Wednesday 4 December 2019


                                     CLASS IX-C  REVISION NO.10   FICTION  EXTRACTS – SEE 2019

1.       It was a very old book. Margie’s  grandfather once said that when he was a little boy, his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper.

(i)                  Who found the old book?

(ii)                Margie was surprised to see the book because ..................... .

(iii)               What do you mean by real book?

(iv)              Pick out the word which means ‘small’.

2.       Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes.’Because it’s not our kind of school,stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago.’He added loftily.

(i)Why did Tommy call Margie stupid?

(ii)What does ‘they’ refer to ?

(iii)What  is the  difference between two schools?

(iv)Find the word which means ‘in a superior way’?

3.       But  this aspiring musician faced a bigger challenge than most.

(i)                  Identify the musician.

(ii)                Why was learning music a great challenge for the teenager?

(iii)               What was the origin of the musician?

(iv)              Choose the word that means ‘dare’.

4.       His first trip abroad was to Afghanistan  where King Zahir Shah was so taken in by the maestro that he gifted him priceless Persian carpets and other souvenirs.

(i)                  Which country was Bismillah Khan’s first trip abroad?

(ii)                What did Zahir Shah present Bismillah Khan?

(iii)               Who was the king of Afghanistan?

(iv)              Find the word that means ‘momento’.

5.       ‘But it was for your b-b- birthday.’ Down came the ruler on her little,pink palms.Hours later,when grandmother had wrapped her in a shawl and rocke her in the rocking-chair,the child clung to her soft body. ‘What did God make fathers for?’ she sobbed.

(i)                  Who is responding in the first line and before whom?

(ii)                How did the father react?

(iii)               She sobbed. Who is ‘she’?

(iv)              Find  the word from the passage that means ‘wept’.

6.       But the same old nightmare came. The butcher with a knife and a rope who came nearer and  nearer,with that dreadful smile,while she could not move, only stand still,crying out ‘Grandma!’. She woke shivering to see father beside her bed,a candle in his hand. ‘What is the matter?’ he said.

(i)                  Where did she get the nightmare?

(ii)                Where was the butcher?

(iii)               What was the state of Kezia?

(iv)              Find the word that means ‘shake in fear and cold’.

7.       “The pair finally got married in January 1903,and had two sons. But a few years later,the marriage faltered.”

(i)                  Name the “pair” referred to in the above lines.

(ii)                What happened to their marriage?

(iii)               When did they get married?

(iv)              Find the word that means ‘become weak’.

8.       One day, he invited me to his home for a meal. His wife was horrified at the idea of a Muslim boy being invited  to dine in her ritually pure kitchen. She refused to serv me in her kitchen. Sivasubramaniam  Iyer was not perturbed,nor did he get angry with his wife,but instead,served me with his own hands and sat down beside me to eat his meal.

(i)                  Who is ‘he’ and ‘me’ in the first sentence?

(ii)                Why was his wife terrified?

(iii)               What was the reaction of ‘wife’?

(iv)              Find the word that means ‘agitated/upset’.

9.       The latter was compelled to stay back in Siberia because of visa restrictions. The nine year old girl had already  learnt an important  lesson in life.

(i)                  Who is the ‘latter’ here?

(ii)                What lesson did she learn?

(iii)               Why was her mother compelled to stay back in Siberia?

(iv)              The word  ‘restriction’ means ................... .

10.   We all missed him greatly; but in a sens we were relieved. My wife was inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first few days she would not eat a thing. Then she wrote a number of letters to the curator. How was Baba? Back came the replies,’well,but fretting;he refuses food too’.

(i)                  Who was Baba? Where had he been sent?

(ii)                Why was the narrator’s wife weeping and fretting?

(iii)               Who refused to eat food?

(iv)              Find the word that means ‘a person in charge of a zoo or a museum’.

11.   I  consider what route I should take back home.If I were propelled by enthusiasm for travel per se, I would go by bus and train to Patna,then sail up the Ganges past  Benaras to Allahabad,then up the Yamuna,past  Agra to Delhi. But I am too  exhausted and home sick; today is the last day of August. Go  home. I tell myself ;more directly towards home. I enter a Nepal  Airlines office and buy a ticket for tomorrow’s flight.

(i)                  Who is ‘I’ in the extract and what was his initial plan to go back home?

(ii)                Why did he change his mind?

(iii)               What did he do them?

(iv)              Pick a word from the passage that means as ‘strong feeling of being interested in something’.

12.   For God’s sake clear that muddled head of yours and let’s go in.Come with me in the car.. I can use you. If you find it’s  a frame, you ‘ve  got me in the car,and you’ve still got your gun.

(i)                  Who is speaking these lines and to whom?

(ii)                What harm can the other person do to the speaker?

(iii)               The narrator offers the intruder to come with him in ..................... .

(iv)              Find  the word that means ‘ confused’.

13.   ‘I  took  my  friend  and one or two others to my room to move my things from there. But we found we had little to carry.’

(i)                  Why did narrator want to remove the things?

(ii)                Why was there little to carry?

(iii)               Write the opposite of ‘friend’.

                                     CLASS IX-C  REVISION NO.11   POETRY  EXTRACTS – SEE 2019

1.Two roads diverged in yellow wood

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveller,long I stood

    And locked down once as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

(i)                 Why was the traveller feeling  sorry?

(ii)               Give the opposite to ‘met at a point’ from the passage.

(iii)             What does ‘yellow  wood’ stand for?

(iv)              What do you think about the mood of the poet?

(v)                Write the rhyme-scheme.

2. I shall be telling this with a sigh

    Somewhere ages and ages  hence,

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

    I took the less travelled by,

    And that has made all the difference.

(i)                 How did the poet make his choice about the roads?

(ii)               What had made a lot of difference in the poet’s life?

(iii)             What does the term ‘road’ stand for?

(iv)              Why was the poet in dilemma?

(v)                Give an idiom using the word ‘sigh’.

3. The wind blows out weak fires

     He makes strong fire roar and flourish

     His friendship is good

     We praise him everyday.

(i)                 How does the wind affect the weak fires?

(ii)               What is the effect of the wind on strong fire?

(iii)             Name the poet.

(iv)              Trace the word that means ‘flourish’.

(v)                Write the rhyme-scheme.

4. He won’t do what you tell him,

     So, come,let’s build strong homes.

     Let’s join the doors firmly

     Practice to firm the body

     Make the heart steadfast.

(i)                 What does the poet advice?

(ii)               ‘He won’t do what you tell him’, what does it mean?

(iii)             Find the word that means ‘loyal/faithful’.

(iv)              The word which  stands for ‘to fix’ is ............... .

5.And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow

    Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;

(i)                 What does the word ‘there’ in the above lines refer to?

(ii)               How does peace enter the huts of peasants?

(iii)             What does the poet wish to have?

(iv)              Name the literary device used in the poem.

(v)                Name the poem and poet.

6. He came to the door of a cottage

    In travelling round the earth

    Where a little woman was making cakes

    And baking them on the hearth.

(i)                 Who does ‘he’ refer in the first line?

(ii)               What request did ‘he’ make to the woman?

(iii)             Was the little woman punished or rewarded? Why?

(iv)              Give a word from the extract that means ‘ fire place’.

(v)                Name the poem and poet.

7.  It is the human earth that we defile

     Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence

     Of air that is everywhere our own

      Remember,no men are foreign,and no countries strange.

(i)                 Name the poem and poet.

(ii)               What does the word ‘defile’ mean?

(iii)             What does ‘hells of fire’ stand for?

(iv)              How do we humiliate the mother earth?

(v)                When is the earth defiled?

8. Said the Kangaroo to the Duck,

    ‘This requires some little reflection;

     Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck,

    And there seems but one objection,

    Which is, if you’ll let me speak so bold,

   Your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold

   And would probably give me the roo-

  Matiz!’ said the Kangaroo.

(i)                 Name the poet.

(ii)               What is the rhyme-scheme of the poem.

(iii)             Why did the Kangaroo require little reflection?

(iv)              Kangaroo had one objection. What was it?

(v)                Give a word from the extract that is the opposite to ‘timid’.


   The root is to be pulled out-

   Out of the anchoring earth;

   It is to be roped,tied,

   And pulled out-snapped out

  Or pulled out entirely.

(i)Where does the strength of a tree lie?

(ii) What is the meaning of ‘anchoring  earth’?

(iii)               Name the poet.

(iv)              What would happen if a tree is only hacked and chopped?

10. He glides through the water away

       From the stroke. Oh! Let him go

      Over the water

      Into the reeds to hide

     Without hurt. Small and green

     He is harmless even to the children.

(i)                 Who does ‘He’ in the first line stand for?

(ii)               The snake is .......................... .

(iii)             Why is the snake going into the water?

(iv)              Find a word that is opposite to ‘seek’.

11. A slumber did my spirit seal –

       I had no human fears.

       She seemed a thing that could not feel

      The touch of earthly years.

      No motion has she now,no force –

      She neither hears nor sees,

      Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course

      With rocks and stones and trees.

(i)                 What had sealed the narrator’s spirit?

(ii)               Name the poetic device used in the first line.

(iii)             Explain the line,’suumber did my spirit seal’.

(iv)              Find the word which is the opposite to ‘static’.

           LISTENING ACTIVITY  -    CLASS IX C         25.11.2019

It takes much time to kill a tree,
Not a simple ....... of the knife
Will do it. It has grown
Slowly consuming the earth,
Rising out of it, feeding
Upon its crust, absorbing
Years of sunlight, air, water,
And out of its .......... hide
Sprouting leaves.

So hack and chop
But this alone wont do it.
Not so much pain will do it.
The ................ bark will heal
And from close to the ground
Will rise curled green twigs,
Miniature boughs
Which if.....................will expand again
To former size.

The root is to be ............ out -
Out of the anchoring earth;
It is to be roped, tied,
And pulled out - ............. out
Or pulled out entirely,
Out from the earth-cave,
And the strength of the tree exposed,
The source, white and wet,
The most sensitive, hidden
For years inside the earth.

Then the matter
Of ................ and choking
In sun and air,
Browning, ..................,
Twisting, ....................,
And then it is ................

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