Friday 13 December 2019




CLASS: VIII           SUB: ENGLISH                Max. Marks: 40         TIME: 90 Minutes


1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (10 marks)

1. One of the Nature’s most gorgeous creations is the orchid – a flower that fills one’s mind with wonder and aura. Orchids are exotic and are unquestionably part of the aristocracy in the plant kingdom. The number of present day orchids includes up to 35,000 species. Orchids grow all over the world with the exception of North and South Poles. The majority of orchids are native to Asia, which is considered to be their original house.

2. There are four main categories of orchid plants that have been recognized on their growth habits and preferred habitats – Terrestrial orchids, Epiphytes, Saprophytes and Lithophytes.

3. The flowers of the orchid plant are available in an amazing range of shapes, colours, patterns, structures, sizes and scent. These peculiarities have assured orchids a unique position among ornaments. The structure, the fragrance and the colour are all evolved to one purpose: propagation by insects such as bees, butterflies, wasps etc.

4. Most commercially cultivated orchids are complex hybrids. Commercial orchids are cultivated in greenhouses with or without temperature control. In the native environments, nearly all orchids are exposed to constant breezes. Moving air is very beneficial to the overall health of orchids. It helps cut down on disease problems, and also helps prevent cold or hot spots that can form on the leaves under adverse temperature conditions. The tropical orchids require warm, humid climate conditions with frequent watering during summer.

5. In ancient India, orchids were described as medicinal and ornamental plants. They were associated with folk songs and festive dances. Due to the presence of alkaloids and flavonoids, they have been used for therapeutic purposes too. Indigenous people of Eastern Himalayas used certain varieties of orchid flowers to cure eye ailments.

6. Different parts of the orchid plant are also used as food in different countries. Vanilla-the world’s favourite flavor-is extracted from the green pods of orchid plant.

7. Orchids produce long lasting flowers which can remain fresh for 1-4 weeks even as a cut flower. Thus, they are suitable for commercial floriculture. In Thailand, the national airline presents every passenger with an orchid. No wonder orchid growing is a profitable business worldwide.

8. While steps are being taken to create new varieties, encroachment of orchid habitats and over-exploitation of wild species for medicinal, ornamental and scientific purposes have resulted in depletion of orchid flora.

9. Orchids can be conserved in their natural habitats through the creation of National Parks, Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves, etc. The need to conserve Orchids is being realized globally. The North of England Orchid Society is believed to be the oldest orchid society in the world (established 1897). In India, too, the awareness about the need to conserve orchids and to cultivate them commercially is growing. The Orchid Society of India (Chandigarh, 1964) works to bring together all those interested in orchids. The Orchid Society of Arunachal Pradesh organizes orchid festivals in the State to highlight the potential of orchids in international trade. This is surely a welcome trend that will definitely augur well for orchid biodiversity in the days to come.

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following sentences: (8 marks)

(a)The structure, the fragrance and colour of orchid flower are so evolved…………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(1)

(b)Moving air is beneficial to the growth of orchids as: (2)



(c) The orchids have been used for therapeutic purposes because …………………………. (1)

(d)Orchid flowers are suitable for commercial floriculture as …………………………………… (1)

(e)The reason for depletion of orchid flora are: (2)

     (i) ……………………………………………………………………………….

     (ii) ………………………………………………………………………………

(f) The Orchid Society of Arunachal Pradesh highlights the potential of orchids in international trade by ……………………………………………. (1)

1.2. Pick out the words from the passage which means the same as: (2 marks)

        (i) being the only kind of its kind (para 3) –

        (ii) used for decorative purposes (para 5) –


2. Develop the hints given below into a meaningful story. Give a suitable title and moral to the story: (4 marks)

Outline: a woodcutter –chopped down woods – on the bank of the river –axe fell into river- couldn’t swim-unhappy at his misfortune-God of forests appeared-promised to get back his axe – dived- cme out with an axe of gold-“not mine” –dived again-came out with silver axe—“not mine”-said the woodcutter-dived again-came out with the woodcutter’s  axe- accepted it-proved to be honest-rewarded all axes to the woodcutter.

3. The following newspaper report has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the answer sheet. (1x3=3 marks)

                                                                                             Error                                        Correction

A three year old girl has rescued by the police    eg.    has                                          was

last Tuesday. She was kidnap by a neighbour    (a)………………….                                ………………

due ransom. The mother                                       (b)………………….                               ………………..

inform the police about the missing girl.             (c)………………….                               ………………….

4. Rearrange the words and phrases given below into meaningful sentences: (1x3=3)

(a) the watermelon/thirst quenchers/in summer/is/one of the best

(b) around/it is/96 countries/cultivated in/the world

(c) in Africa/about 5000 years/grown/ago/it was/ first

5. Do as directed: (1x3=3)

(a) Identify the verbs in the given sentence and arrange it in two columns, Past and Earlier Past.

(i)When I reached the station, the train had left.

(b)Use as many adjectives as you can to describe each noun:

Noun- elephant, face

Adjectives: circular, chubby, round, large, enormous, wild.

(C) Fill in with suitable form of verb given in brackets:

(i) We heard with ………………. that the lion had been recaptured. (Relieve)


6. Read the following extract and answer the following questions: (2x3=6marks)

A. “Not a crumb to be found

      On the snow-covered ground,

     Not a flower could he see,

     Not a leaf on a tree.

Oh! What will become”, says the cricket, “of me?”

(a) Name the poem.

(b) What does the phrase ‘snow-covered’ indicate?

(c) Give the equivalent word that means, ’a piece of bread’.


“But it was difficult to understand

that the men on earth found

causes to hate each other, to build

walls across cities and to kill.

From that height, it was not clear why.

(a)   Name the poem and poet.

(b)   What does the poet find it difficult to understand?

(c)    Find the word that is the antonym of ‘love’.

B. The family took refuge in the third floor of the hotel. The building withstood the surge of three tsunami waves. If they had stayed on the beach, they would not have been alive.

(a) Name the lesson.

(b) Whose family took refuge in the third floor of the hotel?

(c) Find the equivalent word that means, ‘endured’.

7. Answer the following questions briefly: (2x3=6)

(a)What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it ‘the best Christmas present in the world?

(b)How are Alma and Meghna’s stories similar?

(c) What tasks, do you think, were assigned to the dog and the ox?

8. Answer the following question in about 100-120 words: (5marks)

Imagine that you are Jim. You have returned to your town after the war. In your diary record how you feel about the changes you see and the events that occur in your town.


What message do you infer from the poem, ‘The Ant and the Cricket’.

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