Wednesday 4 December 2019



1.Unsought for, undesired, had come the fame which so many seek. He had become famous beyond the limits of the valley. College professors, and even the active men of cities, came from far to see and converse with Ernest.

(i) What is it that many seek?

(ii) Ernest had become famous for his .................. .

(iii) The phrase ‘unsought  for ‘ means ..................... .

(iv) Name the lesson and author.

2.They saw nothing remarkable in his way of life,except that,when the labour of the day was over,he still loved to gaze upon the Great stone face. Their idea was that this was a folly,but pardonable,because Ernest was industrious,kind and neighbourly.

(i)’They ‘ refers to ....................... .

(ii) His folly was ................................ .

(iii) The word ‘hard working’ means the same as ............................ .

(iv) Who did not take any notice of him?

3.And seems to one in drowsiness  half-lost;

   The grasshopper’s among some grassy hills.

(i)                 Name the poem and poet.

(ii)               The lines referred to the song is sung by ..................... .

(iii)             The extract is describing the scene of .................. .

(iv)              ‘Drowsiness’ means ....................... .

4.In the evening it attacked one of Bijju’s cows but fled at the approach of Bijju’s mother, who came screaming imprecations.

As for the leeches, I shall soon get used to a little bloodletting everyday.

(i)What does ‘it’ in the first line refer to ?

(ii) What did Bijju’s mother do?

(iii)Find the word that means ‘curses’.

(iv)Name the lesson and author.

5.No prophet durst declare:

  Nor did the wisest wizard guess

What would bechance at Lyonnesse

While I should sojourn there.

(i)N ame the poet.

(ii) A wizard is ...................... .

(iii) The word ‘sojourn’means the same as ......................... .

(iv)No one could predict ............................ .

6. Every time I shifted in my chair or turned my wrist ti watch the time- I wanted to make every one of our thirty minutes count- I felt a huge relief and exhilaration in the possibilities of my body. How little it mattered then that I would never walk,or even stand.

(i) Name the lesson and author.

(ii)Why was the author looking at his watch so often?

(iii) Why did he feel relief and exhiliaration ?

(iv)Explain the last sentence.

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