.MARKS: 80 
SUBJECT: ENGLISH                                                                    TIME: 2hrs.30 minutes.

(i)This question paper consists of 3 sections :
SECTION-A: READING                             -   20 MARKS
SECTION- C:  LITERAURE  -                    -   30 MARKS
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.
(iv) All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question   paper.

.                                                                                                                                                SECTION –A (READING)          20 Marks

1.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:   8 marks

  1. The most beautiful humming birds are found in the West Indies and South America.The crest of the tiny head of one of these shines like a sparkling crown of coloured light. The shades of colour that adorn its breast are equally brilliant. As the bird flies from one object to another, it looks more like a bright flash of sunlight than it does like a living being.

2. But,you ask,why are they called humming birds? It is because they make a soft,humming noise by the rapid motion of their wings – a motion so rapid, that as they fly, you can hardly see that they have wings. One day when walking in the woods, I found the nest of one of the smallest humming birds. It was about half the size of a very small hen and lays eggs, and it was attached to a twig no thicker than a steel knitting needle.It seemed to have been made of cotton fibres and was covered with the softest bits of leaf and bark. It had two eggs in it, and each was about as large as a small sugarplum.

3.When you approach the spot where one of these birds has built its nest, it is necessary to be careful. The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes. Its sharp beak may hurt your eyes most severely and even destroy your sight.

4. The poor little thing knows no other way of defending its young,and instinct teaches it that you might carry off its nest if you find it.

 1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following:

(a) The most beautiful  ................... birds are found in the West Indies and South America.

(b) They are called humming birds because they make humming noise by the rapid ............. of their wings.

(c) The nest of the humming bird was about ....................  the size of a very small hen.

(d)The shades of colour that adorn the breast of the humming bird is quite brilliant.(True/False)

(e)The nest of the humming bird is made of silk fibres and covered with bits of hay and bark. (True/False)

(f) Pick from the passage the synonym for ‘dash’ (para 3)

(g) You can hardly see that the humming birds have wings because of the :

      (i) rapid motion of their wings as they fly.

      (ii) humming noise as they fly.

      (iii) shining colour of their wings.

      (iv) invisible wings due to a bright flash of sunlight.

(h) The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes when you :

      (i) throw stones at her nest.

      (ii) approach the spot where the nest is built.

      (iii) try to steal her eggs from the nest.

       (iv) threaten the bird  near her nest.

2. Read the passage carefully:                                                 12 MARKS


  Kharanakhara was a lion who ruled over a certain part of a jungle. One day, he could not prey upon a single animal after wandering around the jungle in search of food. It was almost sunset,and the lion started returning inspite of being very hungry.

On his way, he saw a big cave,and thought to himself, “It is for sure that some animal must be living in this big cave.Such a nice cave cannot be un-inhabitated. At sunset,whatever animal lives here is bound to return. I shall hide inside the cave and wait for my dinner to arrive.”

The cave was the home to a jackal, who arrived a while after the lion had hidden himself inside. While entering he noticed the footprints of the lion leading into the cave, but could not find any footprint coming out.

He thought,”If a lion is indeed entered, I will be dead as soon as I enter. But, how can I be sure? There is no reason for me to stay away from my home if there is no lion inside. I must find out a way to confirm if the lion is still inside.”

The jackal thought of a plan,and standing in front of the cave, began to shout,”Hello Cave! Hello Cave! Can I come inside?”

For some moment, he waited in silence and shouted again, Hello Cave! Have you forgotten our understanding of all these years? I always wait for your reply before I enter. Why are you silent today? I shall then go to some other cave if you do not reply.”

On hearing this, the lion thought,”The cave must reply to the jackal when he returns at sunset. It is because I am inside that the cave is not replying today. I must invite on behalf of the cave,or the jackal will go away.”

So, the lion replied from inside the cave, “Hello Jackal, you may enter. It is safe inside.”

The reply was even more frightening due to the echo from the walls of the cave. The jackal at once knew that the lion was waiting for him to enter and make a meal out of him. He ran off,as fast as he could and saved himself.

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in 30-40 words each : (2x4=8 marks)

(a) Why did the lion start returning inspite of being hungry?

(b) What did the lion think about the big cave?

(c) What did the jackal notice while entering the cave ?

(d) What is the message of the story ?

2.2. On the basis of your reading of the passage,answer the following :

(a) In para 2, the antonym of ‘return’ is ............................. .

      (i) hide   (ii) start   (iii) arrive       (iv) go

(b) In para 1, the synonym of ‘ confirm’ is .................................... .

       (i) discover   (ii) apply      (iii) accept       (iv) hide

(c) The lion replied in a frightening  voice .(True/False)

(d)The jackal was clever enough to understand the plan of lion and................................................... to save himself.

                    SECTION B (WRITNIG AND GRAMMAR ) (30 MARKS)

3.You are Saroj/Santosh, Head Girl of Don Bosco School,Madurai. You have lost your lunch bag in the school premises. Draft a notice for your school notice board in not more than 50 words including all necessary details. Put the notice in a box.   (5 marks)

4. Write a paragraph on “ My Best Friend” in about 100-120 words by using the hints given below: (6 marks)

   ( lovable – admirable – dependable – shares your joy ,sorrow and humour – respect )


                                           “My Self “

                   ( likes and dislikes- hobbies – ambition )

  5. You are Manoj/ Manju of class VI-C, studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Trichy. Write a leave application to the Principal of your school requesting him to grant you leave for three days as you are suffering from fever. (6marks) (100-120 words)


You are Preeti/Prem . Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to join you for your birthday party to be celebrated next week.

6. In the following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line.Write the incorrect word along with the correct word in your answersheet. Underline the correct word. The first one has been done as an example. (4 marks)

                                                                                            Incorrect                Correct

A fat boy  was fond to riding an                                eg. to                                of

elephant. So he hired a elephant.                             (a) ...................             ................

In seeing him riding the elephant                              (b) ...................            ..................

the few children started laughing                              (c) ....................           ...................

on the fat boy. The fat boy was                                  (d) ....................           ...................

very angry,         

7.Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences:   (3marks)

Eg. perhaps health/ is/in the world/the greatest wealth

Ans. The greatest wealth in the world is perhaps wealth.

(a)   In life/is the key/success and progress/to/Health

(b)   an ailing king/ is happier/a healthy beggar/than

(c)    all pleasure and joy/life is /to a healthy man

8. Do as directed: 6 marks

(A) Complete the sentences using the correct degree of Comparison: (2 marks)

      (i) Vijay is strong.

            Akshay is ....................... than Vijay.

       (ii) This chair is ..................................... than that. (use comparative form of ‘comfortable’)

(B) Fill in with suitable articles: (i/2x4=2 marks)

      I found (i)............. bag on the road. (ii)............ bag contained (iii) .......... knife, a diary and (iv)..... umbrella.

(C) Add ‘un’ or ‘im’ or ‘ful’ or ‘ir’  to the words in the box either as a suffix or prefix and fill in the blanks in the following sentences: (i/2x2=2 marks)


(i)                Don’t  be ....................... , your turn will come.

(ii)              He is  .................................... in coming to school.

                    SECTION  C – LITERATURE  (30 MARKS)

9.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (1x4=4 marks)

How do I earn more money ? he asked himself.

(a)   Name the lesson .

(b)   The speaker of the above line is  ...................... .

(c)    The speaker wanted to earn more money for buying gifts.  (True/False)

(d)    The word ................ means the same as ‘acquire’.


Beauty is in yourself

Good deeds,happy thoughts

That repeat themselves

In your dreams

And even in your rest.

 (a)Name the poem and poet.

(b) How do you find beauty in yourself?

(c) Beauty is seen during daytime,at night and in yourself.   (True/False)

(d) ................... in the above stanza is the synonym of ‘actions’.

10. Answer any ten of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (2x10=20 marks)

(a) Who did the dog finally choose as his master ? Why?

(b)Why did the Emperor reward Taro?

(c) What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream?

(d) What was the purpose of the special days in Miss Beam’s school ?

(e) What did Patrick think has cat was playing with?

(f) A home is made of brick,stone and wood. What makes up a home?

(g) Why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court?

(h) Why did the king reward the new governor?

(i)Why did the farmer’s wife want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose?

(j) “The watch was nothing special and yet had great powers.” In what sense did it have ‘great powers’?

(k) Why did the waterfall give Taro Sake and others water?

(l) What did the second bird say to the stanger?

11. Attempt the following long answer question(any one) in 80-100 words: (6marks)

Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first space mission in space.


Miss Beam’s school was different from the other schools. What did the writer notice about the school?


What are the effects of singing ‘Raga Deepak’ and ‘Raga Megh’ and how does Tansen escape from the after effects of singing ‘Raga Deepak’?

                                      KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KARAIKUDI
                                    HALF-YEARLY EXAMINATION – OCTOBER 2019

CLASS: IX                                    SET -II                                       MAX.MARKS:80 SUBJECT: ENGLISH                                                                     TIME: 3HOURS

(i)This question paper consists of 3 sections :
SECTION-A:READING -                            20 MARKS
SECTION- C: LITERAURE  -                      30 MARKS
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.
(iv) All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question   paper.
.                                                                                                                                                SECTION –A (READING)          20 marks
1.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:   8 marks
  1. Both water and energy are integral parts of the human body. By weight about 60% of an adult’s human body is water and dehydration is one of the biggest single killers of children in the modern world. Life without water is unthinkable.
2. The human body needs its daily intake of food to meet its energy requirements, which according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations is about 1,800 kcal per day. Life without energy is equally unthinkable.
3. The energy that we take in through food again depends, amongst other things, on water for agriculture and often that water is pumped with electrical or other forms of energy. The interdependence of energy and water is evident.
4. The world at large seeks both water and energy security. The Worldwatch Institute estimates that about 1.1 billion people (one – fifth of the world population) live in areas of physical water scarcity and another 1.6 billion are facing economic water storage (when existing water sources cannot be used because of a lack of investment in water -  related infrastructure). We will probably have a world population of 9 billion by 2050 and this will put further stress on the water sourcing and supply systems. Here again the connection between energy and water is evident: globally about 70% of water consumption is for the agricultural sector. No water, no food, no energy.
5. Actions needed on the water front include reduction in water usage for agriculture (pump efficiencies, drip irrigation instead of flood irrigation, change in crop patterns), recycling of water, extensive rainwater harvesting programmes, stoppage of run – offs and water pollution.
6. We need to remind ourselves that the fossil – based energy that we rely on so much for almost everything we do is stored solar form of fossil fuels, we are busy discharging that huge solar battery in a matter of a few hundred years.       

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following:
(a) By weight, an adult human body contains about ............. water .
      (i) 60%       (ii) 65%         (iii) 70%          (iv) 75%
 (b) The interdependence of  ............................ is evident .
       (i) energy and food             (ii) food and water
       (iii) energy and light           (iv) energy and water
 (c)By 2050, the increase in population will put stress on water and supply system .
(d) Human beings are utilizing the fossil fuel very fast..  (True/False)
(e) Not many children die of dehydration in today’s age and time.(True/False)                                    
(f) Fuel found under the ground such as coal is called ................... fuel .
(g) We get  .................. from food. .
(h) Find a word from the passage which means the same as “clear/easily seen”. (para 3)
2. Read the passage carefully:                                                 12 MARKS
  1. I came to California during spring; that alone was stressful. Then I discovered that academics here were much harder than back home. Add to this that I didn’t know anyone and had trouble making friends. I was getting more anxious by the day, and I didn’t know what to do. However,as time went by my shyness changed to excitement, and that excitement generated an adventurous spirit in me.I wanted to go out and explore Berkerley, and I was building up the courage to talk to more people.
2. I stayed in the dorms when I first arrived. Although most people on the floor had already formed their cliques, I’am still greatful to have lived there.I met people who introduced me t many clubs,classes,and activities that I might otherwise have missed out on.
 3. Still, all the changes and challenges were really getting to me. I used to overeat when I was anxious,which didn’t benefit my body at all – my stomach would hurt,and then I’d be even more stressed that I didn’t feel well! “Talking” to someone wasn’t an idea that occurred to me until much later,when I learned that expressing my feelings might be a healthier(and less stomach –ache-inducing) way to relieve stress.
4. One of my first friends happened to be in the Health Worker Program(HWP). She was so amazing! I felt like I finally found someone to talk to, someone who would listen to me. Eventually,by the end of my first semester at California,things started to look up.I made more friends, I adjusted to the academics at Berkerly, and I learned how to live in a city completely different from my hometown. I don’t think I would have managed,though,if it had not been for my friend’s empathetic nature and peer counselling training. My experience with her led me to become a health worker as well. When one thinks of  health,many images come to mind;the flu,a cough,medicine. With my major being Linguistics(read:a social science!), I was very apprehensive about applying to such a program. I quickly discovered,however,that being a health worker wasn’t  about playing doctor – it’s about learning life skills(which I continue to use in my daily life,on and off campus) and becoming an advocate of health for your peers.
2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in 30-40 words each :
(a) What were the causes of stress for the writer?
(b) What recourse did the writer take to as time went by?
(c) What is the essential job of a health worker?
(d) How did meeting with the health worker help the writer?
2.2. On the basis of your reading of the passage,answer the following :
(a) In para 2, the synonym of ‘surprising’ is ............................. .
      (i) eventually   (ii) amazing    (iii) empathetic       (iv) apprehensive
(b) In para 1, the antonym of ‘relax’ is .................................... .
       (i) excitement       (ii) courage      (iii) anxious       (iv) adventurous
(c) The writer was not a shy person,so soon he developed interest in the things around him and made friends easily.  (True/False)                                                             
(d) Health workers who care for health of their peers are basically................. . .
                    SECTION B (WRITNIG AND GRAMMAR )(30 MARKS)
3.In 2010,the United Nations declared Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s birthday (15th October) as World Student’s Day. Write an article on the importance of the youth/young students in the making of a New India. (120-150 words)
You are Neha. Today is your birthday and your father has gifted you a laptop. You are very happy to own it as you wanted to have for a long time.Before going to bed you intend to share your joy with your diary. Write a diary entry in 100-150 words expressing your feeling.
4.Complete the story in 150-200 words :                                                             ( 10 marks)
Two friends were passing through a dense forest. Suddenly they heard some animal screaming...
Complete the story with the help of the hints given below :
A merchant riding home from fair............. always negative thinking .............. had earned a lot of money ............. sudden rainfall............... money got wet .................. cursed God ................... attacked by robbers ............... got fired at ................. but due to wet gun powder not hit ......................... saved life ........................... thanked God for rain ................... realised whatever happens,happens alright.

5. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers :                                                  ( 4 marks)
Karthik  (a) ................... a writer,penned a book titled ‘The Ashes of the Prey’,a thriller novel based (b) ................ a lawyer (c) .................... runs into piles (d) ............... trouble after an accident.
6. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided.                                                                                                                   (4 marks)
                                                                                           Before            Word               After
Fast food a favourite with children.                   Eg.        food                 is                       a
There no doubt that it requires less                        (a) ............     .............          ............
preparation time, is tasty is served                          (b)............     ................       ...............
quickly it is unhealthy and lacks                                (c) ..............  .................       ...............
nutrients. Rise in the cases of obesity children       (d)..........    ..................      ................
is a matter of concern for all.
7.Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences:   (4marks)
Eg. makes/go/the /round/ leadership/world
Ans. Leadership makes the world go round.
(a)   can/leadership/the /concept of/basic/ implies/make a difference/individuals/that
(b)   as well as/means/leadership/in general/in action/leadership/in thought
(c)    cannot/in/be/isolation/leader/an/effective/effective
(d)   useless/a/is/without/leader/followers
           SECTION  C – LITERATURE  (30 MARKS)
8.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (1x4=4 marks)
Does the seagull not fly across the sun,alone and without a nest? He quoted Khalil Gibran to my hesitant mother, ‘Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself’.
(a)   Name the lesson and author.
(b)   ‘Your children are not your children!’ The speaker of the above line is  ...................... .
(c)    Kalam’s mother was hesitant as he was leaving for higher studies.  (True/False)
(d)    The word ................ means the same as ‘nervous’.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
(a)Name the poem and poet.
(b) Both of them appeared ..................... that morning.
(c) The author was doubtful whether he would be able to take the first road some other time.   (True/False)
(d) ‘In leaves no step had trodden black’ means that both the roads were ................... .
9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (2x5=10 marks)
(a) Write a note on Evelyn’s achievement. What did she say about it? (The Sound of Music)
(b)Describe the reaction of the doctor when he encountered the snake?(The Snake and the Mirror)
(c) Why does the world remember Einstein as a world citizen ? (A truly beautiful mind)
(d) How does Kezia begin to see her father as a human being who needs sympathy?(The little girl)
(e) What changes did the King and his minister bring about in the Kingdom of Fools? (In the Kingdom of fools)
(f) In what way is Iswaran an asset to Mahendra?
(g) What characteristics did Abdul inherit from his parents? (My Childhood)
10. Attempt the following long answer question in 100-150 words: (8marks)
Compare and contrast the futuristic schools in the story with the schools of today.Do you think the futuristic schools will be a reality?
In the lesson, ‘The Snake and the Mirror’ the doctor, in the face of extreme danger,had not panicked but kept calm and ‘smiled feebly’  at himself. With the help of examples from the story, find five ways in which one can remain calm and collected in the face of extreme danger.
11. Attempt the following long answer type question in 100-150 words:  8marks
The disciple was in trouble because he was greedy. The king and his minister also met their end because of greed. Elaborate.
Give a brief character sketch of author’s grandfather describing his qualities. What values are reflected from his
                                           KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KARAIKUDI
                               HALF-YEARLY EXAMINATION – OCTOBER 2019

CLASS: IX                                  SET -I                                                  MAX.MARKS: 80 
SUBJECT: ENGLISH                                                                     TIME: 3 HOURS

(i)This question paper consists of 3 sections :
SECTION-A:READING -                            20 MARKS
SECTION- C: LITERAURE  -                      30 MARKS
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.
(iv) All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question   paper.
.                                                                                                                                                SECTION –A (READING)          20 Marks
1.Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:   8 marks
  1. Environment pollution has become a major issue during the 20th century as today’s society produces goods which are harmful to the environment. The land,water and air are all increasingly affected by a range of pollutants such as noise, heat,smoke,chemicals , manure and radioactive isotopes. Once it the environment,many pollutants are diluted,dispersed or brokendown into harmless materials,but others may be concentrated or transformed into more damaging forms. And,more importantly,damage caused by pollution may not be covered immediately because it is not as easy as it seems. Every year, the burning of fossil fuels releases about 5.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide in the air – an amount that is expected to increase. Even though carbon dioxide is a gas that plants that plants survive on, an excess amount proves to be harmful.Carbon dioxide molecules absorb heat energy. The greater the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, the greater amount of heat energy is absorbed, which results in global warming.
2. In fact, America is the largest carbon dioxide producing nation.There are several ways to reduce pollution; however,considering the economic problems America is going through,it’s a difficult issue.
3.One of the ways to deal with pollution considering the economic problem is to give out marketable pollution permits. Marketable pollution are a combination of command and control and market-based technique to the task of restricting pollution emissions. Major  polluters can bid for a permit that allows them to generate a fixed amount of pollution.These permits can be resold: The government can systematically decrease the amount of pollution permits available so that total pollution emissions can be controlled.
1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following:
(a) The environment pollution is  increasing ....................................... .
      (i) due to felling of trees
      (ii) due to burning of fossil fuels
      (iii) people  adding harmful products to the environment
       (iv) All the above
(b) The largest carbon dioxide producing nation is ............................ .
      (i) Australia
      (ii) The United Kingdom
      (iii) The United States of America
       (iv) None of the above
(c) Carbondioxide is a gas that plants survive on.               (True/False)
(d) Environmental pollution is a minor issue that can be tackled easily.  (True/False)
(e) Global warming is on the rise.                                        (True/False)
(f) Every year, the burning of fossil fuels releases about .................. tons of carbon dioxide in the air.
(g)Many pollutants in the environment get either diluted,dispersed or ............ .
(h) Find a word from the passage which means the same as “produce”.
2. Read the passage carefully:                                                 12 MARKS
  1. Once upon a time,there lived a poor farmer with his wife and son in a small village. He toiled a lot in his field but the fruits of his labour were meagre. One day, exhausted by the heat, he laid down under the shadow of a tree to take a nap. All of a sudden,he saw a giant cobra crawling out of an ant-hill.
2.The farmer thought to himself, “Sure, this snake must be a deity guarding my field. So far I have not noticed it and that is why all my farming is in vain. Let me pay my respects to it now and worship it hereafter.” He then made up his mind,brought some milk in a bowl and placed it before the ant-hill. He said aloud, “O ! Lord! Guardian of my field! I did not know that you dwell here. Please forgive me for not paying respects to you.” He left the milk bowl there and went back to his house. The next morning, he was surprised to see a gold coin in the bowl.
3. Since then, the farmer placed a bowl of milk  every day and got a gold coin the next morning. Soon the farmer became rich and happy.This continued for some time.One day,the farmer had to go to a nearby city for a few days and so he directed his son to place the milk bowl near the ant-hill every day.The son kept the milk bowl and left,only to find a gold coin next day. He the thought to himself, “This ant-hill mut be full of gold coins;I’ll kill the serpent and take all of them.”
4. The next day,while placing the bowl of milk, the farmer’s son struck the snake with a club.But the serpent escaped and bit him with his sharp fangs instead. He was dead at once. When the farmer returned , he learnt about his son’s fate and grieved. The next morning, he took the bowl of milk and went to the ant-hill.
5. The snake came out and said. “Your greed made you overlook even the loss of  your son.Your son struck me in ignorance and I had bitten to death. I cannot forget the blow on my head and you cannot forget the loss of your son. Hereafter,the friendship between us is not possible.” So saying the snake gave a costly coin and disappeared. The farmer returned home cursing the foolishness of  his son.
2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in 30-40 words each :
(a) Why did the farmer think of the snake as a deity?
(b) Was it right on the part of the farmer to presume that the snake was guarding the field?
(c) Did the farmer’s son get all the gold coins? Why?
(d) Why did the farmer give milk to the snake even after his son’s death?How did the snake react to the farmer?
2.2. On the basis of your reading of the passage,answer the following :
(a) In para 2, the antonym of ‘neglecting’ is ............................. .
      (i) guarding   (ii) deity    (iii) farming       (iv) paying
(b) In para 1, the antonym of ‘abundant’ is .................................... .
       (i) toiled        (ii) exhausted      (iii) meagre       (iv) deficient
(c) Farmer’s son also placed a bowl of milk for snake and got back a gold coin the next morning.                                                                  (True/False)
(d) The farmer was a greedy person because even his son’s death did not deter him ................................................... .
                    SECTION B (WRITNIG AND GRAMMAR ) (30 MARKS)
3.There is a widespread craze for junk food among the youth. They are consuming junk food at alarming rate which harms their health. Based on the clues given below, write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine highlighting the harmful effects of junk food and how to avoid it.                                                                                            (8 marks)
* Unhealthy and unhygienic     * Cause of obesity and diseases
* Popular as cheap and tasty     * lacks in essential nutrients
You are going on a school excursion to Ooty with your classmates and teachers. You are very excited. The night before you sit down to write your diary. Describe what you have planned for the excursion and how you hope to enjoy yourself there. You are Ramesh/Reeta. Write your diary in 100-150 words.
4.Complete the story in 150-200 words :                                                             ( 10 marks)
Mona was going to the market when a monkey snatched her purse. She began to cry. An old man was watching her. He came to help her. He saw the monkey sitting on a tree. He thought of a plan ........................ .
Complete the story with the help of the hints given below :
A merchant riding home from fair............. always negative thinking .............. had earned a lot of money ............. sudden rainfall............... money got wet .................. cursed God ................... attacked by robbers ............... got fired at ................. but due to wet gun powder not hit ......................... saved life ........................... thanked God for rain ................... realised whatever happens,happens alright.

5. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers :                                                  ( 4 marks)
Pollution  (a) ................... taken a toll (b) ................ everyone. It (c) ................. so because of people’s callousness. (d) .................... number of environment activist groups are trying to create awareness about save our forests.
6. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided.                                                                                                                   (4 marks)
                                                                                           Before            Word               After
Fast food a favourite with children.                   Eg.        food                 is                       a
There no doubt that it requires less                        (a) ............     .............          ............
preparation time, is tasty is served                          (b)............     ................       ...............
quickly it is unhealthy and lacks                                (c) ..............  .................       ...............
nutrients. Rise in the cases of obesity children       (d)..........    ..................      ................
is a matter of concern for all.
7.Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences:   (4marks)
Eg. makes/go/the /round/ leadership/world
Ans. Leadership makes the world go round.
(a)   can/leadership/the /concept of/basic/ implies/make a difference/individuals/that
(b)   as well as/means/leadership/in general/in action/leadership/in thought
(c)    cannot/in/be/isolation/leader/an/effective/effective
(d)   useless/a/is/without/leader/followers
           SECTION  C – LITERATURE  (30 MARKS)
8.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (1x4=4 marks)
Does the seagull not fly across the sun,alone and without a nest? He quoted Khalil Gibran to my hesitant mother, ‘Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself’.
(a)   Name the lesson and author.
(b)   ‘Your children are not your children!’ The speaker of the above line is  ...................... .
(c)    Kalam’s mother was hesitant as he was leaving for higher studies.  (True/False)
(d)    The word ................ means the same as ‘nervous’.
Then good Saint Peter grew angry,
For he was hungry and faint,
And surely such a woman
Was enough to provoke a saint.
(a)Name the poem and poet.
(b) The behaviour of the woman made Saint Peter ................ .
(c) The woman’s attitude made Saint Peter smile.   (True/False)
(d) ................... in the above stanza is the synonym of ‘arouse’.
9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each. (2x5=10 marks)
(a) Write a note on Evelyn’s passion for music. (The Sound of Music)
(b)Why could the doctor not sleep in his room? What did he do then?(The Snake and the Mirror)
(c) How did Einstein fare in high school? (A truly beautiful mind)
(d) What characteristics did Abdul inherit from his parents? (My Childhood)
(e) What changes did the King and his minister bring about in the Kingdom of Fools? (In the Kingdom of fools)
(f) In what way is Iswaran an asset to Mahendra?
(g) When does the child realize that he has lost his way? How has his anxiety and insecurity been described?
10. Attempt the following long answer question in 100-150 words: (8marks)
In which respect is your school system different from that of Margie? Which one do you like and why?
In the lesson, ‘The Snake and the Mirror’ the doctor, in the face of extreme danger,had not panicked but kept calm and ‘smiled feebly’  at himself.With the help of examples from the story, find five ways in which one can remain calm and collected in the face of extreme danger.
11. Attempt the following long answer type question in 100-150 words:  8marks
In the story ‘In the Kingdom of Fools’ the author of this folktale seems to suggest that there is a proper time and place for doing things,and displacement of such values leads to chaos in society. Find instances from the story to prove this.
Do you think,it is advisable to keep a monkey like Toto as part of pets in the house? Why/Why not?



CLASS-VI     SUBJECT:ENGLISH           TIME: 2 Hours 30minutes                       Max.Marks:80

The question paper is divided into three sections:

Section A  Reading  :                                 20 marks

Section B  Writing& Grammar :                30 marks

Section C   Literature                  :               30 marks

General  Instructions:

1.All questions are compulsory.

2.Marks are indicated against each question.


1.Read the passage carefully :(8marks)

There was once a little boy named George Washington. One day he got a small axe from his father. He was very pleased with it. It had a fine wooden handle and had a sharp edge. How bright it looked!

He said to himself. “It will cut anything. Let me try it on wood.” So he went to his father’s garden and tried the axe upon every tree there. At last he came to a young apple tree and began to try the axe on it. Soon the tree lost all its branches and leaves and fell to the ground.

In the evening, George’s father went to the garden. He found the apple tree lying on the ground. This made him angry and he shouted, “George, who has cut down this apple tree?”

Did George tell a lie? Was he afraid? Did he put the blame on anyone else? No, he wept and said, “Oh father I can’t tell a lie. You gave me a little axe. I did it with that”. George was a truthful boy. He did not want to tell a lie. His father was very pleased. He took him up in his arms, patted him and said, “I am proud of you, my boy. I am sorry for the apple tree no doubt, but you have told the truth and this makes me happy.

1.1(a) The little boy got a  ..................... from his father.

           (i) apple  (ii) wood (iii) axe (iv) leaves

(b) The special trait  of the boy was that he was ...................... .

       (i) kind (ii) truthful  (iii) angry (iv) liar

(c)  The boy was unhappy with the axe that his father gave him. (True/False)

(d)  The boy tried the axe on every tree. (True/False)

(e) The father felt  very proud and happy about his son’s act. (Ttrue/False)

(f) The ................ told by the boy made the father very happy.

(g) George’s father found the .................. tree lying on the ground when he went to the garden.

(h) Write the synonym of the word ‘hold responsible’ from the passage. (last para)

 2.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:(12marks)

                      Dental Disease

1.Dental disease is the most common disease in the world. With proper personal and professional care, you  and your children can also keep your teeth healthy and dazzling white.

2. Tooth brushing is the best method to remove plaque and proper method of brushing can minimize the dental diseases. Always use a good tooth paste and a good quality brush with soft bristles and a handle that fits comfortably in your mouth and hand. Truly speaking you must brush your teeth regularly after every meal and minimum twice a day, especially at night before going to bed. Brush must be changed when bristles get curled off.

3. Your child should start brushing soon after the first tooth appears in the oral cavity. Rinsing with plain water should be done after anything you eat. Massage your gums with your fingers after brushing and gently brush your tongue also.

4. A balanced diet throughout life is necessary for dental health. You must finish your food with self-cleansing fibrous or rough food such as Salad and Fruits. Do not eat sweets and sticky food such as chocolates,candies,cakes etc. Between meals,as bacteria love sugar and destroy the tooth substances.

5. Mouth breathing,thumb sucking,nail biting,tongue thrusting are bad habits and discourage your children to do these. Milk teeth are equally important. Take care of them. Get your missing teeth replaed by artificial teeth. If accidentally your teeth breaks or comes out of socket,wrap it ina wet cloth and rush to your dentist. In many cases,it is possible to reattach the tooth in socket.

2.1 Read the given questions and write the answer in 30-40 words: (2x4=8 marks)

(a) What is the most common disease and how it can be prevented?

(b) Explain the method to minimize the dental diseases>

(c) What kind of food is essential for dental health?

(d) What kind of habits should be discouraged among children for maintaing dental health?

2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage,answer thefollowing:

(a) The most important thing in choosing a proper tooth brush is ............ .

      (i) its length  (ii) its handle (iii) the quality of its bridles  (iv) its looks

(b) Tooth brush should be changed .................... .

     (i) frequently (ii) bristles are no longer straight and soft (iii) never (iv) rarely

(c) For dental health  one should eat ....................... .

(d) Give the synonym of ‘not real’. (para 5)

                        SECTION B (WRITING & GRAMMAR)-30MARKS

3.You are Raji/Rajiv of class VI. You have lost your pencil box in the school premises. Write a notice for the school notice board in not more than 50 words.Give necessary details. Put the notice in a box. (1x5=5marks)

4.Write a paragraph in about 80-100 words on any One  of the following:(6marks)

   My school


My Aim in Life

5.Write an application to the class teacher requesting for three days leave as you have to attend your sister’s marriage.(1x7=7marks)


Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her for the birthday party.

6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. (1 x3=3marks)

                                                                                                                   Error                           Correction

There is more than 6,000 million people                                       is                               are

live on our planet Earth . The                                             (a)    …………..                      ………………

Earth provide us with the air to                                         (b)    ……………..                   …………………

breath,food to eat and water to                                         (c)    ………….                        …………………


7.Do as directed:(6marks)

(a) …………………….. is the best policy.(noun form of ‘honest’)

(b) He was rewarded for his  ……………………….. (noun form of ‘sincere’)

(c) The girl presented a ……………… of flowers to the chief guest.(pack/brood/bunch)

(d) She told me ……………… travelling.(across/about/towards)

(e)Fill in by using in-,im-,un-,ir- with the words given in the brackets .

(i) The speech given by him was ………………………….. (relevant) to the occasion.

(ii) He is …………………… (happy) today as he could not win the race.

8.Rearrange the following words /phrases to form meaningful sentences: (3 marks)

(a) of/land/Assam/is a/festivals

(b)famous/is/Bihu/festival/Assamese/ a

(c)celebrated /in/is/ April/it/of/the month

                                   SECTION C (LITERATURE)-30 MARKS

9.Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:(4marks)(any one)

A. “Where do all teachers go

When it’s four O’clock?

Do they live in houses

And do they wash their socks?”

(a)   Name the poet.

(b)   What is the time mentioned in the poem?

(c)    Write one question which the poet puts (other than these three questions) about the teacher?

(d)   The child is sure that the teachers live in houses. (True/False)


B. “He sent for the young wood cutter and rewarded him with twenty pieces of gold for having been so good and kind. Then he named the most beautiful fountain in the city after Taro. This, said the emperor was to encourage all children to honour and obey their parents.                                

(a)Who does ‘he’ and ‘the young woodcutter’ refer to?

(b) Why did he give reward ?

(c) The beautiful mountain was named as ‘Taro’.  (True/False)

(d) Give the antonym for the word , ‘ugly’ from the passage.

10.Answer any ten  of the following questions, in about 40-50 words each:(10x2=20marks)

(a)What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?

(b)Who did the dog finally choose  as his master?Why?

(c)How did Taro’s father show hishappiness after drinking the ‘Sake’?

(d)What was the purpose of the special days in “A Different kind of School”?

(e)Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian-American?

(f)How did the rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?

(g) Why did the other governors jealous of the shepherd?

(h)Why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court?

(i)A house is made of brick,stone and wood. What makes up a home?

(j) Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?

(k) Why did the waterfall give Taro Sake and others water?

(l) How did the king reward the new governor?

11.Answer any One of the following questions in about 80-100 words:(6marks)

Describe  KalpanaChawla’s first space mission in space.


Describe beauty in a paragraph.                                                     


Miss Beam’s school was different from the other schools. What did the writer notice about the school?


**************************ALL THEBEST************************

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