Friday 13 December 2019

Class-X - Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (2016-17)

Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills
Class-X (2016-17)
Listening Test (Audio Script)

Set C
Time: 1 hour                                                                                                              Max Marks: 20

Task 1
You will hear 5 short extracts of people talking about the significance of sports.
Read the statements below, then listen to the extracts and match each statement A to G to each speaker 1 to 5. There are two statements you do not need. You will hear the recording twice.

Speaker 1
Friends, we should play sports and games regularly, because I believe that they are the most important source of entertainment. We enjoy and please ourselves when we play sports and games. Not only the players are amused while playing different games but the spectators too as they enjoy games while they watch their favourite players play these games. Sometimes, the onlookers are entertained even more than the players who play these games for their own satisfaction and pleasure.

Speaker 2
For me the best use of sports is earning a livelihood. These days the people who play games and sports not only earn a lot of money but also are given a great deal of money as prizes. There are thousands of players in our country who are very rich and enjoy all the benefits of their riches that they have earned as sportsperson. Therefore, I strongly believe that playing games and sports is a very good way of earning a comfortable income.

Speaker 3
Sports and games are a very good way of keeping good health. All those who play games regularly remain healthy for a longer time. It is believed that a sound mind lives in a sound body. That means if our body is healthy, then only our mind will be healthy. And, can there be any other better way of keeping ourselves healthy than playing sports and games? So, if we really wanted to be healthy, we must regularly play outdoor games of our choice.

Speaker 4
Dear friends, I believe that we should play games to keep ourselves occupied. If we regularly play sports and games we keep ourselves busy in constructive work and can keep a distance from negative thoughts and bad company. Games and sports are a very good way to pass time. Since ages, it is believed that an empty mind is a devil’s workshop. So, play sports and stay cheerful.

Speaker 5
Sports and games make us both mentally and physically strong to face the challenges of life. The discipline and practice of games and sports give us enough strength to bear the harsh realities of life and react to certain day to day problems in more practical and realistic ways. Tough sports persons remain strong even during the bad times of their life. Sports teach us to be firm, disciplined and determined and take appropriate decisions at the right times.

Task 2
You will hear an interview with a famous blogger Miss Verma on the topic of
“Travelling for a Festival or fest”. Read the sentences below, then listen to the conversation and choose A, B or C for each sentence. You will hear the recording twice.

Interviewer: Hello Mam, welcome to our show. So what is it about travelling for a festival, like we say a fest, that makes it different from regular travel?
Blogger: If you’re visiting a city during season of a particular festival, I think you’ll find the whole city a bit friendlier. When Goa hosts its annual film fest, the whole city comes alive with red carpets. It is a fest that even the local people love. The city celebrates those two weeks in winter and everyone is just that much happy and friendly.
Interviewer: A lot of people love visiting music fests. What do you think draws them?
Blogger: Music fests have many added advantages. At music fests, you can end up seeing your favorite musicians multiple times at the cost of a normal one-off ticket. There may be about a dozen other bands where you can hopefully discover new music. I think that is what attracts people to these music fests.
Interviewer: Well then what do you think about the food at these fests?
Blogger: That’s my favourite part. Food at fests has its own attraction. It might be overpriced — but then, that’s the fun of it! Give me French fries in a paper cup at anytime and I’m going to love it. Fest food stalls sell all types of best and worst food! But somehow everything just tastes better when you’ve been in the sun all day, dehydrated from this day’s activities.
Interviewer: People say that many fests require you to camp in their grounds. Is this true?
Blogger: Could be. Personally I don’t like camping. But give me a fest which requires camping and I’ll be there with open arms! In fest camping you set up a camp-ground with friends and play games and this helps you quickly make friends with your camping neighbours. Space is usually tight at fest camp-grounds but then it doesn’t matter much.
Interviewer: What about places you have visited earlier?
Blogger: If you’ve already visited a destination, visit again during a special fest. For example, I’ve been to Jaisalmer a number of times but this time I went there to attend the Annual Desert Fest organized in the month of January. I saw a whole different side of the city and I loved it! Celebrated with a number of cultural events, camel races, folk music, turban tying competitions etc., the fest bring to life the traditions of the place. The rich culture of the region is on display during this three day long colourful celebration. The fest attracts a large number of foreign tourists.
Interviewer: Finally one last thing that you really love about fests.
Blogger: Obviously fests are different from one another, but all fest-goers have a sort of positive attitude that makes everyone friendly and fun. I can’t tell you how many strangers I’ve made friends with at fests. When queuing up for food, for refreshments etc. people somehow just open up and happily talk to strangers.
Interviewer: That’s all, Mam. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

Task 3 
You will hear Rachna Madan, head of the literary club of your school, talking about the importance of reading as a skill. Read the questions below, then listen to the extract and choose four of the options A to G which are correct. You will hear the recording twice. 

Good morning friends! Today I wish to talk to you about the importance of reading as a skill. I strongly believe that reading is the master key to success and you would be surprised to know that most successful students are always good readers. But, unfortunately, many students have limited reading habits these days.

Today you have many opportunities to gather information. Books are not the only tools you are exposed to. You can practise reading from an electronic tablet, a smart phone or on a computer. A student who has the reading skills is not just learning to read but reading to learn. With proper reading skills, he can explore topics ranging from how spiders spin their webs to the details of the Wright brothers' first flight in the USA.

Reading is a vital skill in finding a job. Many well-paying jobs require reading as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos which must be read and responded to. A person is limited in what they can accomplish without good reading and comprehension skills. Good readers develop their ability to concentrate. They read and comprehend the main message easily. Reading helps people focus on what someone else is communicating.

Books, magazines and even the Internet are great learning tools which require the ability to read and understand what is read. Reading also helps us discover new things. We live in an age where there is an overflow of information, but reading is the main way to take advantage of it. Last but not the least; Let’s not forget that reading is fundamental in developing a good self-image. So what are you waiting for. You should come and join our literary club, see the wonders and start your new journey on the road to success today.

Task 4
You will listen to two students, a boy and a girl, debating on the topic ‘importance of having regular health checkups’. Read the sentences below, then listen to the conversation and complete the sentences with one or two words only.

You will hear the recording twice.
Rahul: Hello Ria! Where are you going?
Ria: I am going to the dentist.
Rahul: Do you have a toothache or something?
Ria : No. I’m going for my regular dental checkup.
Rahul: What is this? Who goes to a dentist without a toothache? Maybe you don’t brush your teeth regularly!
Ria: Of course I brush my teeth but don’t tell me you don’t get your teeth checked regularly.
Rahul: Oh, come on, that’s a great waste of time?
Ria: No, it’s not a waste of time but very important. The benefits of regular checkups far outweigh the time you will be investing in it. It is important for people of all ages to schedule dental checkups, in fact not only dental checkups but regular health checkups.
Rahul: Oh come on, such check ups are advertised by doctors to earn more money.
Ria: I think you are wrong there. Even when you feel you are fit and healthy, there is always the possibility that you may be developing a medical problem that is undetectable in the beginning but can have further complications in future. Any medical problems that adults under 40 years of age have can still be detected through a physical examination while those over forty need to undergo specialized tests.
Rahul: And, what about the cost?
Ria: With a good health care provider the little time and money you may spend on health checkups would be very less compared to the benefits. It is a little but valuable investment especially if the medical check-ups were able to detect a serious medical condition or illness. After all, the cost of getting a blood test and the following visits are nothing compared to treatments for the various chronic illnesses.
Rahul: I still feel it may be very depressing to go to a doctor for no reason at all. It would give me stress.
Ria: But, I feel your doctor can advise you on ways to promote healthy lifestyles. It can help in case you have an existing medical condition that requires attention. Consulting a doctor can also help to remove any stress you may have by discussing your general well-being and giving you practical advice on how to live healthy.
Rahul: Are you trying to say that going to the doctor is a stress buster?
Ria: Yes, but all I am saying is that nearly half of the health disorders that we are facing today are somehow connected to our stress. You might have seen so many patients of hypertension, diabetes and heart problems. Moreover many people instead of visiting the doctor for common cold, flu or stomach ache deal with these illnesses through self-medication. They become their own doctors. Self-medication may deal with these issues temporarily but the real cause of these problems remains untreated and may result in a serious illness in future.
Rahul: Ok Ria. I agree that you may have a point. Now aren’t you getting late for your appointment.
Ria: Oh my God! I completely forgot.

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