Wednesday 4 December 2019



                        GRAMMAR AND READING PASSAGE

Q1. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line.

Write the incorrect word and the correct word as given in the example:

                                                             Incorrect               Correct

1.1 All life on earth can ultimately is    ex.    is                       be

     traced back on the sea.Creatures      (a)    …………            …….

     with limbs or fingers rather than      (b)    …………            ……..

     fins has evolved from fishes            (c)     …………            ……..

     about 335 million years before,        (d)   …………..           ………

     which remain a mystery.                  (e)   ……………         ………..

1.2.There is often things wrong with      Ex.    is                         are

      our school.Time and again we had    (a) ……………          ………….

      seen which a good teacher                (b) ……………          ………….

      with desire as care                            (c) ……………          ………….

      can get over all difficulties is produce (d) …………..           ………….

      great student.                                    (e) ……………          …………..

1.3 Her mother said that you must go straight to  Ex.  you            she

      your grandmother. There was a wolf            (a) ……..          ……………

      in the wood through which she are               (b) ……..          …………….

      going.But if she keep the road, he                (c) ………         …………….

      will not do  any harm.  The mother               (d) ………        …………….

      asked her to do as she tells her.                     (e) ………        …………….

1.4 Garbage is an great environmental hazard.      Ex.   an                 a

      It comes from various sources. It makes a      (a) ……….       ……………..

      premises ugly but breeds diseases. A lot of    (b) ………..       …………….

      trash who is thrown away contains materials  (c) …………      …………….

      that can be recycled and reused. They also     (d) …………      ……………

     contains organic matter.

Q.2. Rearrange the jumbled words and phrases into meaningful sentences:

       a) dislike travelling/ as it/by sea/makes them/some people/sea-sick

       b) to walk/ a long way/is /ten miles

       c) his father/a farm/a bank/in/ on /works/ he /and

       d) one/one’s/keep/should/promise

       e) Kerala/cultivation/famous/is/for coconut

       f) last Sunday/the/to see/went/I/ Baisakhi fair

       g) had come/ their goods/tradesmen from far and near/ to sell

Q.3.Do as directed:

     a) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the bracket.

         i) The bell ____ (ring) before I reached the school.

         ii) When I reached home, my uncle and aunt  ………….. (leave).

         iii) The classes …….. (begin),when they reached the centre.

         iv) By the time I  ………………(reach). , they  …………………….(fall) asleep.

b)Fill in the blank with the noun form of the verb given in the bracket.

1.   They were filled with ___(relieve) when their names were announced for the final round.

2. I need your ………………..(guide) in this matter.

            3.   There are many beautiful paintings  in the gallery.Their -------------------- is incomparable

           4..  There was much ……………… (excite) in the crowd when a snake appeared before them.  


( C ) Fill in the blank with “had to/have to/has to”

        1.   They  …………………… perform the dance next week.

        2.   There was no participant, so they ---------- cancel the competition.

        3.   I  …………. repair my cycle yesterday.

        4.   He ………….  tell a new word everyday.

        5.   She ………….. go for swimming classes yesterday.

(d)Choose the correct preposition and fill in the blank:

                                        (for, in , about, on  )

 1.The parents blamed the teacher  --------- their son’s failure. 

2. We will meet ………….. Friday.

3. Cricket is played …………. India.  

Q.4. Read the passage carefully: 8 marks

In a country like India where over 40 percent of the population is living in conditions of extreme poverty, child labour is a complex issue. India has the largest number of child labourers in the world. The child labourers endure miserable and difficult lives. They earn little and struggle to make enough to feed themselves and their families. They do not go to school.

Extreme poverty is the chief cause of child labour. The children either supplement their parent’s income or are the only wage earners in the family.

Low level of parental education is also an important factor in determining the incidence of a child labour. A majority of parents prefer to send their children to work rather than to school at the child-going age,primarily on account of their need for a supplementary income.

Child labour is a universal problem and we must strive to take stern actions against child labour. Government does not have the infrastructure to reach every section of the society and particularly  the millions who work and live in remote areas. NGO’S can act as a bridge between hard-to-reach areas and the government to eliminate Child labour.

The media should give certain monetary incentives to the families that live Below Poverty Line (BPL) to avoid child labour so that their children can be sent to school.

It requires cumulative efforts to wipe it out. The need of the hour is to expand the machinery for enforcing the various laws on child labour. There is a set of laws but nothing can eradicate child labour unless thaere is awareness among parents and children, which will go a long way in saving the future of millions of working children in India.

4.1 Answer the following: (8 marks)

a. Give any two causes of Child Labour.

b. How can media help in eradicating  Child Labour?

c. How can government help the families to avoid Child Labour?

d. What is the role of NGO in eliminating Child Labour?

4.2 Find the synonym of the word ‘award’ or ‘benefit’:

     (i) income (ii) incentives (iii) eliminate (iv) earners

4.3 Find the antonym  of the word, ‘prefer’ :

     (i) cumulative (ii) avoid (iii) eradicate (iv) violate

4.4 Most of the parents do not like to send their children to work rather than going to school.                                                                                                 (True/False)

4.5 ……………. is needed among parents and children to eradicate Child Labour.



                        GRAMMAR AND READING PASSAGE

Q1. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line.

Write the incorrect word and the correct word as given in the example:

                                                             Incorrect               Correct

1.1 All life on earth can ultimately is    ex.    is                       be

     traced back on the sea.Creatures      (a)    …………            …….

     with limbs or fingers rather than      (b)    …………            ……..

     fins has evolved from fishes            (c)     …………            ……..

     about 335 million years before,        (d)   …………..           ………

     which remain a mystery.                  (e)   ……………         ………..

1.2.There is often things wrong with      Ex.    is                         are

      our school.Time and again we had    (a) ……………          ………….

      seen which a good teacher                (b) ……………          ………….

      with desire as care                            (c) ……………          ………….

      can get over all difficulties is produce (d) …………..           ………….

      great student.                                    (e) ……………          …………..

1.3 Her mother said that you must go straight to  Ex.  you            she

      your grandmother. There was a wolf            (a) ……..          ……………

      in the wood through which she are               (b) ……..          …………….

      going.But if she keep the road, he                (c) ………         …………….

      will not do  any harm.  The mother               (d) ………        …………….

      asked her to do as she tells her.                     (e) ………        …………….

1.4 Garbage is an great environmental hazard.      Ex.   an                 a

      It comes from various sources. It makes a      (a) ……….       ……………..

      premises ugly but breeds diseases. A lot of    (b) ………..       …………….

      trash who is thrown away contains materials  (c) …………      …………….

      that can be recycled and reused. They also     (d) …………      ……………

     contains organic matter.

Q.2. Rearrange the jumbled words and phrases into meaningful sentences:

       a) dislike travelling/ as it/by sea/makes them/some people/sea-sick

       b) to walk/ a long way/is /ten miles

       c) his father/a farm/a bank/in/ on /works/ he /and

       d) one/one’s/keep/should/promise

       e) Kerala/cultivation/famous/is/for coconut

       f) last Sunday/the/to see/went/I/ Baisakhi fair

       g) had come/ their goods/tradesmen from far and near/ to sell

 Q.3.Do as directed:

3.1.Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the words given in brackets:

a) Sarita …………. to do the sorting for me. Do you think she had forgotten her …………. ? (promise)

b) It is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for us to follow rules but sometimes ,,,,,,,,,, requires us to break them.(necessary)

c) Asking for ………………….. is easy but to ………. someone who had really hurt us is difficult.(forgive)

d) Where ignorance is bliss,it is foolish to be ………….. . But ……….. cannot be held for the asking.(wise)

e) The school authority has ………. to make Mohan the head boy, but their ………… has not made Mohan himself happy. (decide)

3.2 Complete the following by using – if you want to/if you don’t want to/ if you want him to

a) You can pick and read any of the storybooks …………………. .

b) Rajesh will buy the notebooks ………………….. .

c) Please use my scale ………………………….. .

d) You need not go to the market …………………. .

e) My brother will show you the house …………………. .

3.3 Rewrite each of the following pairs of sentences as a single sentence. Use ‘if’ at the beginning of the sentence.

a) Hurry up now. You’ll not miss the school bus.

b) Don’t eat all the sweets. You won’t get any afterwards.

c) Work hard. Success will be yours.

3.4 Add ‘im’ or ‘un’ to each of the word in the box and use them to complete the sentences below:


a)       The father was ………….. to hear about his son’s failure.

b)       Buying this book now is  ………………….. .

c)       Getting inside the auditorium is  ………………. .

d)       Don’t be ………………. . Your turn will come soon.

e)       My advice to you now appears to be ………………… .

3.5 Fill in blanks with suitable articles:

a) What’s the matter with you ?

b) ………… Atlas is …………. Book of maps.

c)There was ……… heavy traffic this morning because of ……… accident.

4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:   (8 Marks)

 1.Honey bees are social insects that live in colonies called hives. They build hives to store food and lay eggs. There are three types of bees in each colony- the worker bees, the drones and  a queen bee.

The workers are young female bees. They collect nectar and pollen, build hives and keep them clean and look after their larvae too. They also help maintain the temperature of the hive by beating their wings. Worker bees can travel up to eight miles to get nectar and pollen. The worker bees sting if they find a danger to the hives. A bee will rarely sting if it is far away from the hive unless it senses danger.

Drones are male bees that live in the hive. They do not collect nectar or build hives. Their only job is to mate with the queen. Hundreds of drone bees live in the hive during summer. When winter arrives and food is limited and survival is threatened, the drones are thrown out of the hive.

The queen bee is the single, largest bee in the hive. Her only job is to lay eggs. She is the only fertile bee in the hive. A queen bee can lay up to 2500 eggs a day. When the old queen’s time is almost over, some larvae are put into special cells to grow into the new queen. They are fed with the ‘royal jelly’ to provide them with the nutrition required to be the fertile queen. As soon as the female bee develops into a queen bee, she kills the other prospective queen bees.

(a) Why are honey bees called ‘social insects’?

 (b) Why does the new queen bee kill other prospective bees?

 (c) What are the three types of bees mentioned in the passage?

(d) Explain the role of worker ants?

(f) The suitable title for this passage can be ……………………………… .

(g) Find a word that is the synonym of ‘state of trouble or danger’.(para 3)

     (i) limited (ii) thrown out (iii) threatened (iv)survival

(h) Find the word that is the antonym of  ‘ordinary’. (para 4)

     (i) largest  (ii) special (iii)fertile (iv) prospective

(i) A bee stings only when it senses danger. (True/False)


1.Suppose you are the young man who has taken over Gessler’s shop. Write a letter to your friend,describing how Gessler starved himself to death.

2.Imagine you are the farmer in the story ‘The ashes that made the trees bloom’. Write a letter to your friend in another town describing your good fortune.

3.Imagine you are Gopal. Write a paragraph about your preparation for the king’s challenge step by step.

4.Imagine you are the king in the story,’Three Questions’. Write a letter to your son telling him about your decisions to visit the hermit and what happened.

5. Imagine yourself to be Soapy and narrate what happened when you saw your childhood home?

6  “Each ant does its share of work intelligently and bravely and never fights with other members of the group.”Do you find any lesson for you and your friends in the above statement?

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