Wednesday 4 December 2019



                        GRAMMAR AND READING PASSAGE

Q1. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line.

Write the incorrect word and the correct word as given in the example:

                                                                                     Incorrect        Correct                                                              

Balla Shah lived at Gujarat                                                     ex.    at                           in

He was a great ruler. He hates to spend                                 (a) ………..        ………

anything on anybody, even on himself.         

One day he see some dates on a palm tree.                            (b) ………..        ………

He liked dates very much and wants                                      (c) ………..        ……….

to have some but how can he get them?                                 (d) ……….        ……….

He did not like to asked anyone to climb                                           (e) ……….         ……….

up and got them for him.                                                        (f) …………      ………..

2.                                                                                      Incorrect         correct

Flowers is a wonderful gift of Nature.                                   ex.     is              are

These bring a smile on our face.                                       (a) _______     ________

They enliven a surroundings.                                            (b) _______      ________

Many people worship God from flowers.                           (c) _______     ________             

People offer flowers over festive occasions.                      (d) ________    ________

But flowers looked their best on plants.                             (e) ________    ________.

Q.3.                                                                                   Incorrect         Correct

Pongal,the popular or the colourful                                       ex. or                and

festival of Tamilnadu was celebrated in                              (a) ……….       ………

the second week of January every years. It                         (b) ……….       ……….

has three festivals combined for one namely                       (c) ………..      ………

namely Bhogi Pongal, Pongal and Mattu Pongal.

Q.4.                                                                                   Incorrect         Correct

One day there were no food in the house.                            Ex.    were              was

The children was crying.                                                  (a)  ………….      ………..

Sudama’s wife can not bear the sight.                                (b) …………..     ………..

She approach Sudama and                                                (c) ……………    …………

advise him to go to Lord Krishna.                                     (d) ……………    ………..,,

She suggest that he should go                                           (e) ……………    …………

and asked for  help.                                                         (f) …………….    ………….

Sudama had to agree.

Q3. Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences:

1.three matches/already played/The/two teams/have.

2. was/excellent/play /the last day's.

3. a/ lovely /face /She/has

4 a number of/problems /these days/India is facing.

5. the area/to catch /the police/are /combing/the burglars.

6. to /my question/in answer/gave a/he /smile.

7. to see/ him/we also /smiled/smile.

8. he hoped/he said/to the party/to be invited.

9 .a/good athletic/the boys/put up /show.

10. great courage/ the soldiers/showed/people/from floods/in saving.

Q4.Fill in the blanks by giving the right form of the word given in the brackets.

1. Pramod is ________than Vinod. (short)

2. Sahara is the ………… desert in the world.(large)

3. Rani is the ____ _______girl of the class (beautiful)

4. The dog is the _____ ________animal. (faithful)

5. Ram is as  ………. as Rahim. (tall)

Q,5 Fill in by using ‘in’,’im’,’un’,’ir’ with the words given in the brackets:

a)      The speech given by him was ………. (relevant) to the occasion.

b)      He is …………..(happy) today as he could not win the race.

c)      Nothing is ………….. (possible), if you wish to do.

Q.6.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of collective noun:

     a) I saw a …………….. of sheep grazing in the field.

     b) An old lady was carrying a …….. of sticks on her head.

     c) The girl presented a ………… of flowers to the chief guest.

Q.7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles (a,an,the):

  The man found  ……….. suitcase on the platform. ………….. suitcase had …… dress and    ………. inside it.

Q.8.Read the passage carefully:

Cancer happens when the normal cells making up a part of a person’s body start to grow faster than usual,take an odd shape, and stop that part of the body from doing its work. If the cancer lump is found early enough,it can sometimes be removed by surgical operation or killed by treatment with X-rays or gamma rays. But if this is not done soon, stray cells break off from the cancerous part and float off in the blood to start trouble elsewhere.Cancer can start in almost any part of the body – for eg. the lungs,the kidneys,the stomach,the bones,the blood and even the skin. No one really knows why cancer starts. But ideas are becoming clearer about makes people likely to get cancer,and doctors are keen to stop people from smoking cigarettes,chewing tobacco which they think may encourage the disease.

On the basis of the reading, answer the following questions:

a)      What happens to the normal cells in cancer?

b)      If cancer is found early enough, how can it be treated?

c)      What happens if cancer is not treated on time?

d)     What are the most likely causes of cancer?

8.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following:

       a) The synonym of the word ‘problem’ is :

              (i) usual (ii) trouble (iii) clearer (iv) grow

        b) The antonym of the word ‘ lost’ is :

               (i) start  (ii) found  (iii) break  (iv) encourage

         c) Everyone knows the reason behind cancer. (True/False)

         d) Cancer can start in any part of the body like ……………………….. .

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