Wednesday 4 December 2019



                                      PERIODICAL TEST III, JANUARY – 2018


General Instructions:

1.      This question paper is divided into three sections:

·         Section A :   Reading                                  8 Marks

·         Section B :   Writing and Grammar         19 Marks

·         Section C :   Literature                              13 Marks

2.      All questions are compulsory.

3.      All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

                                SECTION A ( READING)  ( 8 Marks)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:   (8 Marks)

 1.Honey bees are social insects that live in colonies called hives. They build hives to store food and lay eggs. There are three types of bees in each colony- the worker bees, the drones and  a queen bee.

The workers are young female bees. They collect nectar and pollen, build hives and keep them clean and look after their larvae too. They also help maintain the temperature of the hive by beating their wings. Worker bees can travel up to eight miles to get nectar and pollen. The worker bees sting if they find a danger to the hives. A bee will rarely sting if it is far away from the hive unless it senses danger.

Drones are male bees that live in the hive. They do not collect nectar or build hives. Their only job is to mate with the queen. Hundreds of drone bees live in the hive during summer. When winter arrives and food is limited and survival is threatened, the drones are thrown out of the hive.

The queen bee is the single, largest bee in the hive. Her only job is to lay eggs. She is the only fertile bee in the hive. A queen bee can lay up to 2500 eggs a day. When the old queen’s time is almost over, some larvae are put into special cells to grow into the new queen. They are fed with the ‘royal jelly’ to provide them with the nutrition required to be the fertile queen. As soon as the female bee develops into a queen bee, she kills the other prospective queen bees.

(a) Why are honeybees called ‘social insects’?

(b) In case of an attack on the hive, which bee takes charge?

(c) Why does the new queen bee kill other prospective bees?

(d) According to the passage, which bee is the busiest?

(e) What are the three types of bees mentioned in the passage?

(f) Give a suitable title.

(g) Find a word that is the synonym of ‘state of trouble or danger’.(para 3)

(h) Find the word that is the antonym of ‘ ordinary’. (para 4)

                             SECTION – B ( WRITING AND GRAMMAR)   (19 MARKS)

2.Write a paragraph on any one of the following: (4 marks)

                     My favourite player


                    The festival I like most

3.Write a letter to your friend about the educational tour to Rameswaram that your class went last week highlighting the fun and experiences you had. (4marks)


You are Manoj/Meena living in Banagalore.Write a letter to your father ,working in

 Chennai , requesting him to buy you a bicycle.

4.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. (1 x3=3marks)

                                                                                                                   Error                           Correction

There is more than 6,000 million people                                       is                               are

live on our planet Earth . The                                             (a)    …………..                      ………………

Earth provide us with the air to                                         (b)    ……………..                   …………………

breath,food to eat and water to                                         (c)    ………….                        …………………


5.Rearrange the following to make meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. (3 marks)

Eg.called/is/rose/of flowers/queen /the

Ans. Rose is called the queen of flowers..

(a)   one of the/it is/most/in the/flowers/popular/world

(b)   intoxicating fragrance/it has/soft petals/and sharp thorns

(c)    come in/imaginable/almost every/roses/colour

 6.  Do as Directed :-(5 MARKS)

(i) Fill in the blanks with the most commonly used words: (partner/accomplice/helper/ companion (1x2=2)

 (a)She proved to be a good …………………. to me during my journey.

(b) The police has arrested the thief’s ……………………. yesterday.

 (ii)  Fill in with suitable  words given in the bracket against  each sentence:  (1x3=3 marks)

(a)    She could not ……………… her yawn in the meeting.(cause/fire/smother)

(b)   There was some …………in the story which he narrated yesterday.(cause/fire/smother)

(c)    One can never see ………………….my father’s plan. (past/along/through)

                      SECTION – C ( LITERATURE - 13 MARKS)

7.  Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:-  (3) (ANY ONE)

 A..You may scare a rabbit

       Who is sitting still

       Though at first you may not see him

        When he hops you will..

(i)                 Name the poem and poet .

(ii)               Who is’ you’ in the poem?

(iii)             The word  that means the same as ‘moves by jumping on feet’’ is ………………..


B. “The moment he swallowed it,he began wrinkling and shriveling up all over and his hair started dropping off and his teeth started falling out and before I knew it, he had suddenly become an old fellow of seventy-five! And thus,my dear Charlie,was Vita-Wonk invented!”

 (i) The speaker of the above lines is …………………. .

(ii) What happened to the volunteer when he swallowed the mixture prepared?

(iii) Name the lesson and author.

8. Answer any three of the following questions:-   ( 3 x 2 = 6)

a)      Why Mr Purcell is compared to an owl?

b)      Why did Abbu Khan buy a young goat.?

c)       Where did the lady find the bear cub? How did she bring it up?

d)      What do you understand by the flash point of the fuel?

e)      Why did the fan seem mysterious?

f)       Describe Plan A and its consequences .

g)      Why did the poet run away whe he saw a snake?

9.Answer any one of  the following questions in detail:-  (1 x 4 = 4)

(a)    You are Maya. Write a page in your diary describing the simple facts you and your brother have come to know about Mr Nath.

(b)   Write a paragraph on how fire is important in our daily life, how it is caused, how it can be put out and some safety measures to prevent fire accidents?

**************************ALL THE BEST*******************************
                                KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KARAIKUDI

REVISION-FA3         5 JAN 2016



1.  Read the following passage carefully:  (5 marks)


When I look back, I see that I made it in life because of many factors. Most of all I was blessed with good health all through. That apart, I had a very sound upbringing. I was conscious that all these blessings do not come without a reason, which is why I had to make larger contributions. I was determined to make my life extremely productive and make a difference in society. To this end, I have always stayed focused, worked exceedingly hard and been very disciplined.

It has been a life full of courageous decision. Without courage there is no achievement. Courage makes you learn your own laurels. The bottom line has been to stand up against injustice or inequity.

Success came my way with the help of preparation, persistence, calculated risk taking, family support, and prioritization, sharing and giving. Focus is also important. You cannot achieve as much as you want without concentration and focus. There have been many defining moments and turning points in my life. The details are all in my biography  I Dare.
I have always t            ried understanding criticism and taking as it comes. And dealing with it on case-to-case basis. Luck perhaps plays a role in attaining success. But more than that, it is the blessings of one’s parents, elders and people one works with that really helps.

What we are today is the product or the youth of the past. What we will be tomorrow, is a sum total of character and contributions of the youth of today. Hence, each matters and each contributes in visible and invisible ways.

Once you recognize this, the nation can rise to a second level of freedom, against inefficiency, inequality, divisiveness, violence or inadequacies. The country is desperately in need of energetic peace practicing, uniting, honest leadership.  

Whatever we do, if we keep the interests of the nation first, India will develop into a prosperous country.  

Read the questions given below and write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number:

(a)  What was the success mantra of KiranBedi?

(b) What makes you earn your own laurels?

(c) How did KiranBedi achieve success in her life?

(d) What is the biography of KiranBedi known as?

(e) Find a word that means :

      Treatment and education during childhood – (Para 1) –

2.Read the given passage carefully and answer  the questions given below: (5MARKS)


Familiar to most people for its medicinal properties, the Neem is recognized by few despite its distinctive,curved leaves and  annual profusion of star-shaped sweet scented flowers.It is a medium-sized or large tree with a straight trunk and evergreen, a native of India, Burma and Sri Lanka.

Young leaves are a pale, tender green tinged with rust. These are eaten on New Year days to ward off sickness during the coming year. Some people to whom the tree is sacred, also festoon fresh leaves across their houses when there is an epidemic of chicken pox or to keep evil spirits away when there is a birth or death. Dried leaves put in drawers or cupboards  keep out moths and cockroaches.Another use for these ‘magic’ leaves is in poultice form for healing wounds.For the yellow fruit is obtained the famous Margosaoil,so effective in the treatment of leprosy and skin diseases. External application of oil from the seed is believed to cure rheumatism. The bark and gum yield valuable medicines. In fact, every part of this tree is of some value. Neem  timber is beautifully mottled,hard and heavy and is used for ship building,cards and furniture. Wood from old trees is so bitter that no insects will attack it.

1.TheNeem tree is well known mainly for …………………………… .

2.Its leaves can be recognized by its shape which is like …………………………….. .

3.Some people believe that the leaves of the neem keep away ……………. .

4.Neem timber is used for building various things such as………………………… .

5.The leaves of the Neem are ‘magic leaves” because they also ……………………….. .


2.Paragraph Writing – 5 marks

   Freedom is life


   Wonders of Science

3.Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the birthday gift he had sent.(5marks)


4.The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line.It is underlined.Write the error and your correction in your answersheet .Underline the correct word.The first one has been done as an example.(4marks)

                                                                                                     Incorrect                     Correct

One day as the girl was played in the courtyard,                 played                          playing

the ball bounced very high that it flew through the            (a)……………                   ……………….

neighbour’swindow.Unfortunately a ball                            (b)……………                  ………………..

fell on a crystal vase right over the window sill                   (c)……………..               ………………..

and  shattered it from pieces. An old lady stormed           (d)……………                 ……………….

out and complaining so long and loud that the                  (e) …………….               …………….

otherneighbours began to come from of their houses    (f)…………….                 …………………

and  the little girl was so frightened that she hidden in   (g)……………                ………………….

a nearby shed. Only then the old man came out did       (h)……………..               ………………

the lady shut up.


                                                           Error                                   Correction

Ravi and Jai were twin brother.                           brothers

They both studied in class fourth.     (a) ……… ..                         ………….

Their school  is closed                       (b)…………                        ………….

for the summer vacations.                 (c)………….                       …………..

They were very excitement for         (d)…………                        …………..

they were going with their parent on a (e)………….                    ……………

long holiday. They were going on      (f) ………….                    …………….

ship to another country.                                                                         (3marks)

5.Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences:(1x3=3marks)

Eg.Perhaps health/is/in the world/the greatest wealth

Ans.The greatest wealth in the world is perhaps health.

(a)in life/is the key/success and progress/to/Health

(b) an ailing king/is happier/a healthy beggar/than

(c)all pleasure and joy/life is/to a healthy man

6.Do as directed  : (5marks)

(a) Ravi proved to be a good …………….. to Vijay in yesterday’s  match.(partner/companion/helper)

 (b) The police is trying to find the thief’s ……………. .(partner/accomplice/helper)

(cMother Teresa devoted her life to the ………….. of poor.(carbon/cause/smother)

(d) There was some ………… in the story that she narrated. (Carbon/fire/smother)

(e) No one was able to see …………….. her clever plan. As a result all were made fool in the game. (across/along/through)


7.Read the extracts  given below and answer the questions that follow:(9 marks)

1. “Never Mind,” said Dad,

Brushing the dirt

Off his hair and his face

And his trousers and his shirt,


(i)Name the poem and the poet

(ii)What made dad say “Never mind”?

(iii)Find a word in the stanza which means ‘shaking’. (1x3=3)

2. “How you do go on, Maya? How can you possibly imagine he’s a crook? He looks so ordinary!”

(i)Who is the speaker of the above lines?

(ii)Who is referred to as ‘he’ in the above lines?

(iii)Give a word that means the same as ‘criminal’. (1x3=3)

3.MrWonka went on and tracked down very old and ancient animals and took an important little bit of something from each one of them ……………….. . to make the new invention.

 (i) Name any two animals that MrWonka used for the new invention.

 (ii)Name the lesson and  the author.

 (iii) Find the word or phrase that means the same as ‘found’ or  ‘ by searching for it’-(1x3=3)

8. Answer  the following questions in 30-40 words: (2x8=16 marks)

(i) What happens to the volunteer who swallows four drops of the new invention?

(ii)What do you understand by the ‘flash point’ of a fuel?

(iii)Why did Chandni refuse to join the group of wild goats?  

(iv) What are some common uses of fire? In what sense it is a bad master?

 (v)Why is Mr Purcell compared to an owl?

(vi)Where did the lady find the bear cub? How did she bring it up?

(vii)Why does Maya think MrNath is a crook? Who does she say the Sunday visitor is ?

(vii) Describe Plan A and its consequences.

(viii) What are the three main ways in which a fire can be controlled or put out?

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